pedroborges / kirby-autogit

⬢ Saves every change made via Kirby Panel to a Git repository
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Runtime Exception, No message #20

Closed plagasul closed 6 years ago

plagasul commented 7 years ago

I am getting a runtime exception on one particular local OSX system, with kirby 2.5.1, php 7.0.18. Not sure why this is. This is a cloned repo that works on a linux system and on a live deployed system (autogit does not work on live, remote repo not recognized, but kirby does without throwing errors) This is an image of the error.


wottpal commented 7 years ago

Get exactly the same :(

pedroborges commented 7 years ago

I run Auto Git on my Mac OS X and Ubuntu server, both with PHP 7.1, and don't get this error. If someone experiencing the same error can debug it and send a PR that would be awesome.

wottpal commented 7 years ago

The problem might be that the issue is within an abandoned project ( Would it be very complicated to do a switch maybe to

Thanks for getting back so fast!

adrianleb commented 7 years ago

Having this same issue, did anyone find a workaround?

wottpal commented 7 years ago

I've switched to the other available kirby git-plugin, didn't get it to work :( But would love to benefit from the combined commits this plugin is can do

pedroborges commented 7 years ago

As I said I haven't ran into this issue myself. What operating system, PHP & Git version do you guys have?

medienbaecker commented 7 years ago

I had the exact same error. I resolved it by reinstalling the macOS command line developer tools using xcode-select --reset and xcode-select --install. Maybe that helps someone.

nishad commented 7 years ago

Facing same issue with master branch

Kirby Toolkit   v2.5.5
Kirby CMS   v2.5.5
git version 2.14.1
PHP Version 7.1.9
ubuntu 16.04.1
fitzage commented 7 years ago

I have this problem NOT locally, but only on servers. I've tried two different servers, one of them running PHP 5.6.18 on SmartOS and the other running PHP 5.6.31 on CentOS.

Locally on macOS, I'm running PHP 5.6.30 via MAMP Pro.

Discovery: This must be permissions or environment related. When running MAMP Pro as my user on macOS, it works fine. When running it as unix users, it breaks with the same problem.

fitzage commented 7 years ago

The solution for me: Git.php as mentioned above is failing because it doesn't know where to find cd and git. I manually edited the file as a test, and it stopped breaking the website (although I wasn't able to log into the panel at that point, but that may or may not be a different issue. So currently I'm trying to figure out the best way to tell the apache user what the $PATH is.

fitzage commented 7 years ago

And of course now that I have this all working on my servers, I'm now having this error on localhost, in the current release version of macOS High Sierra (was running the beta before with no issues).

Running MAMP 4.2, PHP 5.6.31, git 2.9.2, running the servers as my user, which makes for no permissions issues.

fitzage commented 7 years ago

Oh, wow. I don't know if this will help anyone else, but I actually looked at the Apache log and saw an error about accepting the Xcode license. So apparently my OS updated updated Xcode, and I've been working with a version of git installed by homebrew or something, so I never saw the error in Terminal. Once I accepted the Xcode license, I stopped getting the error.

dennisbaum commented 6 years ago

same for me: on a shared hosting from a customer, i am not able to set the git path for the apache-user, so the call to git in Line 136 of the Git.php gets an error. I solved it by setting the absolute path to git by the kirby config, and get it in the Git.php. That works, but i have to repeat these steps, if the autogit plugin will update and override the Git.php in the vendor folder. i have to live with that... image

Git.php image image