pedroelbanquero / torahcodespython

Torah Codes Python - Atbash / Equidistant Letter Sequence Python Library (ELS)
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The first happy issue! #3

Closed eugene-bright closed 1 year ago

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

I glad you broke with the follower of the cult of Baal (mammon)

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

HAHHAHA, well better here to talk everyone free

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I like hells. The hells are the product of true freedom

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Now it's time to adopt the ways of love and combine it with the wisdom of hells: this way we will help only to those who ask. And others will be devoured by the tide

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

i was looking the work of Dr Hoys from pre historic monuments in europe, more ancients than hebrew than have same patterns or characters in many cases than proto hebrew or phoenician .

this dolmens are of tartesos, ancient advanced culture with phonetic alphabet


the language and ibero language is not decrypted yet and is clearly ancient hebrew

symbols are ancient symbols, and stars also .

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

this culture use same way to make female and male words described in Raziel book, and names seems triplets like in sefer yetzira, and same number aprox of symbols and no aeiou , entropy of shanon 4.3 like hebrew language

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

i think maybe we can set ancient symbols and make equivalences of gematria values of both cultures like in the book of kircher

and by this way find words, in common, word that cultures share

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

This info mostly of historical value. It doesn't help to restore Hebrew-based quantum computing. For that reason I also abandoned Sanskrit (I have no means for recovering it). But the Old Testament is mostly intact and of immense value. The New Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ gives the insights into the work. And this work has been done already, I can feel it

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Rev. 19:14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. IMG_20230111_134403_601

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

This info mostly of historical value. It doesn't help to restore Hebrew-based quantum computing. For that reason I also abandoned Sanskrit (I have no means for recovering it). But the Old Testament is mostly intact and of immense value. The New Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ gives the insights into the work. And this work has been done already, I can feel it

not just historical, if hebrew can come from 7 000 ac maybe text talks of something interesting language have same patterns

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Hebrew came from the alternative future, from eternity, from true God. It's a limited version of the Universal language, humans are capable of grasping

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

i agree , reason because alphabets are really important, because are the pieces to make cirtuits in the brains . and this is ancient hebrew not decryted yet

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Hebrew is the most advanced hyper-associative language we have nowadays. One have to become synesthetic to read it properly

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Show grace to fallen and.. stay apart from them

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

take a look what you can read from stars from raziel and abraham encoding

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.”

bartman081523 commented 11 months ago