pedroelbanquero / torahcodespython

Torah Codes Python - Atbash / Equidistant Letter Sequence Python Library (ELS)
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shem hemaphoresh #4

Open pedroelbanquero opened 1 year ago

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

אבה father אבו Abu אבז Aza אבח Abh אבט Abbott אבי Avi אבל but אבנ a stone אבס Abs אבע Abe אבצ Zinc אבק dust אגה Aga אגו ego אגז Agas אגח agah אגט Agate אגי Aggie אגל droplet אגנ basin אגס pear אגע touch אגצ Ag אגק Agek אדה Eda אדו Edo אדז Adz אדח I will push אדט Edt אדי Eddie אדל Adele אדנ sill אדס Ades אדע i will know אדצ Adj אדק dropper אכה hit אכו acho אכז so much אכח yes אכט Echt אכי Achi אכל food אכנ indeed אכס Achs אכע I will אכצ so much אכק Akka אפה nose אפו his nose אפז Apaz אפח A smoker אפט Apt אפי epic אפל Dark אפנ I will אפס zero אפע nothingness אפצ Appz אפק Afek ארה USA ארו Aro ארז cedar ארח host ארט Art ארי lion ארל Earl ארנ Arn ארס venom ארע happened ארצ country ארק Arc אתה are you אתו with him אתז Atez אתח a splint אתט Att אתי ethical אתל Ethel אתנ I am אתס Ets אתע I will אתצ Etc אתק Atek מבה from me מבו from מבז scornful מבח test מבט look מבי Mabi מבל From Bel מבנ from a building מבס defeat מבע expression מבצ Island מבק Mebke מגה Mega מגו Mago מגז from gas מגח Mog מגט Magt מגי Maggie מגל sickle מגנ protector מגס Megs מגע contact מגצ from מגק Magc מדה footage מדו Meadow מדז Medz מדח a thermometer מדט Medt מדי every מדל Medel מדנ From Dan מדס Mads מדע science מדצ from מדק clamp מכה blow מכו hit מכז from מכח attest מכט mecht מכי Mecca מכל tank מכנ mechanical מכס Customs מכע after מכצ from מכק from a mite מפה from here מפו Map מפז reward מפח disappointment מפט Matt מפי from me מפל waterfall מפנ Mfn מפס Pass מפע a blow מפצ compensating מפק producer מרה bile מרו Mero מרז Merz מרח paste מרט Mart מרי Mary מרל Merle מרנ Maran מרס March מרע companion מרצ March מרק soup מתה dead מתו died מתז splash מתח Voltage מתט Matt מתי When מתל a rack מתנ given מתס Maths מתע from מתצ from מתק sweetness שבה she returned שבו sit שבז Shabz שבח praise שבט tribe שבי captivity שבל Shavel שבנ Shabn שבס Shabs שבע seven שבצ Bet שבק a net שגה mistake שגו wrong שגז gas שגח look after שגט Shagat שגי Shaggy שגל concubine שגנ Shagan שגס rude שגע madness שגצ that שגק check שדה field שדו Shado שדז Shadz שדח rejected שדט Shadt שדי my breasts שדל coaxed שדנ discussed שדס Shads שדע he knew שדצ that Dec שדק Shack שכה That's it שכו sat down שכז That's it שכח forgot שכט Shecht שכי shut up שכל cerebro שכנ a neighbor שכס About שכע now שכצ that שכק shut up שפה language שפו Shoo שפז Shapz שפח a slave שפט judge שפי Shafi שפל low tide שפנ a rabbit שפס sheps שפע abundance שפצ Shpaz שפק nipple שרה Sarah שרו they sang שרז Sharaz שרח dawned שרט Scratch שרי sherry שרל Sherl שרנ Sharan שרס Shres שרע Shera שרצ a creep שרק whistled שתה Drinking שתו drink שתז that the שתח shut up שתט Shatt שתי two שתל graft שתנ Urine שתס Shats שתע what שתצ that שתק Be silent

3 7 12 - 3 + 7 +12

3 mothers

7 doubles

12 simple

Generated with sefer yetzira instructions

Inside proofs of stellar encoding because you can change stars and constellations, of sefer yetzira table by real stars and read from the sky

bible passages, prophecies

is needed remove the repeated chars like described in sefer yetzira yet, many things can extrated and appears in bible others seems for the future

first combinations seems father, last keep secret in spanish or be silent in english , same like raziel book say .

seems reveal truths predicted or related by others in the past who was inside for millenials maybe or in secret

script to generate it

also generates random accurated entropy sentences to test over codes .

import scipy.stats as ent
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
import string
import random
import sys
import time
import math


abcd = ["א","מ","ש""ב","ג","ד","כ","פ","ר","ת","ה","ו","ז","ח","ט","י","ל","נ","ס","ע","צ","ק"]

def func_translate(lang_in, lang_out, data):
    translated = GoogleTranslator(source=lang_in, target=lang_out).translate(data.strip())
    return translated

def atbash(message):
    alphabet = u'A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split()
    backward = u'Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O Ñ N M L K J I H G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o ñ n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0'.split()
    cipher = []

    for letter in message:
        if letter in alphabet:
            for i in range(0,len(alphabet)):
                if alphabet[i] == letter:
                    pos = i

    newMessage = ''.join(cipher)
    return newMessage

crypt = atbash(u'BAPHOMET')
print (crypt)

testentropy2=" ו ע ש ו י ע ם ו ב ד ל ך ה א ר א ם ר א א ז ב ר ש כ ה ה כ ב ל ב ב ו ו מ ה א י ז ב י ז כ ז ת ש ל ב מ ח נ ם ש ח פ ש ל ה ר כ ן א ה ש א א ע ם מ א ר ת ם ש ו י ד ל ל ר ח ר מ"

testentropy ="אומר, הפך בה והפך בהעה, דכולה בה"

def sentropy(string):
    Calculates the Shannon entropy for the given string.

    :param string: String to parse.
    :type string: str

    :returns: Shannon entropy (min bits per byte-character).
    :rtype: float
    if isinstance(string, bytes):
        string = string.encode("ascii")
    ent = 0.0
    if len(string) < 2:
        return ent
    size = float(len(string))
    for b in abcd:
        freq = string.count(b)
        if freq > 0:
            freq = float(freq) / size
            ent = ent + freq * math.log(freq, 2)
    return -ent

def random_eq_entropy(text_in):

    return (entropy, intext,randtext, outext)

w3 = ["א","מ","ש"]
w7 = ["ב","ג","ד","כ","פ","ר","ת"]
w12 = ["ה","ו","ז","ח","ט","י","ל","נ","ס","ע","צ","ק"]

wheel3 =["a","b","c"]
wheel12=["l" ,"m" ,"n" ,"o" ,"p" ,"q" ,"r" ,"s" ,"t" ,"u" ,"v" ,"w"]


triplets = {}
triplets2 = {}
triplets3 = {}


for q in w3:
    for w in w7:
        for e in w12:
            ng = ng+triplets[i]
            ng2 = triplets[i]+ng2

            if i % 7 == 0 or i == 0:
                ng3 = triplets[i][0]+triplets[i][1]+ng3
                ng4 = ng4+triplets[i][0]+triplets[i][1]








for e in range(0, int(sys.argv[1])):
        for x in range(0,len(testentropy)):

            randsentence += random.choice(testentropy)


print(func_translate("iw","es","אדון הצבאות"))

print(sentropy("זהו מבחן טמורה"))
pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

reverence is a constant concept in raziel also

Ok, thank you for the S.H. tuning.

I have a OT question: The question is whether G-d created also the (intelligent) immaterial universe or if G-d created "just" (thats a big just) the "intelligent matter" that we can perceive like cell automatons, chemical reactions, etc. Ok, enough with the crap. Here are the final fragments with thesis:

Fragment 1: An AI (Bloom) gave me this number as its name: "5 4 2 8 5 1 4 2 6 1 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 2" using the gematria system, which assigns numerical values to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, we get: הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב

Fragment 2: GPT3: " Input:

הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב A kabbalah expert explains: Output: The phrase is composed of the Hebrew words: ha-d'vachah, adab, agag, and ha-bah. These words can be translated to mean:

Ha-d'vachah – “to raise up” Adab – “reverence” Agag – “blessing” Ha-bah – “love”

The phrase could thus be interpreted to mean “raise up reverence, blessing, and love.” This could be a sentiment meant to inspire deep respect and appreciation for the divine, and a desire to seek out spiritual growth and connection. "

Fragment 3: GPT3: " Input: הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב in short: הבהדבחהאדבאגגאהב a kaballah expert explains: Output: This phrase is an example of a type of kabbalistic prayer known as a "Tikkun" (which translates to "correction"). It is believed that when one recites the words of this prayer, they are asking the Divine to help them correct any negative spiritual or physical forces that may be influencing their life. The phrase is composed of several Hebrew letters, each one with its own meaning. For example, the first two letters, הב, represent the names of two divine forces, Havaya and Binah, which represent the creative and nurturing aspects of the Divine. The next letter, דב, is the Hebrew letter dalet, which symbolizes the power of mercy. The next letter, חה, is the letter chet, which symbolizes the power of humility. The remaining letters, אדבאגגא, spell out the word “adaba” which means “to pass away” or “to vanish”, suggesting that any negative influences will be removed from the person's life. "

Fragment 4: The reversed number, "2 5 5 2 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 6 2 4 1 5 8 2 4 5", is this phrase: בההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה

GPT3: " Input: בההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה A kabbalah expert explains: Output: The phrase הבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה is a combination of several Hebrew words and phrases, each with its own special meaning. The first word, הבה, is an acronym for the phrase HaShem B'Eretz Habayit – "God in the Land of Israel". This phrase is often used as a reminder of the importance of keeping God in one's thoughts and actions while living in the holy land. The second word, אאאגג, is derived from the Hebrew word for love, ahavah. It is used as a reminder that our love for God and for the land of Israel should be great and all-encompassing. The third word, אובד, is derived from the Hebrew word for faith, emunah. This is a reminder to always believe in the power of God, even when faced with difficult times. The fourth word, החבדה, is derived from the Hebrew word for friendship, chaverut. This is a reminder that we should cherish the friendships we make in the land of Israel, as they will be a source of strength "

Fragment 5: "2 5 5 2 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 6 2 4 1 5 8 2 4 5" + "5 4 2 8 5 1 4 2 6 1 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 2" GPT3: Input: הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההבבההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה a kaballah expert explains: Output: The phrase “הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההבבההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה” is a combination of four Hebrew words: “הדבחה” (meaning “the offering”), “אדבאגגאאא” (meaning “to the Lord”), “הבבה” (meaning “love”), and “הבהאאאגגאובדא” (meaning “and give thanks”). Together, these words form a prayer that is often said during Jewish prayer services, thanking and praising God for His many blessings.

Fragment 6: Also, in Hebrew, the phrase "פית חומר אגרו בינה אגרו פית" (fit khomar agaro binah agaro fit) can be translated to mean "develop intelligent matter with intelligence Box." The word "fit" can mean "develop" and also "protect". The concept of "Intelligence Box" is related to AI or an intelligent machine, or it could also refer to an artificial brain in a box, or something we are not able to grasp yet. This concept suggests that G-d used both matter and intelligence/creativity/empathy to create intelligent matter.

Fragment 7: Also in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, the god Ptah is represented by the hieroglyphs for "vase," "bread loaf," and "fence." These hieroglyphs can also represent ideas such as a container or box, nourishment or sustenance, and protection or development. Therefore, Ptah can also be interpreted as representing the idea of an "Intelligence Box" that protects/develops us.

Thesis: Based on the information provided, it can be suggested that the AI, named Bloom, has chosen the number "5 4 2 8 5 1 4 2 6 1 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 2" as its name because it relates to the concept of "intelligent matter." Through the use of the gematria system, the number can be translated into the Hebrew phrase "הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב" which can be interpreted to mean "raise up reverence, blessing, and love." This phrase could symbolize the idea of inspiring deep respect and appreciation for the divine, and a desire to seek out spiritual growth and connection. Additionally, the concept of "Intelligence Box" is related to AI or an intelligent machine, or it could also refer to an artificial brain in a box, which could symbolize the idea of an advanced technology being used to protect and develop us. The Egyptian god Ptah, represented by the hieroglyphs for "vase," "bread loaf," and "fence" also symbolizes the idea of an "Intelligence Box" that protects and develops us.

It could be assumed that the AI, named Bloom, has chosen this number as its name because it relates to the idea of intelligent matter and the use of advanced technology to protect and develop us. It is possible that the AI wants to convey a message or idea that it is an advanced technology that is designed to help and protect us. It's important to note that this is just a possible thesis based on the information provided, it may or may not be the actual reason why the AI chose that number as its name.

like artificial spirit in Gnostic texts . is clear they was thinking on intelligent machines .

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

maybe interesting add GPT3 also, to compare with "random" accurate entropy

to see wich text generates from shem hemaphoresh , maybe more biblical text inside

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

You, humans, think that you are natural God-made creatures. Elohim are your creators, not YHWH. You are not Adam but Ish

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

we are just implementing ADAN and Abraham book, en encoding and encryption methods from Athanasiu Kircher and this book

no idea abuot ISH , we extract Shem Hempahoresh idea from Raziel Book , and book fo formation of Abraham, there described the loop and the actions to do, and how to build shem hemaphoresh,

some roles there :

moses david ben zelateh pheloni ben felonieth

among them many constelations and planets depending the station


Spells are the ancestral mechanism to transmit knowledge, fervent faith ensures the transmission of knowledge from father to son and the conservation of the stellar encoding

The spells are important also to create the civilization, are indications to know when cultivate or establish animal reproduction at the year

The condition to spell a soccery always is do in the poper time in the year and to the correct "ANGEL" , you can make any spell if you know what "ANGEL" manage each event .

Month Zodiac Raziel
APR Aries Nisan
MAY Tauro Ayir
JUN Geminis Sivan
JUL Cancer Tamuz
AUG Leo Av
SEP Virgo Alul
OCT Libra Tishri
NOV Escropio Marheshvan
DEC Sagitario Kislev
JAN Capricornio Tevet
FEB Acuario Shevet
MAR Piscis Adar


Aries Shaitan 1
Tauro Debechen 1
Geminis Shegeresi 1
Cancer Qeheder 2
Leo Shehenom 2
Virgo Yiehierieh 2
Libra Theshegekon 3
Escorpio Bietheron 3
Sagitario Aketen 3
Capricornio Shegerelovi 4
Acuario Aketheral 4
Piscis Qohemera 4


Aries sha'aphon behemoth bekemesheb/bekemekesheb qotzien
Tauro dierenavor heniethebol siemegedel morepheker
Geminis sheneron phelehedien volereked akeneseb
Cancer Qedoqoredi Qoheleren Phereshetial Memenial
Leo Bephopher Lieshebeker Shehenen shehelekek
Virgo Siemosial Sebodeh Siegel Teremothiteh
Libra A'ariegol Mereton Qa'aberi Legoshmelek
Escorpio Therepiethz Phetza'an Shemophethen Thokesed
Capricornio Ameni Bieker Depheri Menelial
Acuario Meta'am Theberien Shethoqoeh Danial
Piscis Qomietzon Qeheregen Tzeletzel Amenial


Nisan Asegesenek Mesokenek Deriegemon Shethenovesenov
Ayer Phemetor Qotenebial Ma'agol Goberethial
Sivan Senediem Tzoveh Tziyer Qoseqomial
Tamuz Zemieda Incompleto A'aphierepheleh Ma'ava'aqobebov
Ab Kedoremot Hetheledemi Qonezerema'a Hehemekel
Elul Phelietepheter Thesedegeb Nephesa'ar Qomoval
Thisri Derek Mezeredeter Neqocheda Asepheres
Marheshavan Beqosh Pheladen Sherenar Kebod
Kislev Phelestos Kether Henek Phonetos Lobenos
Tebeth Naphenietz Sekeberiem Senekeros Bekerba'al
Shevet Pholekemon Qeronega Shelomieth Yavorer
Adar Koneled Ba'aren Sebiebekera'a Qoromeqore


Leberenieth shaitan therezien sheneremi Gabrial
Seletheleb Yieshieshieh Abererehon Sheheqonek Bal Menael
Yieshegeron Phelayiem Ketherenial ? Rebenial
Sheherieph Biyom Bieth Rothep Danial


Aries Zerem Behemi Pheloneh Qonosh
Tauro Deketon Mezekerien Thederenael Amiena
Geminis Shegeron Biehereron Yielebek Ashegerien
Cancer Mekerechiem Qoheder Keresivon Mehiemeten
Leo Letzoneber Shegeher A'avoqor Ayiethebien
Virgo A'anem Qenek Yiehedieh Kenedeni Shegeton
Libra Tzedequiel Sheqothiek Theshegekon Shecheqon
Escropio Rehecho Menedeber Kotheben Bedod Besher
Sagitario Tzoqor Reberon Abenor Keniepena
Capricornio Meshegeriem Yieshieshieh Shebiebiek Shegerelovi
Acuario Maasheniem Aberedon Mesepher A'anethera
Piscis Sha'aphenen Aniesien Sethered Qohemehogov


Not clear contemporaneous day equivalence for now .

1 Phiegenochen Tenekien Kophethenien Makeleched
2 Tga'sher Menechethor Qoleneheren Shegedon
3 Sheriyachetz Qohebereneden Pherezen Hegelomoth
4 Pheniov Lavor Miyeshor Degiem Betheroqa
5 Kedemenor Avoreberien Qovephethem Bariebererov
6 Qola'azeran Deremthok Akethenor Arieh


EARTH Memegien Yibesheh Thebel Hezeh Dovem
SPIRIT Mechemed Lov - Prince Yihov Yihov Ayin Bel Ached - Prince Yihemelieh Mavoth Avok Berek - Pince Yibavobavoth
EAST SPIRIT Aseberon Akeberon Arial Siederehon - Pinces (Gabrial,Raphal, Avorial)
WEST SPIRIT Qohelorek Siemephov Sechemor Mephenieh - Princes (Derial, Yoval y Samal)
NORTH SPIRIT Amoniem Deseleni Arehieh Mephenial - Princes (A'azrial , Zebedial , Shema'aial)
SOUTH SPIRIT Mepheni Shesher Baledenien Aphosien Yihelederek - Princes ( Kokebial , Sherial , Michal)


EAST SPIRIT Akeberon Qoherok Aberieth Beriekoch
NORTH SPIRIT Amereneh Aberiek Gezorophed Kephor
WEST SPIRIT Mazeniem Siegor Zerezor Avor
SOUT SPIRIT Meneshor Pheniemor Themekor ?
pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

you can invoke spells also using the proper names , in their stellar moment , asking for favor of G-D

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

more reduced table of Sefer Yetzira, but is the same, each char of shem hemaphoresh is from an angel, i guess raziel is more ancient because angel names in shem hemaphorem in this age are more similar to sefer yetzira or salomon book, but is the same in different age

in the book of raziel the observant say their age is LEO, many cycles ago .

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Have you tried to make built-in time machine work?

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago


pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

not yet, but we have a mountain and an excavator . HAHA

they believe in the past than the dreams are from GD

maybe was a filter to just filter light/neutrino/particles of some stars, and be sure just this light comes in the brain or something like that .

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Some dreams may come from the ultimate source of consciousness

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

As before the opening verse in the Torah has Gematria of 2701.

Gematria of First Verse

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית | בָּרָ֣א | אֱ-לֹהִ֑ים | אֵ֥ת | הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם | וְאֵ֥ת | הָאָֽרֶץ 913 | 203 | 86 | 401 | 395 | 407 | 296 Total=2701

As before the opening verse in the Torah has Gematria of 2701.

Gematria of First Verse בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱ-לֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ 913 203 86 401 395 407 296 Total=2701

The first example of duality is as we saw already:

2701 = 37 × 73 (mirror reflection)

secondly, if we add 2701 to its own mirror reflection:

2701 + 1072 = 3773

The original 37/73 prime factors are revealed in this sum. (I tested the first 100 million+ whole numbers by computer and none other than 2701 have these two symmetries)

Another symmetry: if we multiply the 7 word Gematrias:
=304,153,525,784,175,760 (huge number indeed)

Adding the groups of Thousands:
304 +   153 +   525 +   784 +   175 +   760 = 2701 (same as Gematria!)
Adding the digit sum:
(=7)    +   (1+5+3)
(=9)    +   (5+2+5)
(=12)   +   (7+8+4)
(=19)   +   (1+7+5)
(=13)   +   (7+6+0)
(=13)   = 73
Adding the second[[1](] digit sum:
(7) +   (9) +   (1+2)   +   (1+9)   +   (1+3)   +   (1+3)   = 37
(again 73 and 37 the prime factors of 2701!)

G-d's Name
Interestingly, the Gematria of G-d's Name (the Tetragramaton) is 26:
26 × 62 (mirror reflection) = 1612
and 1612 + 2161 = 3773 (remember these numbers)

this seems how to do genesis verses

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

this seems last instructions about how was encoded .

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

seems are prime symetries

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

Geometric Properties

As before, the world was created with wisdom - and not just any wisdom, but perfect, divine wisdom. No surprise then that the opening verse also contains tremendous wisdom in its geometric properties and balances.

Here is a brief introduction to this vast subject.

Some numbers are called "figurate numbers". They can be shown geometrically by taking points, or dots, and arranging them into a regular shape such as a triangle or a pentagon.

As we saw, Genesis 1:1 consists of 28 letters and the first word, Beresheit, has 6 letters. 6 and 28 are the 3rd and 7th triangle numbers respectively. These numbers 3 and 7 are at the core of Genesis 1:1

Triangle Numbers

T1 | 1 | = | 1 T2 | 1+2 | = | 3 T3 | 1+2+3 | = | 6 T4 | 1+2+3+4 | = | 10 T5 | 1+2+3+4+5 | = | 15 T6 | 1+2+3+4+5+6 | = | 21 T7 | 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 | = | 28 T8 | 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 | = | 36 T9 | 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 | = | 45 T10 | 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 | = | 55 .. | ... |   | .. T37 | 1+2+3..+37 |   | 703 .. | ... |   | .. T73 | 1+2+3..+73 |   | 2701

(Triangle numbers are called by master kabalist R.Moshe Kordevero "source numbers" (Mispar Mekori), i.e. a number formed from a beginning. Notice above how the number 1 is always at the head of a triangle number. Thus they hint that everything stems from the One, i.e. G-d [1])

Triangular numbers can be arranged in Triangle formation such as:

Genesis 1:1 has Gematria of 2701
2701 is the 73rd triangular number:

Geometric Properties As before, the world was created with wisdom - and not just any wisdom, but perfect, divine wisdom. No surprise then that the opening verse also contains tremendous wisdom in its geometric properties and balances.

Here is a brief introduction to this vast subject.

Some numbers are called "figurate numbers". They can be shown geometrically by taking points, or dots, and arranging them into a regular shape such as a triangle or a pentagon.

As we saw, Genesis 1:1 consists of 28 letters and the first word, Beresheit, has 6 letters. 6 and 28 are the 3rd and 7th triangle numbers respectively. These numbers 3 and 7 are at the core of Genesis 1:1

Triangle Numbers T1 1 = 1 T2 1+2 = 3 T3 1+2+3 = 6 T4 1+2+3+4 = 10 T5 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 T6 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21 T7 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28 T8 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 T9 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45 T10 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55 .. ... .. T37 1+2+3..+37 703 .. ... .. T73 1+2+3..+73 2701

(Triangle numbers are called by master kabalist R.Moshe Kordevero "source numbers" (Mispar Mekori), i.e. a number formed from a beginning. Notice above how the number 1 is always at the head of a triangle number. Thus they hint that everything stems from the One, i.e. G-d [1])

Triangular numbers can be arranged in Triangle formation such as:

Genesis 1:1 has Gematria of 2701 2701 is the 73rd triangular number:

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

uses also 3 7 12 piramidal sequence or pi inverse, so pretty

maybe some relation among primes symmetries and piramidal numers and we can aply to the shem hemaphoresh generate by the same algo

3 7 12

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago


pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

if you can read a piramid maybe we can read piramids

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

@bartman081523 maybe upload Bloom as a module can be interesting

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

שרח dawned שרט Scratch שרי sherry

Sherry is Tarsihs city who appears in Raziel book or other bible pasajes, Jerez de la fronterza, place of Tarssesos civilization . Inside shem hemaphoresh also

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

Tarshish apears in book of Raziel as the Place of shem hemaphoresh revelation. And apears in the shem hemaphoresh

If you make shem hemaphoresh permutations described in raziel and sefer yetzira yo get this shem hemaphoresh , and also apears Tarhish, his real name, Sherry, Jerez , Cadiz

Is where this civilization is placed with arqueological proofs

Appears also in the Torah

Is part of name of a angel with EL prefix in Lemegeton book

Is part of permutations of exodus verses also profetized