pedroslopez / whatsapp-web.js

A WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app
Apache License 2.0
15.05k stars 3.59k forks source link

Users are unable to receive Lists once they update whatsapp #1626

Closed john-mbone closed 1 year ago

john-mbone commented 2 years ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the bug

I have updated my whatsapp today and now i am unable to receive lists like before.

Expected behavior

User should see Lists

Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

Update whatsapp then chat your bot

Relevant Code

No response

Browser Type


WhatsApp Account Type


Does your WhatsApp account have multidevice enabled?

Yes, I am using Multi Device


ubuntu 20

Additional context

No response

CHR-onicles commented 2 years ago

True, I just updated and I can no longer receive lists. No errors either

Edit: I still see on my alternate account (which hasn't been updated) that the list has been sent, I just don't receive it on my main account (which has been updated).

kelvinwm commented 2 years ago

I am experiencing the same issue too. Any help on this @pedroslopez?

xanaxxx commented 2 years ago

same here

ghost commented 2 years ago

Have the same situation

ghost commented 2 years ago

How can i have this done in android studio friend

jesusroja96 commented 2 years ago

same here

adeyali commented 2 years ago

Same here after update any soultion please

d0v3riz commented 2 years ago

Same here

syempuna commented 2 years ago

same here

simanja commented 2 years ago

same here

PurpShell commented 2 years ago

fixed (#1636)

rezabayupamungkas commented 2 years ago

same, after update android version, now cannot see list button.

g4w4 commented 2 years ago

Actually the solution is here but I had a problem with the syntax, especially with validations like object?.item.

So change this and replace the code in the /whatsapp-web.js/src/util/Injected.js file to this

thaks @PurpShell

'use strict';

// Exposes the internal Store to the WhatsApp Web client
exports.ExposeStore = (moduleRaidStr) => {
    eval('var moduleRaid = ' + moduleRaidStr);
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
    window.mR = moduleRaid();
    window.Store = Object.assign({}, window.mR.findModule(m => m.default && m.default.Chat)[0].default);
    window.Store.AppState = window.mR.findModule('Socket')[0].Socket;
    window.Store.Conn = window.mR.findModule('Conn')[0].Conn;
    window.Store.BlockContact = window.mR.findModule('blockContact')[0];
    window.Store.Call = window.mR.findModule('CallCollection')[0].CallCollection;
    window.Store.Cmd = window.mR.findModule('Cmd')[0].Cmd;
    window.Store.CryptoLib = window.mR.findModule('decryptE2EMedia')[0];
    window.Store.DownloadManager = window.mR.findModule('downloadManager')[0].downloadManager;
    window.Store.MDBackend = window.mR.findModule('isMDBackend')[0].isMDBackend();
    window.Store.Features = window.mR.findModule('FEATURE_CHANGE_EVENT')[0].LegacyPhoneFeatures;
    window.Store.GroupMetadata = window.mR.findModule((module) => module.default && module.default.handlePendingInvite)[0].default;
    window.Store.Invite = window.mR.findModule('sendJoinGroupViaInvite')[0];
    window.Store.InviteInfo = window.mR.findModule('sendQueryGroupInvite')[0];
    window.Store.Label = window.mR.findModule('LabelCollection')[0].LabelCollection;
    window.Store.MediaPrep = window.mR.findModule('MediaPrep')[0];
    window.Store.MediaObject = window.mR.findModule('getOrCreateMediaObject')[0];
    window.Store.NumberInfo = window.mR.findModule('formattedPhoneNumber')[0];
    window.Store.MediaTypes = window.mR.findModule('msgToMediaType')[0];
    window.Store.MediaUpload = window.mR.findModule('uploadMedia')[0];
    window.Store.MsgKey = window.mR.findModule((module) => module.default && module.default.fromString)[0].default;
    window.Store.MessageInfo = window.mR.findModule('sendQueryMsgInfo')[0];
    window.Store.OpaqueData = window.mR.findModule(module => module.default && module.default.createFromData)[0].default;
    window.Store.QueryExist = window.mR.findModule('queryExists')[0].queryExists;
    window.Store.QueryProduct = window.mR.findModule('queryProduct')[0];
    window.Store.QueryOrder = window.mR.findModule('queryOrder')[0];
    window.Store.SendClear = window.mR.findModule('sendClear')[0];
    window.Store.SendDelete = window.mR.findModule('sendDelete')[0];
    window.Store.SendMessage = window.mR.findModule('addAndSendMsgToChat')[0];
    window.Store.SendSeen = window.mR.findModule('sendSeen')[0];
    window.Store.User = window.mR.findModule('getMaybeMeUser')[0];
    window.Store.UploadUtils = window.mR.findModule((module) => (module.default && module.default.encryptAndUpload) ? module.default : null)[0].default;
    window.Store.UserConstructor = window.mR.findModule((module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.isServer && module.default.prototype.isUser) ? module.default : null)[0].default;
    window.Store.Validators = window.mR.findModule('findLinks')[0];
    window.Store.VCard = window.mR.findModule('vcardFromContactModel')[0];
    window.Store.Wap = window.mR.findModule('queryLinkPreview')[0].default;
    window.Store.WidFactory = window.mR.findModule('createWid')[0];
    window.Store.ProfilePic = window.mR.findModule('profilePicResync')[0];
    window.Store.PresenceUtils = window.mR.findModule('sendPresenceAvailable')[0];
    window.Store.ChatState = window.mR.findModule('sendChatStateComposing')[0];
    window.Store.GroupParticipants = window.mR.findModule('sendPromoteParticipants')[0];
    window.Store.JoinInviteV4 = window.mR.findModule('sendJoinGroupViaInviteV4')[0];
    window.Store.findCommonGroups = window.mR.findModule('findCommonGroups')[0].findCommonGroups;
    window.Store.StatusUtils = window.mR.findModule('setMyStatus')[0];
    window.Store.ConversationMsgs = window.mR.findModule('loadEarlierMsgs')[0];
    window.Store.sendReactionToMsg = window.mR.findModule('sendReactionToMsg')[0].sendReactionToMsg;
    window.Store.createOrUpdateReactionsModule = window.mR.findModule('createOrUpdateReactions')[0];
    window.Store.StickerTools = {

    window.Store.GroupUtils = {

    if (!window.Store.Chat._find) {
        window.Store.Chat._find = e => {
            const target = window.Store.Chat.get(e);
            return target ? Promise.resolve(target) : Promise.resolve({
                id: e

    // Function to modify functions.
    window.injectToFunction = (selector, callback) => {
        const oldFunct = window.mR.findModule([selector.index][];
        window.mR.findModule([selector.index][] = (...args) => callback(oldFunct, args);

    window.findProxyModel = (name) => {
        const baseName = name.replace(/Model$/, '');

        const names = [baseName];

        // ChatModel => "chat"
        names.push(baseName.replace(/^(\w)/, (l) => l.toLowerCase()));

        // CartItemModel => "cart-item"
        // ProductListModel => "product_list"
        const parts = baseName.split(/(?=[A-Z])/);


        return window.mR.findModule(
            (m) => {
                let vA = m ? m.default ? m.default.prototype ? m.default.prototype.proxyName ?  m.default.prototype.proxyName  : undefined : undefined : undefined : undefined
                let vB = m ? m[name] ? m[name].prototype ? m[name].prototype.proxyName ? m[name].prototype.proxyName : undefined : undefined : undefined : undefined
                let vC = m ? m[baseName] ? m[baseName].prototype ? m[baseName].prototype.proxyName : undefined: undefined :undefined 

                return names.includes(
                  vA || vB || vC


    window.injectToFunction({index: 0, name: 'createMsgProtobuf', property: 'createMsgProtobuf'}, (func, args) => {
        const proto = func(...args);
        if (proto.listMessage) {
            proto.viewOnceMessage = {
                message: {
                    listMessage: proto.listMessage
            delete proto.listMessage;
        if (proto.buttonsMessage) {
            proto.viewOnceMessage = {
                message: {
                    buttonsMessage: proto.buttonsMessage,
            delete proto.buttonsMessage;
        return proto;

    window.injectToFunction({index: 0, name: 'typeAttributeFromProtobuf', property: 'typeAttributeFromProtobuf'}, (func, args) => {
        const [proto] = args;
        let vA = proto.buttonsMessage ? proto.buttonsMessage.headerType ?  proto.buttonsMessage.headerType === 1  : false : false 
        let vB = proto.buttonsMessage ? proto.buttonsMessage.headerType ?  proto.buttonsMessage.headerType === 2  : false : false 
        if (
            vA || vB
        ) {
            return 'text';

        if (proto.listMessage) {
            return 'text';

        return func(...args);

exports.LoadUtils = () => {
    window.WWebJS = {};

    window.WWebJS.sendSeen = async (chatId) => {
        let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
        if (chat !== undefined) {
            await window.Store.SendSeen.sendSeen(chat, false);
            return true;
        return false;


    window.WWebJS.sendMessage = async (chat, content, options = {}) => {
        let attOptions = {};
        if (options.attachment) {
            attOptions = options.sendMediaAsSticker
                ? await window.WWebJS.processStickerData(options.attachment)
                : await window.WWebJS.processMediaData(options.attachment, {
                    forceVoice: options.sendAudioAsVoice,
                    forceDocument: options.sendMediaAsDocument,
                    forceGif: options.sendVideoAsGif

            content = options.sendMediaAsSticker ? undefined : attOptions.preview;

            delete options.attachment;
            delete options.sendMediaAsSticker;
        let quotedMsgOptions = {};
        if (options.quotedMessageId) {
            let quotedMessage = window.Store.Msg.get(options.quotedMessageId);
            if (quotedMessage.canReply()) {
                quotedMsgOptions = quotedMessage.msgContextInfo(chat);
            delete options.quotedMessageId;

        if (options.mentionedJidList) {
            options.mentionedJidList = => window.Store.Contact.get(cId).id);

        let locationOptions = {};
        if (options.location) {
            locationOptions = {
                type: 'location',
                loc: options.location.description,
                lat: options.location.latitude,
                lng: options.location.longitude
            delete options.location;

        let vcardOptions = {};
        if (options.contactCard) {
            let contact = window.Store.Contact.get(options.contactCard);
            vcardOptions = {
                body: window.Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(contact).vcard,
                type: 'vcard',
                vcardFormattedName: contact.formattedName
            delete options.contactCard;
        } else if (options.contactCardList) {
            let contacts = => window.Store.Contact.get(c));
            let vcards = => window.Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(c));
            vcardOptions = {
                type: 'multi_vcard',
                vcardList: vcards,
                body: undefined
            delete options.contactCardList;
        } else if (options.parseVCards && typeof (content) === 'string' && content.startsWith('BEGIN:VCARD')) {
            delete options.parseVCards;
            try {
                const parsed = window.Store.VCard.parseVcard(content);
                if (parsed) {
                    vcardOptions = {
                        type: 'vcard',
                        vcardFormattedName: window.Store.VCard.vcardGetNameFromParsed(parsed)
            } catch (_) {
                // not a vcard

        if (options.linkPreview) {
            delete options.linkPreview;

            // Not supported yet by WhatsApp Web on MD
            if(!window.Store.MDBackend) {
                const link = window.Store.Validators.findLink(content);
                if (link) {
                    const preview = await window.Store.Wap.queryLinkPreview(link.url);
                    preview.preview = true;
                    preview.subtype = 'url';
                    options = { ...options, ...preview };

        let buttonOptions = {};
            let caption;
            if (options.buttons.type === 'chat') {
                content = options.buttons.body;
                caption = content;
            } else {
                caption = options.caption ? options.caption : ' '; //Caption can't be empty
            // UI needs to stop glitching
            const ButtonsCollection = window.mR.findModule('ButtonCollection')[0].ButtonCollection;
            const ReplyButtonModel = window.findProxyModel('ReplyButtonModel')[0].default; 
            const collection = new ButtonsCollection(ReplyButtonModel);

            const quickButtons = => {
                return new ReplyButtonModel({id: a.buttonId, displayText: a.buttonText.displayText});

            buttonOptions = {
                isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg: true,
                title: options.buttons.title ? options.buttons.title : undefined,
                footer: options.buttons.footer ? options.buttons.footer : undefined,
                dynamicReplyButtons: options.buttons.buttons,
                replyButtons: collection,
                caption: caption
            delete options.buttons;

        let listOptions = {};
            if(window.Store.Conn.platform === 'smba' || window.Store.Conn.platform === 'smbi'){
                throw '[LT01] Whatsapp business can\'t send this yet';
            listOptions = {
                type: 'list',
                footer: options.list.footer,
                list: {
                    listType: 1
                body: options.list.description
            delete options.list;
            delete listOptions.list.footer;

        const meUser = window.Store.User.getMaybeMeUser();
        const isMD = window.Store.MDBackend;

        const newMsgId = new window.Store.MsgKey({
            from: meUser,
            id: window.Store.MsgKey.newId(),
            participant: isMD && ? meUser : undefined,
            selfDir: 'out',

        const extraOptions = options.extraOptions || {};
        delete options.extraOptions;

        const ephemeralSettings = {
            ephemeralDuration: chat.isEphemeralSettingOn() ? chat.getEphemeralSetting() : undefined,
            ephemeralSettingTimestamp: chat.getEphemeralSettingTimestamp() || undefined,
            disappearingModeInitiator: chat.getDisappearingModeInitiator() || undefined,

        const message = {
            id: newMsgId,
            ack: 0,
            body: content,
            from: meUser,
            local: true,
            self: 'out',
            t: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
            isNewMsg: true,
            type: 'chat',

        await window.Store.SendMessage.addAndSendMsgToChat(chat, message);
        return window.Store.Msg.get(newMsgId._serialized);

    window.WWebJS.toStickerData = async (mediaInfo) => {
        if (mediaInfo.mimetype == 'image/webp') return mediaInfo;

        const file = window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile(mediaInfo);
        const webpSticker = await window.Store.StickerTools.toWebpSticker(file);
        const webpBuffer = await webpSticker.arrayBuffer();
        const data = window.WWebJS.arrayBufferToBase64(webpBuffer);

        return {
            mimetype: 'image/webp',

    window.WWebJS.processStickerData = async (mediaInfo) => {
        if (mediaInfo.mimetype !== 'image/webp') throw new Error('Invalid media type');

        const file = window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile(mediaInfo);
        let filehash = await window.WWebJS.getFileHash(file);
        let mediaKey = await window.WWebJS.generateHash(32);

        const controller = new AbortController();
        const uploadedInfo = await window.Store.UploadUtils.encryptAndUpload({
            blob: file,
            type: 'sticker',
            signal: controller.signal,

        const stickerInfo = {
            clientUrl: uploadedInfo.url,
            deprecatedMms3Url: uploadedInfo.url,
            uploadhash: uploadedInfo.encFilehash,
            size: file.size,
            type: 'sticker',

        return stickerInfo;

    window.WWebJS.processMediaData = async (mediaInfo, { forceVoice, forceDocument, forceGif }) => {
        const file = window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile(mediaInfo);
        const mData = await window.Store.OpaqueData.createFromData(file, file.type);
        const mediaPrep = window.Store.MediaPrep.prepRawMedia(mData, { asDocument: forceDocument });
        const mediaData = await mediaPrep.waitForPrep();
        const mediaObject = window.Store.MediaObject.getOrCreateMediaObject(mediaData.filehash);

        const mediaType = window.Store.MediaTypes.msgToMediaType({
            type: mediaData.type,
            isGif: mediaData.isGif

        if (forceVoice && mediaData.type === 'audio') {
            mediaData.type = 'ptt';

        if (forceGif && mediaData.type === 'video') {
            mediaData.isGif = true;

        if (forceDocument) {
            mediaData.type = 'document';

        if (!(mediaData.mediaBlob instanceof window.Store.OpaqueData)) {
            mediaData.mediaBlob = await window.Store.OpaqueData.createFromData(mediaData.mediaBlob, mediaData.mediaBlob.type);

        mediaData.renderableUrl = mediaData.mediaBlob.url();

        const uploadedMedia = await window.Store.MediaUpload.uploadMedia({
            mimetype: mediaData.mimetype,

        const mediaEntry = uploadedMedia.mediaEntry;
        if (!mediaEntry) {
            throw new Error('upload failed: media entry was not created');

            clientUrl: mediaEntry.mmsUrl,
            deprecatedMms3Url: mediaEntry.deprecatedMms3Url,
            directPath: mediaEntry.directPath,
            mediaKey: mediaEntry.mediaKey,
            mediaKeyTimestamp: mediaEntry.mediaKeyTimestamp,
            filehash: mediaObject.filehash,
            encFilehash: mediaEntry.encFilehash,
            uploadhash: mediaEntry.uploadHash,
            size: mediaObject.size,
            streamingSidecar: mediaEntry.sidecar,
            firstFrameSidecar: mediaEntry.firstFrameSidecar

        return mediaData;

    window.WWebJS.getMessageModel = message => {
        const msg = message.serialize();

        msg.isEphemeral = message.isEphemeral;
        msg.isStatusV3 = message.isStatusV3;
        msg.links = (message.getLinks()).map(link => ({
            link: link.href,
            isSuspicious: Boolean(link.suspiciousCharacters && link.suspiciousCharacters.size)

        if (msg.buttons) {
            msg.buttons = msg.buttons.serialize();
        if (msg.dynamicReplyButtons) {
            msg.dynamicReplyButtons = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg.dynamicReplyButtons));
        if (msg.replyButtons) {
            msg.replyButtons = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg.replyButtons));

        if (typeof === 'object') {
   = Object.assign({},, { remote: });

        delete msg.pendingAckUpdate;

        return msg;

    window.WWebJS.getChatModel = async chat => {

        let res = chat.serialize();
        res.isGroup = chat.isGroup;
        res.formattedTitle = chat.formattedTitle;
        res.isMuted = chat.mute && chat.mute.isMuted;

        if (chat.groupMetadata) {
            const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid((;
            await window.Store.GroupMetadata.update(chatWid);
            res.groupMetadata = chat.groupMetadata.serialize();

        delete res.msgs;
        delete res.msgUnsyncedButtonReplyMsgs;
        delete res.unsyncedButtonReplies;

        return res;

    window.WWebJS.getChat = async chatId => {
        const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatId);
        const chat = await window.Store.Chat.find(chatWid);
        return await window.WWebJS.getChatModel(chat);

    window.WWebJS.getChats = async () => {
        const chats = window.Store.Chat.getModelsArray();

        const chatPromises = => window.WWebJS.getChatModel(chat));
        return await Promise.all(chatPromises);

    window.WWebJS.getContactModel = contact => {
        let res = contact.serialize();
        res.isBusiness = contact.isBusiness;

        if (contact.businessProfile) {
            res.businessProfile = contact.businessProfile.serialize();

        res.isMe = contact.isMe;
        res.isUser = contact.isUser;
        res.isGroup = contact.isGroup;
        res.isWAContact = contact.isWAContact;
        res.isMyContact = contact.isMyContact;
        res.isBlocked = contact.isContactBlocked;
        res.userid = contact.userid;

        return res;

    window.WWebJS.getContact = async contactId => {
        const wid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(contactId);
        const contact = await window.Store.Contact.find(wid);
        return window.WWebJS.getContactModel(contact);

    window.WWebJS.getContacts = () => {
        const contacts = window.Store.Contact.getModelsArray();
        return => window.WWebJS.getContactModel(contact));

    window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile = ({ data, mimetype, filename }) => {
        const binaryData = window.atob(data);

        const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(binaryData.length);
        const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
        for (let i = 0; i < binaryData.length; i++) {
            view[i] = binaryData.charCodeAt(i);

        const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: mimetype });
        return new File([blob], filename, {
            type: mimetype,

    window.WWebJS.arrayBufferToBase64 = (arrayBuffer) => {
        let binary = '';
        const bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
        const len = bytes.byteLength;
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
        return window.btoa(binary);

    window.WWebJS.getFileHash = async (data) => {
        let buffer = await data.arrayBuffer();
        const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', buffer);
        return btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(hashBuffer)));

    window.WWebJS.generateHash = async (length) => {
        var result = '';
        var characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
        var charactersLength = characters.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
        return result;

    window.WWebJS.sendClearChat = async (chatId) => {
        let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
        if (chat !== undefined) {
            await window.Store.SendClear.sendClear(chat, false);
            return true;
        return false;

    window.WWebJS.sendDeleteChat = async (chatId) => {
        let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
        if (chat !== undefined) {
            await window.Store.SendDelete.sendDelete(chat);
            return true;
        return false;

    window.WWebJS.sendChatstate = async (state, chatId) => {
        if (window.Store.MDBackend) {
            chatId = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatId);
        switch (state) {
        case 'typing':
            await window.Store.ChatState.sendChatStateComposing(chatId);
        case 'recording':
            await window.Store.ChatState.sendChatStateRecording(chatId);
        case 'stop':
            await window.Store.ChatState.sendChatStatePaused(chatId);
            throw 'Invalid chatstate';

        return true;

    window.WWebJS.getLabelModel = label => {
        let res = label.serialize();
        res.hexColor = label.hexColor;

        return res;

    window.WWebJS.getLabels = () => {
        const labels = window.Store.Label.getModelsArray();
        return => window.WWebJS.getLabelModel(label));

    window.WWebJS.getLabel = (labelId) => {
        const label = window.Store.Label.get(labelId);
        return window.WWebJS.getLabelModel(label);

    window.WWebJS.getChatLabels = async (chatId) => {
        const chat = await window.WWebJS.getChat(chatId);
        return (chat.labels || []).map(id => window.WWebJS.getLabel(id));

    window.WWebJS.getOrderDetail = async (orderId, token, chatId) => {
        const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatId);
        return window.Store.QueryOrder.queryOrder(chatWid, orderId, 80, 80, token);

    window.WWebJS.getProductMetadata = async (productId) => {
        let sellerId = window.Store.Conn.wid;
        let product = await window.Store.QueryProduct.queryProduct(sellerId, productId);
        if (product && {

        return undefined;
superneat255 commented 1 year ago

Actually the solution is here but I had a problem with the syntax, especially with validations like object?.item.

So change this and replace the code in the /whatsapp-web.js/src/util/Injected.js file to this

thaks @PurpShell

'use strict';

// Exposes the internal Store to the WhatsApp Web client
exports.ExposeStore = (moduleRaidStr) => {
    eval('var moduleRaid = ' + moduleRaidStr);
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
    window.mR = moduleRaid();
    window.Store = Object.assign({}, window.mR.findModule(m => m.default && m.default.Chat)[0].default);
    window.Store.AppState = window.mR.findModule('Socket')[0].Socket;
    window.Store.Conn = window.mR.findModule('Conn')[0].Conn;
    window.Store.BlockContact = window.mR.findModule('blockContact')[0];
    window.Store.Call = window.mR.findModule('CallCollection')[0].CallCollection;
    window.Store.Cmd = window.mR.findModule('Cmd')[0].Cmd;
    window.Store.CryptoLib = window.mR.findModule('decryptE2EMedia')[0];
    window.Store.DownloadManager = window.mR.findModule('downloadManager')[0].downloadManager;
    window.Store.MDBackend = window.mR.findModule('isMDBackend')[0].isMDBackend();
    window.Store.Features = window.mR.findModule('FEATURE_CHANGE_EVENT')[0].LegacyPhoneFeatures;
    window.Store.GroupMetadata = window.mR.findModule((module) => module.default && module.default.handlePendingInvite)[0].default;
    window.Store.Invite = window.mR.findModule('sendJoinGroupViaInvite')[0];
    window.Store.InviteInfo = window.mR.findModule('sendQueryGroupInvite')[0];
    window.Store.Label = window.mR.findModule('LabelCollection')[0].LabelCollection;
    window.Store.MediaPrep = window.mR.findModule('MediaPrep')[0];
    window.Store.MediaObject = window.mR.findModule('getOrCreateMediaObject')[0];
    window.Store.NumberInfo = window.mR.findModule('formattedPhoneNumber')[0];
    window.Store.MediaTypes = window.mR.findModule('msgToMediaType')[0];
    window.Store.MediaUpload = window.mR.findModule('uploadMedia')[0];
    window.Store.MsgKey = window.mR.findModule((module) => module.default && module.default.fromString)[0].default;
    window.Store.MessageInfo = window.mR.findModule('sendQueryMsgInfo')[0];
    window.Store.OpaqueData = window.mR.findModule(module => module.default && module.default.createFromData)[0].default;
    window.Store.QueryExist = window.mR.findModule('queryExists')[0].queryExists;
    window.Store.QueryProduct = window.mR.findModule('queryProduct')[0];
    window.Store.QueryOrder = window.mR.findModule('queryOrder')[0];
    window.Store.SendClear = window.mR.findModule('sendClear')[0];
    window.Store.SendDelete = window.mR.findModule('sendDelete')[0];
    window.Store.SendMessage = window.mR.findModule('addAndSendMsgToChat')[0];
    window.Store.SendSeen = window.mR.findModule('sendSeen')[0];
    window.Store.User = window.mR.findModule('getMaybeMeUser')[0];
    window.Store.UploadUtils = window.mR.findModule((module) => (module.default && module.default.encryptAndUpload) ? module.default : null)[0].default;
    window.Store.UserConstructor = window.mR.findModule((module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.isServer && module.default.prototype.isUser) ? module.default : null)[0].default;
    window.Store.Validators = window.mR.findModule('findLinks')[0];
    window.Store.VCard = window.mR.findModule('vcardFromContactModel')[0];
    window.Store.Wap = window.mR.findModule('queryLinkPreview')[0].default;
    window.Store.WidFactory = window.mR.findModule('createWid')[0];
    window.Store.ProfilePic = window.mR.findModule('profilePicResync')[0];
    window.Store.PresenceUtils = window.mR.findModule('sendPresenceAvailable')[0];
    window.Store.ChatState = window.mR.findModule('sendChatStateComposing')[0];
    window.Store.GroupParticipants = window.mR.findModule('sendPromoteParticipants')[0];
    window.Store.JoinInviteV4 = window.mR.findModule('sendJoinGroupViaInviteV4')[0];
    window.Store.findCommonGroups = window.mR.findModule('findCommonGroups')[0].findCommonGroups;
    window.Store.StatusUtils = window.mR.findModule('setMyStatus')[0];
    window.Store.ConversationMsgs = window.mR.findModule('loadEarlierMsgs')[0];
    window.Store.sendReactionToMsg = window.mR.findModule('sendReactionToMsg')[0].sendReactionToMsg;
    window.Store.createOrUpdateReactionsModule = window.mR.findModule('createOrUpdateReactions')[0];
    window.Store.StickerTools = {

    window.Store.GroupUtils = {

    if (!window.Store.Chat._find) {
        window.Store.Chat._find = e => {
            const target = window.Store.Chat.get(e);
            return target ? Promise.resolve(target) : Promise.resolve({
                id: e

    // Function to modify functions.
    window.injectToFunction = (selector, callback) => {
        const oldFunct = window.mR.findModule([selector.index][];
        window.mR.findModule([selector.index][] = (...args) => callback(oldFunct, args);

    window.findProxyModel = (name) => {
        const baseName = name.replace(/Model$/, '');

        const names = [baseName];

        // ChatModel => "chat"
        names.push(baseName.replace(/^(\w)/, (l) => l.toLowerCase()));

        // CartItemModel => "cart-item"
        // ProductListModel => "product_list"
        const parts = baseName.split(/(?=[A-Z])/);


        return window.mR.findModule(
            (m) => {
                let vA = m ? m.default ? m.default.prototype ? m.default.prototype.proxyName ?  m.default.prototype.proxyName  : undefined : undefined : undefined : undefined
                let vB = m ? m[name] ? m[name].prototype ? m[name].prototype.proxyName ? m[name].prototype.proxyName : undefined : undefined : undefined : undefined
                let vC = m ? m[baseName] ? m[baseName].prototype ? m[baseName].prototype.proxyName : undefined: undefined :undefined 

                return names.includes(
                  vA || vB || vC


    window.injectToFunction({index: 0, name: 'createMsgProtobuf', property: 'createMsgProtobuf'}, (func, args) => {
        const proto = func(...args);
        if (proto.listMessage) {
            proto.viewOnceMessage = {
                message: {
                    listMessage: proto.listMessage
            delete proto.listMessage;
        if (proto.buttonsMessage) {
            proto.viewOnceMessage = {
                message: {
                    buttonsMessage: proto.buttonsMessage,
            delete proto.buttonsMessage;
        return proto;

    window.injectToFunction({index: 0, name: 'typeAttributeFromProtobuf', property: 'typeAttributeFromProtobuf'}, (func, args) => {
        const [proto] = args;
        let vA = proto.buttonsMessage ? proto.buttonsMessage.headerType ?  proto.buttonsMessage.headerType === 1  : false : false 
        let vB = proto.buttonsMessage ? proto.buttonsMessage.headerType ?  proto.buttonsMessage.headerType === 2  : false : false 
        if (
            vA || vB
        ) {
            return 'text';

        if (proto.listMessage) {
            return 'text';

        return func(...args);

exports.LoadUtils = () => {
    window.WWebJS = {};

    window.WWebJS.sendSeen = async (chatId) => {
        let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
        if (chat !== undefined) {
            await window.Store.SendSeen.sendSeen(chat, false);
            return true;
        return false;


    window.WWebJS.sendMessage = async (chat, content, options = {}) => {
        let attOptions = {};
        if (options.attachment) {
            attOptions = options.sendMediaAsSticker
                ? await window.WWebJS.processStickerData(options.attachment)
                : await window.WWebJS.processMediaData(options.attachment, {
                    forceVoice: options.sendAudioAsVoice,
                    forceDocument: options.sendMediaAsDocument,
                    forceGif: options.sendVideoAsGif

            content = options.sendMediaAsSticker ? undefined : attOptions.preview;

            delete options.attachment;
            delete options.sendMediaAsSticker;
        let quotedMsgOptions = {};
        if (options.quotedMessageId) {
            let quotedMessage = window.Store.Msg.get(options.quotedMessageId);
            if (quotedMessage.canReply()) {
                quotedMsgOptions = quotedMessage.msgContextInfo(chat);
            delete options.quotedMessageId;

        if (options.mentionedJidList) {
            options.mentionedJidList = => window.Store.Contact.get(cId).id);

        let locationOptions = {};
        if (options.location) {
            locationOptions = {
                type: 'location',
                loc: options.location.description,
                lat: options.location.latitude,
                lng: options.location.longitude
            delete options.location;

        let vcardOptions = {};
        if (options.contactCard) {
            let contact = window.Store.Contact.get(options.contactCard);
            vcardOptions = {
                body: window.Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(contact).vcard,
                type: 'vcard',
                vcardFormattedName: contact.formattedName
            delete options.contactCard;
        } else if (options.contactCardList) {
            let contacts = => window.Store.Contact.get(c));
            let vcards = => window.Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(c));
            vcardOptions = {
                type: 'multi_vcard',
                vcardList: vcards,
                body: undefined
            delete options.contactCardList;
        } else if (options.parseVCards && typeof (content) === 'string' && content.startsWith('BEGIN:VCARD')) {
            delete options.parseVCards;
            try {
                const parsed = window.Store.VCard.parseVcard(content);
                if (parsed) {
                    vcardOptions = {
                        type: 'vcard',
                        vcardFormattedName: window.Store.VCard.vcardGetNameFromParsed(parsed)
            } catch (_) {
                // not a vcard

        if (options.linkPreview) {
            delete options.linkPreview;

            // Not supported yet by WhatsApp Web on MD
            if(!window.Store.MDBackend) {
                const link = window.Store.Validators.findLink(content);
                if (link) {
                    const preview = await window.Store.Wap.queryLinkPreview(link.url);
                    preview.preview = true;
                    preview.subtype = 'url';
                    options = { ...options, ...preview };

        let buttonOptions = {};
            let caption;
            if (options.buttons.type === 'chat') {
                content = options.buttons.body;
                caption = content;
            } else {
                caption = options.caption ? options.caption : ' '; //Caption can't be empty
            // UI needs to stop glitching
            const ButtonsCollection = window.mR.findModule('ButtonCollection')[0].ButtonCollection;
            const ReplyButtonModel = window.findProxyModel('ReplyButtonModel')[0].default; 
            const collection = new ButtonsCollection(ReplyButtonModel);

            const quickButtons = => {
                return new ReplyButtonModel({id: a.buttonId, displayText: a.buttonText.displayText});

            buttonOptions = {
                isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg: true,
                title: options.buttons.title ? options.buttons.title : undefined,
                footer: options.buttons.footer ? options.buttons.footer : undefined,
                dynamicReplyButtons: options.buttons.buttons,
                replyButtons: collection,
                caption: caption
            delete options.buttons;

        let listOptions = {};
            if(window.Store.Conn.platform === 'smba' || window.Store.Conn.platform === 'smbi'){
                throw '[LT01] Whatsapp business can\'t send this yet';
            listOptions = {
                type: 'list',
                footer: options.list.footer,
                list: {
                    listType: 1
                body: options.list.description
            delete options.list;
            delete listOptions.list.footer;

        const meUser = window.Store.User.getMaybeMeUser();
        const isMD = window.Store.MDBackend;

        const newMsgId = new window.Store.MsgKey({
            from: meUser,
            id: window.Store.MsgKey.newId(),
            participant: isMD && ? meUser : undefined,
            selfDir: 'out',

        const extraOptions = options.extraOptions || {};
        delete options.extraOptions;

        const ephemeralSettings = {
            ephemeralDuration: chat.isEphemeralSettingOn() ? chat.getEphemeralSetting() : undefined,
            ephemeralSettingTimestamp: chat.getEphemeralSettingTimestamp() || undefined,
            disappearingModeInitiator: chat.getDisappearingModeInitiator() || undefined,

        const message = {
            id: newMsgId,
            ack: 0,
            body: content,
            from: meUser,
            local: true,
            self: 'out',
            t: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
            isNewMsg: true,
            type: 'chat',

        await window.Store.SendMessage.addAndSendMsgToChat(chat, message);
        return window.Store.Msg.get(newMsgId._serialized);

    window.WWebJS.toStickerData = async (mediaInfo) => {
        if (mediaInfo.mimetype == 'image/webp') return mediaInfo;

        const file = window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile(mediaInfo);
        const webpSticker = await window.Store.StickerTools.toWebpSticker(file);
        const webpBuffer = await webpSticker.arrayBuffer();
        const data = window.WWebJS.arrayBufferToBase64(webpBuffer);

        return {
            mimetype: 'image/webp',

    window.WWebJS.processStickerData = async (mediaInfo) => {
        if (mediaInfo.mimetype !== 'image/webp') throw new Error('Invalid media type');

        const file = window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile(mediaInfo);
        let filehash = await window.WWebJS.getFileHash(file);
        let mediaKey = await window.WWebJS.generateHash(32);

        const controller = new AbortController();
        const uploadedInfo = await window.Store.UploadUtils.encryptAndUpload({
            blob: file,
            type: 'sticker',
            signal: controller.signal,

        const stickerInfo = {
            clientUrl: uploadedInfo.url,
            deprecatedMms3Url: uploadedInfo.url,
            uploadhash: uploadedInfo.encFilehash,
            size: file.size,
            type: 'sticker',

        return stickerInfo;

    window.WWebJS.processMediaData = async (mediaInfo, { forceVoice, forceDocument, forceGif }) => {
        const file = window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile(mediaInfo);
        const mData = await window.Store.OpaqueData.createFromData(file, file.type);
        const mediaPrep = window.Store.MediaPrep.prepRawMedia(mData, { asDocument: forceDocument });
        const mediaData = await mediaPrep.waitForPrep();
        const mediaObject = window.Store.MediaObject.getOrCreateMediaObject(mediaData.filehash);

        const mediaType = window.Store.MediaTypes.msgToMediaType({
            type: mediaData.type,
            isGif: mediaData.isGif

        if (forceVoice && mediaData.type === 'audio') {
            mediaData.type = 'ptt';

        if (forceGif && mediaData.type === 'video') {
            mediaData.isGif = true;

        if (forceDocument) {
            mediaData.type = 'document';

        if (!(mediaData.mediaBlob instanceof window.Store.OpaqueData)) {
            mediaData.mediaBlob = await window.Store.OpaqueData.createFromData(mediaData.mediaBlob, mediaData.mediaBlob.type);

        mediaData.renderableUrl = mediaData.mediaBlob.url();

        const uploadedMedia = await window.Store.MediaUpload.uploadMedia({
            mimetype: mediaData.mimetype,

        const mediaEntry = uploadedMedia.mediaEntry;
        if (!mediaEntry) {
            throw new Error('upload failed: media entry was not created');

            clientUrl: mediaEntry.mmsUrl,
            deprecatedMms3Url: mediaEntry.deprecatedMms3Url,
            directPath: mediaEntry.directPath,
            mediaKey: mediaEntry.mediaKey,
            mediaKeyTimestamp: mediaEntry.mediaKeyTimestamp,
            filehash: mediaObject.filehash,
            encFilehash: mediaEntry.encFilehash,
            uploadhash: mediaEntry.uploadHash,
            size: mediaObject.size,
            streamingSidecar: mediaEntry.sidecar,
            firstFrameSidecar: mediaEntry.firstFrameSidecar

        return mediaData;

    window.WWebJS.getMessageModel = message => {
        const msg = message.serialize();

        msg.isEphemeral = message.isEphemeral;
        msg.isStatusV3 = message.isStatusV3;
        msg.links = (message.getLinks()).map(link => ({
            link: link.href,
            isSuspicious: Boolean(link.suspiciousCharacters && link.suspiciousCharacters.size)

        if (msg.buttons) {
            msg.buttons = msg.buttons.serialize();
        if (msg.dynamicReplyButtons) {
            msg.dynamicReplyButtons = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg.dynamicReplyButtons));
        if (msg.replyButtons) {
            msg.replyButtons = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg.replyButtons));

        if (typeof === 'object') {
   = Object.assign({},, { remote: });

        delete msg.pendingAckUpdate;

        return msg;

    window.WWebJS.getChatModel = async chat => {

        let res = chat.serialize();
        res.isGroup = chat.isGroup;
        res.formattedTitle = chat.formattedTitle;
        res.isMuted = chat.mute && chat.mute.isMuted;

        if (chat.groupMetadata) {
            const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid((;
            await window.Store.GroupMetadata.update(chatWid);
            res.groupMetadata = chat.groupMetadata.serialize();

        delete res.msgs;
        delete res.msgUnsyncedButtonReplyMsgs;
        delete res.unsyncedButtonReplies;

        return res;

    window.WWebJS.getChat = async chatId => {
        const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatId);
        const chat = await window.Store.Chat.find(chatWid);
        return await window.WWebJS.getChatModel(chat);

    window.WWebJS.getChats = async () => {
        const chats = window.Store.Chat.getModelsArray();

        const chatPromises = => window.WWebJS.getChatModel(chat));
        return await Promise.all(chatPromises);

    window.WWebJS.getContactModel = contact => {
        let res = contact.serialize();
        res.isBusiness = contact.isBusiness;

        if (contact.businessProfile) {
            res.businessProfile = contact.businessProfile.serialize();

        res.isMe = contact.isMe;
        res.isUser = contact.isUser;
        res.isGroup = contact.isGroup;
        res.isWAContact = contact.isWAContact;
        res.isMyContact = contact.isMyContact;
        res.isBlocked = contact.isContactBlocked;
        res.userid = contact.userid;

        return res;

    window.WWebJS.getContact = async contactId => {
        const wid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(contactId);
        const contact = await window.Store.Contact.find(wid);
        return window.WWebJS.getContactModel(contact);

    window.WWebJS.getContacts = () => {
        const contacts = window.Store.Contact.getModelsArray();
        return => window.WWebJS.getContactModel(contact));

    window.WWebJS.mediaInfoToFile = ({ data, mimetype, filename }) => {
        const binaryData = window.atob(data);

        const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(binaryData.length);
        const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
        for (let i = 0; i < binaryData.length; i++) {
            view[i] = binaryData.charCodeAt(i);

        const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: mimetype });
        return new File([blob], filename, {
            type: mimetype,

    window.WWebJS.arrayBufferToBase64 = (arrayBuffer) => {
        let binary = '';
        const bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
        const len = bytes.byteLength;
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
        return window.btoa(binary);

    window.WWebJS.getFileHash = async (data) => {
        let buffer = await data.arrayBuffer();
        const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', buffer);
        return btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(hashBuffer)));

    window.WWebJS.generateHash = async (length) => {
        var result = '';
        var characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
        var charactersLength = characters.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
        return result;

    window.WWebJS.sendClearChat = async (chatId) => {
        let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
        if (chat !== undefined) {
            await window.Store.SendClear.sendClear(chat, false);
            return true;
        return false;

    window.WWebJS.sendDeleteChat = async (chatId) => {
        let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
        if (chat !== undefined) {
            await window.Store.SendDelete.sendDelete(chat);
            return true;
        return false;

    window.WWebJS.sendChatstate = async (state, chatId) => {
        if (window.Store.MDBackend) {
            chatId = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatId);
        switch (state) {
        case 'typing':
            await window.Store.ChatState.sendChatStateComposing(chatId);
        case 'recording':
            await window.Store.ChatState.sendChatStateRecording(chatId);
        case 'stop':
            await window.Store.ChatState.sendChatStatePaused(chatId);
            throw 'Invalid chatstate';

        return true;

    window.WWebJS.getLabelModel = label => {
        let res = label.serialize();
        res.hexColor = label.hexColor;

        return res;

    window.WWebJS.getLabels = () => {
        const labels = window.Store.Label.getModelsArray();
        return => window.WWebJS.getLabelModel(label));

    window.WWebJS.getLabel = (labelId) => {
        const label = window.Store.Label.get(labelId);
        return window.WWebJS.getLabelModel(label);

    window.WWebJS.getChatLabels = async (chatId) => {
        const chat = await window.WWebJS.getChat(chatId);
        return (chat.labels || []).map(id => window.WWebJS.getLabel(id));

    window.WWebJS.getOrderDetail = async (orderId, token, chatId) => {
        const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatId);
        return window.Store.QueryOrder.queryOrder(chatWid, orderId, 80, 80, token);

    window.WWebJS.getProductMetadata = async (productId) => {
        let sellerId = window.Store.Conn.wid;
        let product = await window.Store.QueryProduct.queryProduct(sellerId, productId);
        if (product && {

        return undefined;

This worked for me on local test, but I am experiencing one problem. I am using WhatsBot so whatsapp-web.js installed as dependency so I don't know how to update this... any help @g4w4

mateusfmello commented 1 year ago

Hello, I was having the "chat.isEphemeralSettingOn is not a function" problem with several clients, I deleted all the files that the browser creates and told the clients to connect WhatsApp again (scan the QR Code), it worked perfectly again

massimorm commented 1 year ago

Hello, I was having the "chat.isEphemeralSettingOn is not a function" problem with several clients, I deleted all the files that the browser creates and told the clients to connect WhatsApp again (scan the QR Code), it worked perfectly again

I also have the same problem, but even by logging out and deleting the folder then the problem recurs. I think it's a new thing because until 2 days ago there were no problems

AlexDss3 commented 1 year ago

i have the same problem, it was working a couple of hours before and now gave me that error, and I did this configure a pair months before

iriobf commented 1 year ago

same here

folk-connect commented 1 year ago

Refer to the help channel in their discord. A workaround is posted

g4w4 commented 1 year ago

@superneat255 I changed it directly on my server in the path of my project, the file is in


So far I have not had any problems after that update, the problem is that it is not scalable because every time I install I have to make that modification, hopefully the release will be ready soon

rezabayupamungkas commented 1 year ago

i can run button/list using this step:

  1. delete folder node_modules
  2. run this "npm i github:pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js#fix-buttons-list"
shirser121 commented 1 year ago

Buttons and lists currently not supported