id: { fromMe: false, remote: 'status@broadcast', id: '7FA3344E66B5A8A7F91FA6FD19C5A6D5', participant: '', _serialized: 'false_status @' },
In the broadcast form, the client is in a participant.
It's just a mistake that the broadcast parameter is in the message as a broadcast: false
WhatsApp Web v 2.2144.11
WWebJS v 1.15.1
Browser v HeadlessChrome/88.0.4324.150
I understood broadcast this is a story in whatsapp.
Default message format in broadcast message
Message { mediaKey: 'kh42NR8yKm6HE099nKRp4UJz79rt7ybFx5orVPdgxkM=', id: { fromMe: false, remote: 'status@broadcast', id: '7FA3344E66B5A8A7F91FA6FD19C5A6D5', participant: '', _serialized: '' }, ack: 0, hasMedia: true, body: '', type: 'video', timestamp: 1637337341, from: 'status@broadcast', to: '', author: '', deviceType: 'android', isForwarded: false, forwardingScore: 0, isStatus: true, isStarred: false, broadcast: false, fromMe: false, hasQuotedMsg: false, location: undefined, vCards: [], inviteV4: undefined, mentionedIds: [], orderId: undefined, token: undefined, links: [] }
Regular incoming message
id: { fromMe: false, remote: '', id: '3EB0EB28D1FD4C59C503', _serialized: 'false_79697771185@c.us_3EB0EB28D1FD4C59C503' },
id: { fromMe: false, remote: 'status@broadcast', id: '7FA3344E66B5A8A7F91FA6FD19C5A6D5', participant: '', _serialized: 'false_status @' },
In the broadcast form, the client is in a participant.It's just a mistake that the broadcast parameter is in the message as a broadcast: false
WhatsApp Web v 2.2144.11 WWebJS v 1.15.1 Browser v HeadlessChrome/88.0.4324.150