pedrovgs / DraggablePanel

Android library used to create an awesome Android UI based on a draggable element similar to the last YouTube graphic component.
Apache License 2.0
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DraggableView topview and bottom view at runtime #104

Closed salvadorjhai closed 7 years ago

salvadorjhai commented 7 years ago

Hi! i need help on DraggableView.

How do i set topview and bottomview at runtime? (not using xml layout)

Can we have something like: DraggableView.AddToTopView(View v) DraggableView.AddToBottomView(View v)

Im no expert in java so anyone would like to help?

pedrovgs commented 7 years ago

Hi @salvadorjhai sorry for the late response. You can configure your fragments easily using the methods indicated in the project

private void initializeDraggablePanel() throws Resources.NotFoundException {