peebles / rpi3-wifi-station-ap-stretch

Version that works for Stretch
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hostapd isn't started automatically #12

Open adangert opened 5 years ago

adangert commented 5 years ago

Ran through all the steps with the april stretch version of raspian, wlan0 isn't up and, no access point is created.

when starting hostapd manually via: hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

I get the error Filed to create interface mon.uap0: -95 (Operation not supported) uap0: Could not connect to kernel driver

Once the access point comes up, wlan0 goes down, also I am unable to connect to the access point. I don't know if these scripts work anymore for the newer version of stretch

alicrop commented 5 years ago

Can confirm that I'm having the exact same problem.

ghost commented 4 years ago

The whole stuff looks ambitioned, but doesn't work