Ran through all the steps with the april stretch version of raspian, wlan0 isn't up and, no access point is created.
when starting hostapd manually via:
hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
I get the error
Filed to create interface mon.uap0: -95 (Operation not supported)
uap0: Could not connect to kernel driver
Once the access point comes up, wlan0 goes down, also I am unable to connect to the access point. I don't know if these scripts work anymore for the newer version of stretch
Ran through all the steps with the april stretch version of raspian, wlan0 isn't up and, no access point is created.
when starting hostapd manually via: hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
I get the error Filed to create interface mon.uap0: -95 (Operation not supported) uap0: Could not connect to kernel driver
Once the access point comes up, wlan0 goes down, also I am unable to connect to the access point. I don't know if these scripts work anymore for the newer version of stretch