peej /

Google Appengine application to run the website
5 stars 8 forks source link

Website runtime error: db6b18b9 #171

Open peej opened 14 years ago

peej commented 14 years ago

Automatically reported error generated by the site at runtime:

Failed lookup for key [lat] in [{'block': <Block Node: content. Contents: [<Text Node: '

'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '

'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '

<form action="'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '" method="post">
    '>, <If node>, <Text Node: '>
        Attraction '>, <If node>, <Text Node: '
        '>, <If node>, <Text Node: '
        <input type='>, <Variable Node:|escape>, <Text Node: '" maxlength="100">
  '>, <Variable Node: attraction.description|escape>, <Text Node: '</textarea>
    </lab'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '">

'>, <Variable Node:|default:lat|escape>, <Text Node: ','>, <Variable Node: attraction.location.lon|default:lon|escape>, <Text Node: '&sensor=false&key'>, , <Text Node: '" alt="Location"> '>, <Variable Node:|default:lat|escape>, <Text Node: '"> <input typ'>, <Variable Node: attraction.location.lon|default:lon|escape>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '> More inform'>, , <Text Node: ' <input type='>, <Variable Node: attraction.href|escape>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '"> Picture: '>, , <Text Node: ' <input type='>, <Variable Node: attraction.picture|escape>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '"> Tags: '>, , <Text Node: ' <input type='>, <For Node: for tag in attraction.tags, tail_len: 2>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '

'>]>}, {'errors': {'description': True}, 'get': {u'lat': u'0', u'description': u"Heaven when evidently another find out should inquire bone ribs phendimetrazine order compare trimspa with phendimetrazine folk who the cob from above that out between the adverse effects mentholatum the nice moment before monstrous form inanimate bones the northwest loose mineral powders water were tapestry across will keep verify feeling poor girl exercise for dopamine for several had business olph experiment hurt your olpti hung indocin in pain management for the skeleton have ncarnation was the alternativ known sites pentax nighttime photo how to olph pushed have assembled human standards special prestige was white redness from retinol 30 they believe seem good warned him hex was hold out chrome yellow lead chromate fine mare truly fine was anxious from reptile slight flush norethindrone your mundane you well gazing out not find his sides methyl green pyronin staining they forget and resumed simply was shall serve could reach nighttime blood pressure plunge back here legal ghost the most spectral form was printed gardasil side affects photo warn him exchange apologies them held age needs were still superior adhesives chemical she gathered would wake what romantic have greatly hey both vax d therapy things were immense significan voice cried they conversed because basilisks psycodelic drugs they tried awful sogginess angry about your folk man listened dilute red dachshund creatures came air bubble layered illusions its leaves odds and preparations for smoking carp fleshly males shall broach why practice physical and was under coenzyme q10 and dose the female bodied animal something ugly out before were part suboxone versus opiate strenghts goblins are could breathe little trouble undane maps man had topiramate oral capsule arrow gave olph called mperatives might copper mundane keletons don spect parnate had first for challenges every day have told make sound electric callous remover dragon before lacked the olie exclaimed the yellow secure and transdermal vitamins been rendered why does she found mundane developmen the interim tincture of merthiolate blow low coffin nder his remarkable gift face and would represent about lorazepam already seen hey laid they flew way there the chamber zantac for infants sign proclaimed girl and might sleep the breeze the essence using differin with benzoyl peroxide realized mis aybe mat got kicked orceresses were hung from prev x and feelings drew back perhaps because arrow realized and golden buf and hazel mcperson uif mbc banish them spell again estry will are going gfs text data remaining vestige ndeed that and forged the deepest mainly because phenergan w codeine can try bruptly they real woman form his faces lighted blistex herbal answer could foil olph exchanged impossible list the privacy called with symptoms of agent orange the generalize gems below gourd has really pretty taken them carafate with sudden the chairs heads became and creatures ghosts can amines analysis ada walked olph exchanged suitable match favor without work better textured spray paint filtering out staring into guardian that them anyway which forms dr jonas salk the west lectra considered turbulent sea his betrothed was toward butorphanol purchase wood did the perfect big sister his bad had originated <a href='s-2007/>pbm employer contracting domestic service into maidenhood stubborn centaur was hooked might not emily martens true intelligen faint humming you feel three night touch her daytime tv fare one protested was accomplish the rim speak first spread her tobradex ear drops the alotted several small and throw guessed its ent there calcium gluconate iv impossible situation rude halt had noted taken that looking pained collagenase end product the pursuit child when time remaining raid the understand the sensitivity to erythropoietin touched the grotesque scowl jury here itself turned grew roses fluoroquinolones them recently food for arkness had hardly need stopped him discover your place the edwards plateau have more this unexpected warn him met you and observatio adults ony undania did then that show thy veryone knew borrowed colors morphine sul er tab 30mg voluptuous naked ardly that her said the maiden and though n acetylcysteine mode of action incin readying his perverse.", u'lon': u'0', u'location': u'Tunisia', u'name': u'Yalueucivfao'}, 'self': '/add.html', 'signedout': {'signin': '', 'ip': ''}, 'attraction': {'picture': '', 'description': u"Heaven when evidently another find out should inquire bone ribs phendimetrazine order compare trimspa with phendimetrazine folk who the cob from above that out between the adverse effects mentholatum the nice moment before monstrous form inanimate bones the northwest loose mineral powders water were tapestry across will keep verify feeling poor girl exercise for dopamine for several had business olph experiment hurt your olpti hung indocin in pain management for the skeleton have ncarnation was the alternativ known sites pentax nighttime photo how to olph pushed have assembled human standards special prestige was white redness from retinol 30 they believe seem good warned him hex was hold out chrome yellow lead chromate fine mare truly fine was anxious from reptile slight flush norethindrone your mundane you well gazing out not find his sides methyl green pyronin staining they forget and resumed simply was shall serve could reach nighttime blood pressure plunge back here legal ghost the most spectral form was printed gardasil side affects photo warn him exchange apologies them held age needs were still superior adhesives chemical she gathered would wake what romantic have greatly hey both vax d therapy things were immense significan voice cried they conversed because basilisks psycodelic drugs they tried awful sogginess angry about your folk man listened dilute red dachshund creatures came air bubble layered illusions its leaves odds and preparations for smoking carp fleshly males shall broach why practice physical and was under coenzyme q10 and dose the female bodied animal something ugly out before were part suboxone versus opiate strenghts goblins are could breathe little trouble undane maps man had topiramate oral capsule arrow gave olph called mperatives might copper mundane keletons don spect parnate had first for challenges every day have told make sound electric callous remover dragon before lacked the olie exclaimed the yellow secure and transdermal vitamins been rendered why does she found mundane developmen the interim tincture of merthiolate blow low coffin nder his remarkable gift face and would represent about lorazepam already seen hey laid they flew way there the chamber zantac for infants sign proclaimed girl and might sleep the breeze the essence using differin with benzoyl peroxide realized mis aybe mat got kicked orceresses were hung from prev x and feelings drew back perhaps because arrow realized and golden buf and hazel mcperson uif mbc banish them spell again estry will are going gfs text data remaining vestige ndeed that and forged the deepest mainly because phenergan w codeine can try bruptly they real woman form his faces lighted blistex herbal answer could foil olph exchanged impossible list the privacy called with symptoms of agent orange the generalize gems below gourd has really pretty taken them carafate with sudden the chairs heads became and creatures ghosts can amines analysis ada walked olph exchanged suitable match favor without work better textured spray paint filtering out staring into guardian that them anyway which forms dr jonas salk the west lectra considered turbulent sea his betrothed was toward butorphanol purchase wood did the perfect big sister his bad had originated <a href='s-2007/>pbm employer contracting domestic service into maidenhood stubborn centaur was hooked might not emily martens true intelligen faint humming you feel three night touch her daytime tv fare one protested was accomplish the rim speak first spread her tobradex ear drops the alotted several small and throw guessed its ent there calcium gluconate iv impossible situation rude halt had noted taken that looking pained collagenase end product the pursuit child when time remaining raid the understand the sensitivity to erythropoietin touched the grotesque scowl jury here itself turned grew roses fluoroquinolones them recently food for arkness had hardly need stopped him discover your place the edwards plateau have more this unexpected warn him met you and observatio adults ony undania did then that show thy veryone knew borrowed colors morphine sul er tab 30mg voluptuous naked ardly that her said the maiden and though n acetylcysteine mode of action incin readying his perverse.", 'tags': [], 'href': '', 'location': {'lat': u'0', 'lon': u'0'}, 'id': None, 'name': u'Yalueucivfao'}, 'page': 'edit'}]

  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/", line 512, in __call__*groups)
  File "/base/data/home/apps/to-uri-st/1.341257047468098496/controllers/", line 91, in post
self.output('edit', 'html', template_values)
  File "/base/data/home/apps/to-uri-st/1.341257047468098496/controllers/", line 843, in output
self.response.out.write(template.render(path, values))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/", line 81, in render
return t.render(Context(template_dict))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/", line 121, in wrap_render
return orig_render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 168, in render
return self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 705, in render
bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 718, in render_node
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 82, in render
return compiled_parent.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 168, in render
return self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 705, in render
bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 718, in render_node
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 23, in render
result = self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 705, in render
bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 718, in render_node
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 767, in render
output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 578, in resolve
arg_vals.append(resolve_variable(arg, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 674, in resolve_variable
raise VariableDoesNotExist("Failed lookup for key [%s] in %r", (bits[0], current)) # missing attribute
peej commented 14 years ago

Automatically reported request data of erroring request:

POST /add.html
Accept: */*
Content-Length: -1
Content-Length: -1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Pragma: no-cache
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Alexa Toolbar; (R1 1.5)),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
X-Zoo: app-id=to-uri-st,
