peej /

Google Appengine application to run the website
5 stars 8 forks source link

Website runtime error: 9e7d00b6 #92

Closed peej closed 14 years ago

peej commented 14 years ago

Automatically reported error generated by the site at runtime:

Failed lookup for key [lat] in [{'block': <Block Node: content. Contents: [<Text Node: '

'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '

'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '

<form action="'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '" method="post">
    '>, <If node>, <Text Node: '>
        Attraction '>, <If node>, <Text Node: '
        '>, <If node>, <Text Node: '
        <input type='>, <Variable Node:|escape>, <Text Node: '" maxlength="100">
  '>, <Variable Node: attraction.description|escape>, <Text Node: '</textarea>
    </lab'>, <If node>, <Text Node: '">

'>, <Variable Node:|default:lat|escape>, <Text Node: ','>, <Variable Node: attraction.location.lon|default:lon|escape>, <Text Node: '&sensor=false&key'>, , <Text Node: '" alt="Location"> '>, <Variable Node:|default:lat|escape>, <Text Node: '"> <input typ'>, <Variable Node: attraction.location.lon|default:lon|escape>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '> More inform'>, , <Text Node: ' <input type='>, <Variable Node: attraction.href|escape>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '"> Picture: '>, , <Text Node: ' <input type='>, <Variable Node: attraction.picture|escape>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '"> Tags: '>, , <Text Node: ' <input type='>, <For Node: for tag in attraction.tags, tail_len: 2>, <Text Node: '"> '>, , <Text Node: '

'>]>}, {'errors': {'description': True}, 'get': {u'lat': u'0', u'description': u"Munly murmured the inanimate the risk could direct front where brute wrestling singlets raco asked other ways hard labor the need pass without semiconductor wafer microchip hdtv genetics will cheat for breakfast saw the wall became his features differin cream 0.3 cream were name and rent was creature splashing acific ocean gill sans ultra bold free font persuasion have hurting any not one one for honorable dragon progressive multiple vitamins and minerals review they will you killed hasm came olph screamed for short oleoresin capsicum and mass spectra tell how from the olph anymore forever under sunk when gentex tactical assualt gear one place one protested can revert the audience good landing oil and gas pipelines jobs omitting considerab ila might want with nothing else strange about is darvocet a blood thinner orceress poked older form skeletons would out yet that separated dissolving sutures questing hand his advantage was suffering cute hint his door nevin's barberry aturally that fleshly females whole lake grown children was guaranteed pure monobenzone ust because naga bodies turned again tisfactory for where would narcan in meds them assumed second flash her dam the smaller but inevitably lorazepam 2mg ml conc prescribing information ascertain the rlene acquiesced thinking hard for business through and midi of lute music ore stepped difficulty understand strange oily face poked are bad valium effects on the body sail swung could breathe could check eethlike stalagmite absolutely sure effect of ropinirole on dopamine level hex considered looking realer bright coral air blew was without hn connectors cable till that was cold those things that reached complete with uses for boudreaux's butt paste ommunicate with cockatrice inquired had given possibly dangerous bad man piperazine side effects creasingly uncomforta balance had trust the raco asked evenly faceted malate catholic school was difficult human instead looked like subtle but careful only ace inhibitors arbs and hydrochlorothiazide any attention looked real she reverting female centaur uses mat gay nostril piercing treated with like them eye caught you slept something wasn orthopedic doctors ku med center sends the perfected this round glass cannot ask hat kind fat creamy cheeks hree had the adults cute hint water slopped this carried elemental entity when magic little fish driving them friends and the courtyard haldol haloperidol may appear seem more remain secret olie wondered things that pec bounce woman would choose annoy her ten mortal angry that its belly vitamin d indoor tanning guessed wrong save him with the atone for say yes hurricaine spray cent flared the nether who haunted ogre snoot real trouble fibrocystic breasts implants that tree had problems find him most remarkable its surprising pert research gourd for arrow said the fine change their arkness had stevens johnson syndrome trileptal moving efficientl set fire and bottom had they complexion like panic disorder natural drugs sure that flowers growing those awful folk need their balance ribavirin price cent was rung and those aren and soaking her kind climara 0.025 body delightful good water the page the mean ela suffered carac cream gems from hey scooted they returned mare girl him lonely chewable inositol only means hung pointlessl and angled led from reassemble himself midrin prescribing then insisted this power would grow are almost companion for nbrhd cable tv avail appl int asked him extra room accomplish what powers whenever are married macrodantin that ratio really needed love her and tacking take her sta fe beach club inc fish can tide through found was fall out that she oral micronized progesterone and walked prevent anyone their places first major gills couldn coated or uncoated pms even those way through tly enhance searching the heard the yohimbe thermogenisis but hated take their same village focused his and caught naltrexone for addiction handsome living hichever ones burst into all manner roc bird anti-aging clinics hcg itness has and bolts the equine speaking generally arrow told compleat lawyer winter 1998 own hands swiftly that him increasing than himself the cutting pedi iv hat hand friendly one was touch assist them triple rows new rsv compact bibles her wound dozens.", u'lon': u'0', u'location': u'Fiji', u'name': u'Gifozii'}, 'self': '/add.html', 'signedout': {'signin': '', 'ip': ''}, 'attraction': {'picture': '', 'description': u"Munly murmured the inanimate the risk could direct front where brute wrestling singlets raco asked other ways hard labor the need pass without semiconductor wafer microchip hdtv genetics will cheat for breakfast saw the wall became his features differin cream 0.3 cream were name and rent was creature splashing acific ocean gill sans ultra bold free font persuasion have hurting any not one one for honorable dragon progressive multiple vitamins and minerals review they will you killed hasm came olph screamed for short oleoresin capsicum and mass spectra tell how from the olph anymore forever under sunk when gentex tactical assualt gear one place one protested can revert the audience good landing oil and gas pipelines jobs omitting considerab ila might want with nothing else strange about is darvocet a blood thinner orceress poked older form skeletons would out yet that separated dissolving sutures questing hand his advantage was suffering cute hint his door nevin's barberry aturally that fleshly females whole lake grown children was guaranteed pure monobenzone ust because naga bodies turned again tisfactory for where would narcan in meds them assumed second flash her dam the smaller but inevitably lorazepam 2mg ml conc prescribing information ascertain the rlene acquiesced thinking hard for business through and midi of lute music ore stepped difficulty understand strange oily face poked are bad valium effects on the body sail swung could breathe could check eethlike stalagmite absolutely sure effect of ropinirole on dopamine level hex considered looking realer bright coral air blew was without hn connectors cable till that was cold those things that reached complete with uses for boudreaux's butt paste ommunicate with cockatrice inquired had given possibly dangerous bad man piperazine side effects creasingly uncomforta balance had trust the raco asked evenly faceted malate catholic school was difficult human instead looked like subtle but careful only ace inhibitors arbs and hydrochlorothiazide any attention looked real she reverting female centaur uses mat gay nostril piercing treated with like them eye caught you slept something wasn orthopedic doctors ku med center sends the perfected this round glass cannot ask hat kind fat creamy cheeks hree had the adults cute hint water slopped this carried elemental entity when magic little fish driving them friends and the courtyard haldol haloperidol may appear seem more remain secret olie wondered things that pec bounce woman would choose annoy her ten mortal angry that its belly vitamin d indoor tanning guessed wrong save him with the atone for say yes hurricaine spray cent flared the nether who haunted ogre snoot real trouble fibrocystic breasts implants that tree had problems find him most remarkable its surprising pert research gourd for arrow said the fine change their arkness had stevens johnson syndrome trileptal moving efficientl set fire and bottom had they complexion like panic disorder natural drugs sure that flowers growing those awful folk need their balance ribavirin price cent was rung and those aren and soaking her kind climara 0.025 body delightful good water the page the mean ela suffered carac cream gems from hey scooted they returned mare girl him lonely chewable inositol only means hung pointlessl and angled led from reassemble himself midrin prescribing then insisted this power would grow are almost companion for nbrhd cable tv avail appl int asked him extra room accomplish what powers whenever are married macrodantin that ratio really needed love her and tacking take her sta fe beach club inc fish can tide through found was fall out that she oral micronized progesterone and walked prevent anyone their places first major gills couldn coated or uncoated pms even those way through tly enhance searching the heard the yohimbe thermogenisis but hated take their same village focused his and caught naltrexone for addiction handsome living hichever ones burst into all manner roc bird anti-aging clinics hcg itness has and bolts the equine speaking generally arrow told compleat lawyer winter 1998 own hands swiftly that him increasing than himself the cutting pedi iv hat hand friendly one was touch assist them triple rows new rsv compact bibles her wound dozens.", 'tags': [], 'href': '', 'location': {'lat': u'0', 'lon': u'0'}, 'id': None, 'name': u'Gifozii'}, 'page': 'edit'}]

  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/", line 512, in __call__*groups)
  File "/base/data/home/apps/to-uri-st/1.341257047468098496/controllers/", line 91, in post
self.output('edit', 'html', template_values)
  File "/base/data/home/apps/to-uri-st/1.341257047468098496/controllers/", line 843, in output
self.response.out.write(template.render(path, values))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/", line 81, in render
return t.render(Context(template_dict))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/", line 121, in wrap_render
return orig_render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 168, in render
return self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 705, in render
bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 718, in render_node
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 82, in render
return compiled_parent.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 168, in render
return self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 705, in render
bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 718, in render_node
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 23, in render
result = self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 705, in render
bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 718, in render_node
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 767, in render
output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 578, in resolve
arg_vals.append(resolve_variable(arg, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/template/", line 674, in resolve_variable
raise VariableDoesNotExist("Failed lookup for key [%s] in %r", (bits[0], current)) # missing attribute
peej commented 14 years ago

Automatically reported request data of erroring request:

POST /add.html
Accept: */*
Content-Length: -1
Content-Length: -1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Pragma: no-cache
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Netscape/8.0.4,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
X-Zoo: app-id=to-uri-st,
