peek-travel / swift-currency

Interact with and calculate values of currencies in a type-safe way.
MIT License
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Support Cryptocurrencies #3

Open Mordil opened 4 years ago

rnapier commented 3 years ago

Note that the current approach probably can't work for ETH. There are 1e18 Wei in an ETH, and if you try to implement that in an obvious way:

public struct ETH: CurrencyProtocol, CurrencyMetadata {
  public static var name: String { return "Eth" }
  public static var alphabeticCode: String { return "ETH" }
  public static var numericCode: UInt16 { return 999 }
  public static var minorUnits: UInt8 { return 18 }

  public var minorUnits: Int64 { return self._minorUnits }

  public init<T: BinaryInteger>(minorUnits: T) { self._minorUnits = .init(minorUnits) }

  private let _minorUnits: Int64

then you'll wind up with 5.01 ETH == 5.009999999999998976 ETH. The rounding hack to support ExpressibleByFloatLiteral is convenient, but it fails silently when minorUnits is large. ETH is a pathological case and fails easily. But BTC fails in edge cases that are still legal. For example, BTC(20_000_000.10000001) is rounded to 20000000.1 BTC.

Using String rather than double literals would fix this. Decimal(string: "20000000.10000001") does not fail this way. This is clearly less convenient. The question is whether that convenience is worth introducing rounding errors in money, or limiting the range of minorUnits to fairly small values.

EDIT: After thinking about this a bit more, I realized that rounding isn't even the biggest problem facing ETH. Int64 overflows for anything larger than about 10 ETH (on the order of US $13k in 2021). This could be fixed by using Decimal instead of Int64 for minorUnits, which would support a quintillion ETH, without causing much headache for callers.

Mordil commented 3 years ago

@rnapier Thank you for your feedback, we are addressing those points in our next major release.