peelman / redmine_asset_management

Simple Asset Management for Redmine / ChiliProject
6 stars 1 forks source link

ActionView::TemplateError #1

Open loetmann opened 12 years ago

loetmann commented 12 years ago

Hi Peelman,

just installed RAM into a more or less vanilla redmine 1.3.1-stable (Redmine-CRM-light an Pepper-Theme in place):

Processing RedmineAssetManagementController#index (for at 2012-03-05 18:37:31) [GET] Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"redmine_asset_management"} Settings cache cleared. Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering ram/index.html.erb

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined local variable or method `render_sidebar_queries' for #ActionView::Base:0xb4dc8bb0) on line #10 of vendor/plugins/redmine_asset_management/app/views/ram/_sidebar.html.erb: 7:

<%= l(:label_license_plural) %>

8: <%= link_to 'View All Licenses', licenses_path %>
9: 10: <%= render_sidebar_queries %>

app/helpers/application_helper.rb:980:in `content_for'
vendor/plugins/redmine_asset_management/app/controllers/redmine_asset_management_controller.rb:24:in `index'
vendor/plugins/redmine_asset_management/app/controllers/redmine_asset_management_controller.rb:23:in `index'
config/initializers/mongrel_cluster_with_rails_211_fix.rb:62:in `dispatch_cgi'

Rendering /opt/redmine/apps/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

I highly appreciate this project. Although I havn#t seen anything yet, the structure in 001_setup_ram.rb looks promising. On your website, I mentioned that you have experience with asset tracking systems.

Since I am no ruby developer I would ljke to contribute to a german RAM locale.

peelman commented 12 years ago

RAM is very much a work in progress, and isn't near releasable or deployable code yet. Most of the models don't even have GUIs for handling data entry yet.

The past month I haven't been able to find time to work on RAM very much, but especially now that I know at least somebody other than myself is interested in it, I will try to find time to get it closer to completion in the near future. I finally got a local development environment set up thanks to homebrew and rbenv, so my old model of having to dev locally and push to another box here in my house for testing can go away. Should shorten my cycle times to where I can accomplish much more in any given period of time.

Thanks for your interest, I hope I don't disappoint! And definitely at some point in the future once I get that far I'll have strings files you will be more than welcome to take a crack at to get a German translation going.

loetmann commented 12 years ago

Since Ruby(onRails) isn't my every day thing: Are there any specs, drafts or design information? Can one have a separate Asset-Pool for different projects? And lots of other thoughts....

BTW.: I have no problem with a top-down process. So lets have a look on models, GUIs and so on first.

peelman commented 12 years ago

Right now I have three or four diagrams I'm working off of here. I'm a data oriented kinda guy, so I usually piss off the Agile guys and work out what I want to store first, instead of focusing on the interface and working (what I consider to be) backwards. I can write whatever UI I want to suit a data model, but I can't necessarily write a data model to suit a UI. My brain just doesn't work like that.

That said: Right now a Pool can contain both licenses and Assets, but it won't be a 1-to-many. An Asset/License can belong to multiple pools. The idea is that in a more fluid environment, you might want to track that you lent a laptop to Joe in the office down the hall, so you would throw the laptop, its power brick, maybe a case or bag, and any other things, maybe even a projector, all into a pool, and loan the pool to Joe. The loan would track the date/out date/in, etc. so you can track responsibility for a given asset over time.

You could also set up pools for individual storage cabinets, server racks, offices, people, etc. Each pool will have a type (and you'll be able to add custom types in the admin interface). At least that's my thought going forward. Pools can also be nested. Originally Assets were going to be nest-able as well, but I haven't decided if that's actually going to happen or not. I wanted an entity that would allow as much flexibility as possible for grouping things, and the Pool concept is what i came up with.

The associations between the key players on the asset side and the key players on the Redmine/ChiliProject side have yet to be determined. I know at some point I want to be able to attach a license, asset, or pool to an issue for trouble ticketing, but beyond that vague concept, I don't have anything else at this point.

w0www commented 9 years ago

hello? not work this plugin?