peercoin / peercoin_flutter

Light Peercoin wallet written in Flutter, deployable on Android, iOS and Web.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Scanning of QR codes does not work on v0.9.4 #166

Closed sandakersmann closed 1 year ago

sandakersmann commented 1 year ago

Scanning of QR code does not work on v0.9.4. The camera does not turn on and the background stays black.

willyfromtheblock commented 1 year ago

That is android or iOS? I need device details.

willyfromtheblock commented 1 year ago

I managed to reproduce on Android 10. Camera will only work exactly once, right after granting permissions. Using it again leads to the behavior you described.

Can you confirm this is Android 10? The underlying changes already happened in 0.9.3, can you confirm that didn't work as well? Can you try revoking camera access in app info and trying again? It should work exactly once and I think it is this issue then:

sandakersmann commented 1 year ago

I'm on Samsung Galaxy S10+ with Android 12. I don't know if v0.9.3 didn't work as well.

sandakersmann commented 1 year ago

"Can you try revoking camera access in app info and trying again? It should work exactly once"


willyfromtheblock commented 1 year ago

fixed with