peerigon / alamid

Framework for RESTful JavaScript web applications that run both on the server- and clientside.
MIT License
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Client.use for custom instances (i.e. #134

Open meaku opened 11 years ago

meaku commented 11 years ago

We are currently using the auto-detect feature of via io.connect();. This might cause problems if you are hosting the client at port 80 separately and the websocket-server at a different port.

We should include the option to set a custom host and port.
Connecting this way: io.connect('http://localhost:9191');

meaku commented 11 years ago

We added the Server.use function to define custom modules like That's the way we should implement it for the Client as well.

jhnns commented 11 years ago

Is this finished? I think there are tests missing. It should also be chainable :wink:

meaku commented 11 years ago

It's done and chainable. Only the test are missing.