peerigon / alamid

Framework for RESTful JavaScript web applications that run both on the server- and clientside.
MIT License
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Do research on DOM methods #157

Closed jhnns closed 11 years ago

jhnns commented 11 years ago

We should do a research which dom methods are save to use and don't require jQuery. Thus it is easier to write other domAdapters. Maybe we can remove the dependency on jQuery entirely.

jhnns commented 11 years ago

The domAdapter has been simplified now. There are only find(), on(), off(), dispose(), request() left.

jhnns commented 11 years ago

jhnns commented 11 years ago

Readded addClass(), hasClass() and removeClass() because this should be part of a dom library. I think we can close this one so far. Alamid may provide a domAdapter that does not use a dom library in the future.