peerigon / alamid

Framework for RESTful JavaScript web applications that run both on the server- and clientside.
MIT License
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Rework model (again) #194

Open jhnns opened 11 years ago

jhnns commented 11 years ago

The model code is potentially buggy and partially inefficient.

This is just for the protocol, it's not relevant now :smile:

meaku commented 11 years ago

I would also like to exclude the schema handling (validation & schema defintion) as a separate module. Or maybe use an existing module if there is something suitable out there.

jhnns commented 11 years ago

Yep, that's exactly what I'm planning. If there's no module that fits our needs we should extract this functionality into in independent module. This way anyone who doesn't want to use alamid entirely can use the indepedent module. Thus we can also focus on the important stuff within alamid.