peerigon / phridge

A bridge between node and PhantomJS
The Unlicense
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remoteDebuggerPort not respected #31

Closed tecfu closed 9 years ago

tecfu commented 9 years ago

I'm attempting to pass the following flags to phantomjs via phridge:

  webSecurityEnabled : false,
  remoteDebuggerPort : 8888,
  ignoreSslErrors : true,
  remoteDebuggerAutorun : true

remoteDebuggerPort does not behave the same as --remote-debugger-port=8888, i.e. :

phantomjs --remote-debugger-port=8888 somfile.js

Allows one to open up a debugging session at in chrome/chromium. These debugging sessions don't fire in phridge, however.


tecfu commented 9 years ago

Ubuntu 14.04 Chrome Version 41.0.2272.76 (64-bit) phridge 1.0.8 node v0.12.2

tecfu commented 9 years ago

This option simply hasn't been added in the phantomjs source. See:

Also note that phantomjs has 1470 open issues as of this posting, and that other JSON config options fail as well. i.e. :

I think I'm going to write a patch that uses the CLI style args instead.

tecfu commented 9 years ago

Patched and created pull request.
