peerigon / phridge

A bridge between node and PhantomJS
The Unlicense
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Documentation is unclear about Phantom, Page objects and their difference from "native" PhantomJS phantom and page objects #57

Open n1313 opened 7 years ago

n1313 commented 7 years ago

The"h1"... code example in README.js uses and phantom.addCookie methods. First one is a custom phridge method, second is a native PhantomJS method, so these two phantom objects must be different. Since both objects are unfortunately named the same, it It is not immediately obvious that they are, in fact, very different, and when does the switch from one to another occur, so it is relatively easy to call phantom.openPage inside callback and wonder why it doesn't work.

The README notes that "phantom-object provided by phridge is completely different to the phantom-object inside PhantomJS", but it is unclear how to tell these two objects apart in the API reference. Which phantom is returned by phridge.spawn()? Which page is returned by phantom.createPage()?