peeringdb / peeringdb

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Search failure for FAC and "diverse serving substations" #1628

Open martinhannigan opened 2 weeks ago

martinhannigan commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Using search and selected "Yes" for diverse serving substations ZERO records return.

To Reproduce

Run this search:

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 12 25 12 PM Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 12 23 33 PM

Expected behavior

Records return. Since records exist:

What is the impact?

Bad data.

What are the proposed actions?

Fix it.

What is the proposed priority?


leovegoda commented 1 week ago

I see the same thing, even when refining the search down to a country and then a state

arnoldnipper commented 1 week ago

It must read "true" instead of "True" .... i.e. try