peerkar / liferay-gsearch

Google like search for Liferay 7 CE and DXP
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Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.liferay.journal.service; version="[1.3.0,2.0.0)" #10

Closed xhawk closed 5 years ago

xhawk commented 5 years ago

Moi Petteri

I'm trying to deploy gsearch to Liferay CE 7.0.4 but I've stumbled into a problem with the core impl package. Is this a know issue? What could be wrong?

⋊> ~/s/p/p/gsearch on master ⨯ blade sh install file:///Users/.../gsearch/fi.soveltia.liferay.gsearch.core.impl-2.1.1.jar install file:///Users/.../gsearch/fi.soveltia.liferay.gsearch.core.impl-2.1.1.jar Bundle ID: 515

⋊> ~/s/p/p/gsearch on master ⨯ blade sh start 515 start 515 org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: fi.soveltia.liferay.gsearch.core.impl [515] Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.liferay.journal.service; version="[1.3.0,2.0.0)"

OSGi tells that 153|Active | 10|Liferay Journal Service (3.17.3)

peerkar commented 5 years ago


There were some issues with CE 7.0.4 GA5. Can you upgrade to 7.0.5 GA6?

xhawk commented 5 years ago

Thanks, didn't notice the compatibility matrix. I believe this resolves my issue.