ran into a problem after upgrading from Meteor 1.4 to the latest 1.7:
W20180808-11:42:36.974(2)? (STDERR) TypeError: Cannot read property 'setRoot' of undefined
W20180808-11:42:36.974(2)? (STDERR) at packages/peerlibrary_blaze-layout-component.js:145:13
W20180808-11:42:36.974(2)? (STDERR) at packages/peerlibrary_blaze-layout-component.js:149:4
W20180808-11:42:36.974(2)? (STDERR) at packages/peerlibrary_blaze-layout-component.js:157:3
A meteor update --all-packages gives me this output:
This project is already at Meteor, the latest release.
Your top-level dependencies are at their latest compatible versions.
The following top-level dependencies were not updated to the very latest version available:
* aldeed:autoform 5.8.1 (6.3.0 is available)
* aldeed:collection2 2.10.0 (3.0.0 is available)
* aldeed:schema-index 1.1.1 (3.0.0 is available)
* mdg:seo 1.1.0 (3.2.0_1 is available)
* meteortoys:allthings 2.3.1 (7.0.1 is available)
* peerlibrary:blaze-components 0.21.0 (0.22.0 is available)
* peerlibrary:blaze-layout-component 0.1.2 (0.2.1 is available)
* peerlibrary:reactive-publish 0.4.0 (0.7.0 is available)
* percolate:migrations 0.9.8 (1.0.2 is available)
Newer versions of the following indirect dependencies are available:
* aldeed:collection2-core 1.2.0 (2.1.2 is available)
* aldeed:schema-deny 1.1.0 (3.0.0 is available)
* coffeescript 1.0.17 (2.2.1_1 is available)
* meteortoys:authenticate 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:autopub 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:blueprint 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:email 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:hotreload 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:listen 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:method 3.0.4 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:pub 3.0.4 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:result 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:shell 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:status 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:sub 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:throttle 2.1.0 (4.0.0 is available)
* meteortoys:toykit 2.2.1 (4.0.2 is available)
* msavin:jetsetter 1.5.2 (4.0.0 is available)
* msavin:mongol 1.6.2 (7.0.1 is available)
* peerlibrary:data-lookup 0.1.0 (0.2.1 is available)
* peerlibrary:extend-publish 0.3.0 (0.5.0 is available)
* peerlibrary:fiber-utils 0.6.0 (0.9.1 is available)
* peerlibrary:reactive-mongo 0.1.1 (0.2.2 is available)
* peerlibrary:server-autorun 0.5.2 (0.7.1 is available)
* softwarerero:accounts-t9n 1.3.11 (2.3.1 is available)
Do you think you can upgrade the peerlibrary ecosystem to be compatible?
Hi @mitar,
ran into a problem after upgrading from Meteor 1.4 to the latest 1.7:
meteor update --all-packages
gives me this output:Do you think you can upgrade the peerlibrary ecosystem to be compatible?