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Apply for Travel Scholarships for LibrePlanet2015 #140

Closed raaswol closed 9 years ago

raaswol commented 9 years ago

Title explains it. Just to be sure, @spencerhitch @nihils @mitar @gar-bear who's going?

mitar commented 9 years ago

Agh. You haven't assigned a milestone, so we missed this ticket.

Deadline is Sunday, November 30th, 2014 at 19:59 EST (23:59 UTC).

I would go. Can somebody prepare form answers for me which I can then just submit?

michaelkonrad commented 9 years ago

A lot of the questions are simple info like address and stuff to be filled in by the presenter, these are the more wordy questions. (I used “free software” often because that seems to be their buzzword of choice)

Why do you want to attend LibrePlanet 2015? As the founder and organizer of PeerLibrary, a free software project for facilitation of discussion around academic publications, I have a vested interest and passion for all things related to free software. I look forward to collaborating with the many software developers and free software activists who attend LibrePlanet each year. I would like to share my perspective of free software in an educational context as well as learn from the diverse perspectives of free software in other arenas.

Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? _Not sure what to put here, I think they’re looking for things that make you more needing of the travel scholarship, things like growing up in poverty, coming from a developing country, disability, etc. Feel free to put something about yourself here or leave it blank as it’s optional._

How do you plan to bring your experience back to your community? At the nearest level of my community, I plan to share the experience of this conference with my fellow team members and collaborators. I will relay the insights I have gained as they pertain to both our project and the free software movement as a whole. In a broader sense of community, I hope to spread the ideals of the free software and open access to my university and those like it to bring free software to an area currently dominated by proprietary software suites.

Estimated travel and hotel expenses The total estimated cost of this trip is $400 for a roundtrip ticket San Francisco to Boston. I will stay with friends during the conference.

Free software project affiliation, if any PeerLibrary

mitar commented 9 years ago

Thanks! I edited it a bit. Mostly: never ever use term "open source" when applying to LibrePlanet. :-) This is something completely different. So I fixed that. Also, the issue are "proprietary software suites" not for-profit software suites. Free software does not limit in any way one to make profit from the software.

mitar commented 9 years ago

Does anyone else want to apply? I should not be the only one!

mitar commented 9 years ago

I submitted the following:

As the founder and programmer at PeerLibrary (, a free software project for facilitation of discussion around academic publications, and nodewatcher (, main component of open wireless network of Slovenia, wlan slovenija, a mesh network in Slovenia, I have a vested interest and passion for all things related to free software. I look forward to collaborating with the many software developers and free software activists who attend LibrePlanet each year. I would like to share my perspective of free software in an educational context, and how to use free software to coordinate people into building knowledge around academic publications and open wireless networks, as well as learn from the diverse perspectives of free software in other arenas.

I am active free software contributor to various projects ( and I had attended LibrePlanet 2014. I am currently a PhD student at UC Berkeley, but originally from Slovenia.

At the nearest level of my communities, I plan to share the experience of this conference with my fellow team members and collaborators, both at Berkeley and in Slovenia. I will relay the insights I have gained as they pertain to both our projects and the free software movement as a whole. I believe that free software becomes better more we learn about each other, and learn better how to work together and collaborate. Learning what others are doing and how this could integrate with our projects is thus crucial. In a broader sense of community, I hope to spread the ideals of the free software and open access to my university and to an area currently dominated by proprietary software suites – sadly, almost all software used by researchers to help organize their work and collaborate with others is proprietary today. This becomes more and more problematic as results and discussions are becoming locked inside proprietary systems. By learning more about free software, I hope to be able to learn more how to change this trend.

The total estimated cost of this trip is $400 for a roundtrip ticket San Francisco to Boston. I will stay with friends during the conference.