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Submit A Proposal for UCB's Department of Equity & Inclusion Innovative Grants Program #167

Closed raaswol closed 9 years ago

raaswol commented 9 years ago

Dear UC Berkeley Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The Division of Equity & Inclusion is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals ( ) for innovative projects that will make our campus a more inclusive place to study and work. This opportunity comes as part of the Chancellor’s Campus Climate Initiative, announced in March 2014 as an initial response to the results of the 2013 UC Berkeley Campus Climate Survey ( ). The survey found that 1 in 4 people on campus experienced some form of exclusion, intimidation, bullying, or isolation during the previous year. These findings are a compelling call to action for innovative ways to make UC Berkeley a more equitable and inclusive community. The 2014 – 2015 Innovation Grants for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity invite your best collaborative ideas for new and creative projects to accomplish this goal for all students, faculty, and staff. The grants provide modest resources towards that end, with a preference for projects with the greatest potential for sustainable success.

The 2014 - 2015 Innovation Grants program is open to all UC Berkeley students, staff, and faculty with a current CalNet ID. Click here ( ) for the full Request for Proposals. Proposals are due Monday, February 16, 2015 by 5pm in electronic format to ( ).

For the past four years, Equity & Inclusion has sponsored the Innovation Grants program, an initiative that provides seed funding for projects designed to advance groundbreaking programs of inclusion at UC Berkeley. Past Innovation Grants awards have resulted in enhanced accessible fitness programs, including the first competitive college athletic team for blind students ( ); an expansion of the Cal Veterans program ( ); a new pathway to graduate school for undocumented undergraduate students; and the first faculty mentorship program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), among many others. All of these projects demonstrate the power of harnessing innovative ideas to transform Berkeley into a community where opportunity and inclusion are both valued and practiced.

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion can provide assistance to individuals and groups during the proposal process. Call (510) 642-8828 or email ( ) for questions about the proposal process, or attend an information session:

-Wednesday, December 10, 2014, (12noon – 1pm), Room 331 Sproul Hall

-Thursday, January 15, 2015, (10:30am – 11:30am), Room 331 Sproul Hall

I look forward to receiving innovative and sustainable proposals from across the campus to further excellence, equity, and inclusion at UC Berkeley.

With best regards,

Gibor Basri Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion

*This project is also supported by the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund and is part of the UC Berkeley Initiative for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity ( ).

mitar commented 9 years ago

Rachel, please. Can you make a useful ticket title?

mitar commented 9 years ago

And labels. And milestone.

raaswol commented 9 years ago


Klarster commented 9 years ago

I can help here, but as I understand, a student must apply, right?

mitar commented 9 years ago

I can help here, but as I understand, a student must apply, right?

Don't worry about such things. We just need applications to be prepared. We have enough students to apply then. :-)

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Ok, I'll get on it then :)

raaswol commented 9 years ago

This is due in February- so let's make sure there isn't something to prioritize first :-)

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Sure, just wanted to keep this one in mind :)

mitar commented 9 years ago

For such things we can probably also get some help from Graduate Assembly. Both in support and both in helping us making the application.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks! Btw, aren't you in touch with a grant writing consultant, @raaswol ?

raaswol commented 9 years ago

Yes, in a couple of ways, one is in hoping the Big Ideas thing works out- we can get a mentor and take their advice, as well as a few different people I could get in touch with...

I'm not sure which ones would help in a case like this- or which ones would want payment. Do we have a budget for that? I think I could reach out to a few people.

mitar commented 9 years ago

We have no budget for grant consultants?

raaswol commented 9 years ago

Not yet. I'll research and itemize it.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Sooo, I messed this one up. Overdue now :/ Proposals are due Monday, February 16, 2015 by 5pm. Closing this ticket now.