peerlibrary / outreach

PeerLibrary outreach
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Convert out slides to something we can store in the repository #2

Closed mitar closed 9 years ago

mitar commented 9 years ago

We should convert our slides (currently in the OpenOffice format) into something we can store in the repository. Maybe using reveal.js for them.

Ask @mitar for the latest version of them, when you start working on it.

raaswol commented 9 years ago

raaswol is helping!

mitar commented 9 years ago

I have put my slides from today into repository. They are in the gh-pages branch of outreach repository so that they can be accessed directly from the web. See here.

mitar commented 9 years ago

(I suggest people clone the repository, so that they don't depend on WiFi at a conference, but it is better to have slides available online, so that we can link to them from blog posts and elsewhere where we are talking about the conference.)

mitar commented 9 years ago

So let's create now in that branch slides for future events. In the past, I was trying to create a set of "basic" slides to reuse, but it never really worked. What worked the best for me is to simply create new copy of slides for each event, maybe modify a bit, merge with some older slides, and then use that, storing it for later, to be used to copy and merge.

So I would just suggest that we are adding each event as separate directory and slowly evolve the slides, instead of trying to create one set of slides for all events. I don't think that's possible. Let's just archive all slides and then for the next event we can check which slides are the most suitable and adapt them.

mitar commented 9 years ago

Simple presentation slides: Source:

Slides are meant so that next time you copy them over and make a new version. Maybe there is not much to change, but often is good to adapt to the public. I have never had an event until now where there was nothing to change: length difference, something new available to show, some focus you want to make.

mitar commented 9 years ago

(Spent around 2 hours.)