peggyjs / peggy

Peggy: Parser generator for JavaScript
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Add ES6 download button #509

Closed Flamenco closed 3 months ago

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

I added an ES6 export button. This will export the function as the default. I also clarified that the named export text box is only for CommonJS.


import {parse} from './theExport.js'


import * as Parser from './theExport.js'
hildjj commented 3 months ago

I was expecting to see a format: 'es' in the call to generate()?

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

Not needed. Just need to export the function as default. It will probably work either way though.

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

I have been using this and also generating typescript bindings, so that generate method will all get updated when I get around to it.

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

Hey @hildjj

I took your advice and tried this, and it worked well.

  $( "#parser-download-es6" )

      // If this button was enabled, the source was already validated by 'rebuildGrammar'
      const esSource = peggy.generate(editor.getValue(), {
        cache: $("#option-cache").is(":checked"),
        output: "source",
        format: 'es'

      var blob = new Blob([esSource], {type: "application/javascript"});
      window.saveAs(blob, "parser.js");

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

No longer a default export though....

So this wont work.

import Parser from './theExport.js'

This will

import * as Parser from './theExport.js'
hildjj commented 3 months ago

format: 'es' has a few other side-effects, most of which aren't likely to affect the output for the web (yet). Once we add support for libraries to the web, though, it's likely to matter.

Default export isn't really right, since you also sometimes need access to the SyntaxError class.

import {parse} from './src/parser.js'
Flamenco commented 3 months ago

I just added a try/catch block to be safe.

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

format: 'es' has a few other side-effects, most of which aren't likely to affect the output for the web (yet). Once we add support for libraries to the web, though, it's likely to matter.

Default export isn't really right, since you also sometimes need access to the SyntaxError class.

import {parse} from './src/parser.js'

Yes, the named export is best for tree shaking to. I updated the first comment with the usage.

hildjj commented 3 months ago

OK, this looks good to me, ready to merge after rebase. Did you test with an invalid grammar to make sure the UI is adequate?

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

I downloaded the generated es6 and ran it in node. I needed to rename to .mjs... I am not sure if we should change the extension though, as it will work in bundler or if module is defined in project.

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

I don't know why the rebase is so messy, I am going to force push the branch.

hildjj commented 3 months ago

I agree that the default name being .mjs doesn't hurt anything and is more likely to work more often.

hildjj commented 3 months ago

Also note: none of this will go live on until we do a release. It's theoretically possible to cherry-pick over to the stable branch, but it causes such a headache it's usually not worth it.

Flamenco commented 3 months ago

Want me to change the extension to mjs?

hildjj commented 3 months ago

Yes, please. I think changing to .mjs is a good idea.

hildjj commented 3 months ago


Flamenco commented 3 months ago

LOL Do you know how many times I tried to change that text box with "module.exports" over the past couple of years. 😆

hildjj commented 3 months ago

Open source is all about scratching your itch. :)