peggyrayzis / react-native-create-bridge

A CLI tool that bridges React Native modules & UI components with ease 🎉
MIT License
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Only two files were created: helloworldsquare.h and hellworldsquaremanager.m #54

Closed vincentk42 closed 6 years ago

vincentk42 commented 6 years ago

Dev setup:

I am using create-bridge in a:

What you did:

followed install instructions/video tutorial. In the video, the author states that four files should have been created, however I only see two.

What happened:

After installing, I went to go copy the four files to the projects folder in xcode. However, I was only able to locate two of them. I'm missing helloworldsquare.m and hellworldsquaremanager.h

my hellworldsquare.h file looks like this // Created by react-native-create-bridge

// import RCTBridgeModule

if __has_include(<React/RCTBridgeModule.h>)

import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>

elif __has_include(“RCTBridgeModule.h”)

import “RCTBridgeModule.h”


import “React/RCTBridgeModule.h” // Required when used as a Pod in a Swift project


@interface helloworldsquare : NSObject // Define class properties here with @property @end