peitalin / vim-jsx-typescript

React JSX syntax highlighting for vim and Typescript
The Unlicense
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Color scheme settings on screenshot #3

Closed jbiros91 closed 5 years ago

jbiros91 commented 6 years ago

Just want to know, whot color scheme are you using with that cursive font on the screenshots, new to vim. :)

peitalin commented 6 years ago

It's "onedark" (should be a vim theme on github somewhere). Then I modified it. Put this in your vimrc:

""""""""""""" Color Schemes """"""""""""""""
set termguicolors
colorscheme onedark

highlight Normal guibg=#21242a
highlight MatchParen guifg=#C678DD guibg=#504066
highlight LineNr    guifg=#151822
highlight CursorLineNr guifg=#56B6C2
highlight Error guifg=#f57373 guibg=#804040
highlight vimError guifg=#f57373 guibg=#804040

hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=#21242a guifg=#1f1f28
hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=#262a36 guifg=#1f1f28
hi Comment cterm=italic guifg=#4a5158
hi String guifg=#98C379 guibg=#2a2e34

""" browns
" function params: numbers and constants
hi Statement guifg=#907161
hi Conditional guifg=#907161
hi Keyword guifg=#56B6C2
hi Function guifg=#56B6C2

" Yellows
hi Number guifg=#E5C07B
hi Special guifg=#E5C07B
hi Boolean guifg=#E5C07B

" purple
hi CtrlPMatch guifg=#ba9ef7
hi Visual guibg=#364652

" medium red: if else operators
hi Preproc guifg=#e86868
hi Type guifg=#e86868

"""""" vim-jsx ONLY
hi Identifier cterm=italic

" Blues
" light blues
hi xmlTagName guifg=#59ACE5
hi xmlTag guifg=#59ACE5

" dark blues
hi xmlEndTag guifg=#2974a1
hi jsxCloseString guifg=#2974a1
hi htmlTag guifg=#2974a1
hi htmlEndTag guifg=#2974a1
hi htmlTagName guifg=#59ACE5
hi jsxAttrib guifg=#1BD1C1

" cyan
hi Constant guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptBraces guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptEndColons guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptRef guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptPropietaryMethods guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptEventListenerMethods guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptFunction guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptVars guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptParen guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptDotNotation guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptBracket guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptBlock guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptJFunctions guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptSFunctions guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptInterpolationDelimiter guifg=#56B6C2
hi typescriptIdentifier guifg=#907161 cterm=italic

" javascript
hi jsParens guifg=#56B6C2
hi jsObjectBraces guifg=#C678DD
hi jsFuncBraces guifg=#56B6C2
hi jsObjectFuncName guifg=#D19A66
hi jsObjectKey guifg=#56B6C2
peitalin commented 6 years ago

Cursive font is "operator mono" by Hoefler & Co.