pekrau / MolScript

The MolScript program produces publication-quality images of macromolecular 3D structures.
MIT License
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Fix Makefiles for OpenGL #1

Open pekrau opened 9 years ago

pekrau commented 9 years ago

The OpenGL-related stuff of the Makefiles is outdated.

pnrobinson commented 7 years ago

I was not able to install molscript on a debian system until I made the following changes -- then it compiled. Very useful program, thank you! The following is not an elegant solution, but maybe it is helpful to somebody, so I am posting it here.

  1. Install various libraries using the usual sudo apt-get (for glut etc)
  2. alter the Makefile.complete (original lines commented out)

GLUTLINK = $(GLUTDIR)/lib/glut/libglut.a -lGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXext -lX11


JPEGLINK = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.a

JPEGLINK = -ljpeg ZLIBLINK = -lz



PNGLINK = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.a

GIFLINK = $(GIFDIR)/libgd.a

GIFLINK = -lgd

  1. Comment out one include and add some type defs to ogl_bitmap_character.c in the clib subdirectory (This is not an elegant solution, but I am not familiar with the glut libraries and do not know where these typedefs are now to be found).

/#include <../lib/glut/glutbitmap.h>/

typedef struct { const GLsizei width; const GLsizei height; const GLfloat xorig; const GLfloat yorig; const GLfloat advance; const GLubyte bitmap; } BitmapCharRec, BitmapCharPtr;

typedef struct { const char name; const int num_chars; const int first; const BitmapCharRec const ch; } BitmapFontRec, BitmapFontPtr;

typedef void *GLUTbitmapFont;

  1. ln -s Makefile.complete Makefile

  2. make

markxbrooks commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the wonderful software from back in the day. Ideas (I might have a go at these): -It would be nice to give Molscript a GUI, in Qt -It would be nice to have a ./configure script to generate a Makefile. To this end, here is at least a Makefile that works for me on a Mac using Homebrew (see below) Modifying:

FREEWAREDIR = /opt/homebrew/lib

FREEWAREDIR = /usr/local

...may allow this to work in Linux

# Makefile
# MolScript v2.1.2, the complete implementation: all output modes enabled.
# If your computer system lacks one or more of the required libraries,
# then you will have to comment out the relevant symbol definitions
# below. If none of them are installed, use Makefile.basic instead.
# For more information, see the 'doc/installation.html' file.
# Per Kraulis
#   1-Dec-1996  first attempts
#  13-Sep-1997  rearranged optional implementations
#  22-Oct-1997  modified for distribution
#  19-Nov-1997  checked for distribution
#  15-Aug-1998  reorganized for v2.1
#   1-Nov-2014  rearranged directories for GitHub

# Executables
MOLSCRIPT = ../molscript
MOLAUTO   = ../molauto

# Command execution shell.
SHELL = /bin/sh

# Global external software directory.
# If not set in your .cshrc, then set it here. <---
# FREEWAREDIR = /usr/local
FREEWAREDIR = /opt/homebrew/lib

# OpenGL and GLUT for X (UNIX).
# Must be modified for Windows 95/NT. <---
GLUTLINK = $(FREEWAREDIR)/libglut.a $(FREEWAREDIR)/libXmu.a -L $(FREEWAREDIR) -lGL -lGLU -lXmu -lXext -lX11 -lXxf86vm -lXrandr -lXi

OPENGLOBJ = opengl.o
OPENGLCLIBOBJ = ogl_utils.o ogl_body.o ogl_bitmap_character.o

# Image file formats which require only OpenGL, GLUT and X (UNIX).
IMAGEOBJ =  image.o eps_img.o sgi_img.o

# JPEG image file format; requires the JPEG library.
# Comment out these lines if the JPEG library is not available. <---
JPEGDIR = /opt/homebrew/Cellar/jpeg-turbo/3.0.1/lib
JPEGLINK = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.a
JPEGOBJ = jpeg_img.o

# PNG image file format; requires the PNG library and the zlib library.
# Comment out these lines if the PNG and zlib libraries are not available. <---
#PNGLINK = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.a
#PNGOBJ = png_img.o

# GIF image file format; requires the gd 1.3 library.
# Comment out these lines if the gd 1.3 library is not available. <---
GIFDIR = /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gd/2.3.3_6/lib
GIFLINK = $(GIFDIR)/libgd.a
GIFOBJ = gif_img.o

# SGI IRIX's C compiler.
CC = gcc
#  Optimization flags:
COPT = -O1
#  Correctness flags:
#CCHECK = -ansi -fullwarn -g -DSELECT_DEBUG
CCHECK = -ansi -Wall
#CCHECK = -ansi -fullwarn -DNDEBUG

# General cc compile flags.
         $(PNGFLAG) $(GIFFLAG)

CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/X11/include -I /opt/homebrew/include -I /opt/homebrew/include -I /opt/X11/lib

# GNU's bison; required instead of the ordinary yacc.
YACC = bison

OBJ = global.o lex.o col.o select.o \
      state.o graphics.o segment.o coord.o xform.o \
      postscript.o raster3d.o vrml.o regex.o \


    (rm -f $(MOLSCRIPT) $(MOLAUTO) *.o core *~)
    (cd clib; make clean)

$(MOLSCRIPT): $(OBJ) clib/clib.a
    $(CC) -o $(MOLSCRIPT) $(COPT) $(OBJ) $(YLIB) clib/clib.a \
              $(GLUTLINK) $(JPEGLINK) $(PNGLINK) $(GIFLINK) $(ZLIBLINK) -lm molscript.y 
    $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) molscript.y

global.o: global.c global.h lex.h state.h graphics.h xform.h \
      postscript.h raster3d.h vrml.h

lex.o: lex.c lex.h global.h

col.o: col.c col.h global.h lex.h state.h

select.o: select.c select.h coord.h global.h state.h lex.h

state.o: state.c state.h col.h global.h select.h

graphics.o: graphics.c graphics.h coord.h state.h global.h lex.h \
            select.h xform.h segment.h postscript.h raster3d.h vrml.h

segment.o: segment.c segment.h

coord.o: coord.c coord.h global.h lex.h select.h

xform.o: xform.c xform.h global.h select.h

postscript.o: postscript.c postscript.h coord.h global.h \
              graphics.h segment.h state.h

raster3d.o: raster3d.c raster3d.h coord.h global.h graphics.h \
            segment.h state.h

vrml.o: vrml.c vrml.h col.h coord.h global.h graphics.h segment.h state.h

regex.o: other/regex.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o ./regex.o other/regex.c

opengl.o: opengl.c opengl.h col.h coord.h global.h graphics.h \
          segment.h state.h lex.h select.h

image.o: image.c image.h global.h graphics.h opengl.h

eps_img.o: eps_img.c eps_img.h global.h graphics.h opengl.h

sgi_img.o: sgi_img.c sgi_img.h global.h graphics.h image.h opengl.h

jpeg_img.o: jpeg_img.c jpeg_img.h global.h graphics.h image.h opengl.h

png_img.o: png_img.c png_img.h global.h graphics.h image.h opengl.h

gif_img.o: gif_img.c gif_img.h global.h graphics.h image.h opengl.h

$(MOLAUTO): molauto.o clib/clib.a
    $(CC) -o $(MOLAUTO) molauto.o clib/clib.a -lm

molauto.o: molauto.c

    cd clib; make clib.a CFLAGS="-I. $(CFLAGS)" OPENGLCLIBOBJ="$(OPENGLCLIBOBJ)"