pelias / docker

Run the Pelias geocoder in docker containers, including example projects.
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"pelias elastic start" command is successful only for user 1001 #299

Open limal opened 1 year ago

limal commented 1 year ago

Please state in the that it's not possible to run pelias commands unless you're a default user, i.e. 1001.

Once I switched from user 1002 back to 1001 below exception stopped occurring and I was able to run pelias elastic wait successfully.

ElasticsearchException[failed to bind service]; nested:
missinglink commented 1 year ago

This certainly isn't true as the default UID on most Linux systems is 1000 and 501 on MacOS, both of which work.

We've made a fairly decent attempt at detecting the correct permissions but it's impossible to cover every situation, you can always 777 the directories if you prefer.

missinglink commented 1 year ago

When you first run the elastic container it checks for a directory and, if that doesn't exist, it creates it with permissions for the current user.

If you subsequently change user to another user which doesn't have permissions to use that directory, then it will fail as expected.

Use of sudo is explicitly discouraged and we detect the underlying user instead.

If you're interested in reporting a bug which isn't covered by this behavior you'll need to include information about your system.

Phu2 commented 1 year ago

I think that the current approach of trying to enforce the same UID on the host and in the container does not work in cases where the host and the container are using different user namespaces.

For example, on my host machine i have created a user pelias with UID 1067. After executing pelias elastic wait i'm running into the same AccessDeniedException as mentioned earlier. If i change the permissions of the data dir to 777 the elasticsearch container starts properly. The created sub directories and files belong to 101067! Why is that?

In my setup (using sysbox) all containers are created in the namespace 100000.100000. The container's UID mapping:

me@mylaptop$ docker exec f8b080d6bec2 cat /proc/self/uid_map
         0     100000      65536

This means that UID 1067 in the container becomes UID 101067 on the host !

In order to avoid such mismatch i go like this:

This way the container user (uid=1000) is able to write to the mounted directory.

See also