pelias / docker

Run the Pelias geocoder in docker containers, including example projects.
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Cant start docker folowing documentation commands #345

Open marcelleza8 opened 3 months ago

marcelleza8 commented 3 months ago

Hello everyone, i'm some trouble to start pelias, i running all the commands from documentation and i getting an errror: $pelias compose pull # receive "no configuration file provided: not found", this is a docker error, but not getting the structure to identify where are this configuration files, i've created pelias.json and .env no root dir aside pelias script, how can i get more information to start docker properly, thanks in advance

missinglink commented 3 months ago

I would suggest cloning this repo and changing into the projects/portland-metro directory and then trying the commands from there.

Once you've successfully built the Portland project you can try modifying the config from there.

scriptprojectsdev commented 3 months ago

I have the same issue with the projects/portland-metro directory. I tried using the script in the and I'm getting the error error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-desktop": executable file not found in $PATH, out: ''

missinglink commented 3 months ago

Interesting, I haven't seen that error before, can you both please let me know your docker versions and which operating system you're using.

missinglink commented 3 months ago

@marcelleza8 is that the same error you're seeing?

meezaan commented 3 months ago

Operating system might also be good to know as that looks like an issue with docker configuration as opposed to Pelias.

scriptprojectsdev commented 3 months ago

I was able to fix my issue by going ~/.docker/config.json and removing the credsStore key. I don't think my error is the same as OP.