pelias / documentation

All things documentation for Pelias
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Cleanup TODO's in documents #19

Closed riordan closed 8 years ago

riordan commented 8 years ago

Edit or comment as you find em:

rmglennon commented 8 years ago

In the place search, it has an example to search for multiple values at once. I removed the TO DO text from the topic, but adding this note here for reference. I think this could use some explanatory text about the use case for multiple, unrelated location searches. For example, is it because you have different users searching in an end-user app and these random queries happen to come in at the same time, @stephenkhess?

"To search for more than one /place in a request, join multiple values together and separate them with a comma. For example, this /place query looks up the Eiffel Tower in OSM and 30 West 26th St, New York, NY in OpenAddresses...,oa:address:65cf57e4eb5548eca9bb548fb1461633"

riordan commented 8 years ago

@rmglennon The label field is used to include datasets to search. So if you want to search for everything but a particular data set (e.g. excluding GeoNames), you'd include all the other data sources you DO want to search (that we index in there).

This is the only field that operates as such (e.g. you can't search within two countries with the,CA).