pelias / documentation

All things documentation for Pelias
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Proposal: move all documentation to pelias/pelias for hosting on #262

Open orangejulius opened 5 years ago

orangejulius commented 5 years ago

We originally have this documentation repo only because Mapzen needed project documentation to be in its own repo so that it could be easily deployed to the Mapzen website. Back then, we didn't really even fully articulate the differences between Mapzen Search (Mapzen's hosted instance of Pelias), and Pelias itself.

At this point all that is history, and we can consider what we could gain by making the main source of Pelias documentation hosted on the Pelias website,

Here are some:

orangejulius commented 5 years ago

@missinglink any thoughts about moving most content out of pelias/documentation into pelias/pelias?

missinglink commented 5 years ago

Sounds like a good idea in principle but I would hold off until after I have met with the Ura Design agency.

I'm hoping that they will be able to provide an external perspective on the documentation that would make it more accessible to novice and experienced users alike.