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Åland Islands #275

Open weatherc opened 4 years ago

weatherc commented 4 years ago


Have played with this and found a couple of issues regarding Åland Islands data....

First, the town Mariehamn have a typo, it gives Marieham. Where to report that? "whosonfirst:locality:101815223","layer":"locality","source":"whosonfirst","source_id":"101815223","name":"Marieham",

Secondly, none of the Åland Island locations are found with FI-countrycode (its in Finland) or AX-countrycode (but have an "own" country-code). A few locations get a "dependency_a":"AX" but no country-code.

Thirdly, none of its locations are getting locality-tags but name-tags.

orangejulius commented 4 years ago

Hi @weatherc, Thanks for the report! The best place to report Who's on First data issues is their primary data repository:

Thankfully, there's probably no need for you to do anything, I can usually summon the relevant people to this issue (hello @stepps00)

stepps00 commented 4 years ago

Hi @weatherc - thanks for the info!

To your first point, I've updated the Mariehamn record here, which I think fixes the issue of you seeing the incorrect "Marieham" name.

To your second point, you can browse Who's On First's descendants of Aland here. There may be slight issues with cataloguing country codes in these records, but most have an AX country code. I may need more info on the issue here, but it looks like the records are classified in Who's On First correctly.

Let me know if additional records need fixes.

weatherc commented 4 years ago

Great and fast work guys, thanks! Then just, how do i update Pelias data for only AX? Just by setting the country-list in pelias.json to only AX and pelias download wof + pelias import wof ?