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Examples use port 3100, this port is NOT in the docker-compose file #279

Open mabushey opened 3 years ago

mabushey commented 3 years ago :

http://localhost:3100/v1/reverse?point.lon=-73.986027& a reverse geocode for results near the Empire State Building in New York City.

That port does not exist in the docker-compose configs. What service do I want to send the request to?

✗  grep PORT docker-compose.yml  
    environment: [ "PORT=4000" ]
    environment: [ "PORT=4100" ]
    environment: [ "PORT=4300" ]
    environment: [ "PORT=4200" ]

I'm going to guess it's 4100 which is placeholder, although 4000 is api which seems to make more sense .

Joxit commented 3 years ago

Port 3100 is the default port of the API for developers. The docker compose is a deployment example which redefine port for all services.

I think we can't change default ports because this will be a breaking change.