pelican-eggs / eggs

Service eggs for the pterodactyl panel
MIT License
2.79k stars 2.32k forks source link

Database: Neo4j #1170

Open MatWise opened 3 years ago

MatWise commented 3 years ago

With graph databases becoming increasingly more popular, I feel like Neo4j (the most popular one by far) would be a great addition to Pterodactyl.

Service: Neo4j

Does this expand an already existing service: N

Link to service:

Links for server downloads: (Available via apt-get, see install instructions)

Links for install steps/docs:

Software-Noob commented 3 years ago

I've got it up and working. I will have to look further into the additional configs and documentation because I've never used this before. I'll open a pull request for testing the egg a bit later.

Software-Noob commented 3 years ago

Time flies. I completely forgot about this. Is this still relevant, and if so, can you test out the egg for necessary additional configurations that it might require?

MatWise commented 3 years ago

Yes to both, just open up the PR and I'll look into it! 😄

0xE69 commented 2 years ago

Would be nice to have an egg for this! Bump :)