Open MatWise opened 3 years ago
I've got it up and working. I will have to look further into the additional configs and documentation because I've never used this before. I'll open a pull request for testing the egg a bit later.
Time flies. I completely forgot about this. Is this still relevant, and if so, can you test out the egg for necessary additional configurations that it might require?
Yes to both, just open up the PR and I'll look into it! 😄
Would be nice to have an egg for this! Bump :)
With graph databases becoming increasingly more popular, I feel like Neo4j (the most popular one by far) would be a great addition to Pterodactyl.
Service: Neo4j
Does this expand an already existing service: N
Link to service:
Links for server downloads: (Available via apt-get, see install instructions)
Links for install steps/docs: