Closed djdascream closed 2 years ago
[17:45:34][Error] Failed to load "", Unix error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by /home/container/modules/ [17:45:34] Loading resource FreeroamGamemode [17:45:34][Error] Failed to start resource FreeroamGamemode unknown type js [17:45:34][Error] Failed to load resource FreeroamGamemode [17:45:34] Loading resource chat [17:45:34][Error] Failed to start resource chat unknown type js [17:45:34][Error] Failed to load resource chat [17:45:34] Loading resource minimap [17:45:34] Loaded resource minimap [17:45:34] Loading resource minimap_js [17:45:34][Error] Failed to start resource minimap_js unknown type js [17:45:34][Error] Failed to load resource minimap_js [17:45:34] Loading resource trainer [17:45:34][Error] Failed to start resource trainer unknown type js [17:45:34][Error] Failed to load resource trainer
Panel Version
Wings Version
No, I did not modify the egg
Expected Behavior
Load the JS Module
Actual Behavior
Server does not Load the JS Module
Steps To Reproduce
Step 1 install altv Step 2 load the js-module in server.cfg Step 3 see this error message: [Error] Failed to load "", Unix error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by /home/container/modules/
Install logs
[17:45:34][Error] Failed to load "", Unix error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by /home/container/modules/
You have the latest egg? because It should be installed
This looks like the version compiled is using a different version of glibc than the image that is running the server.
Yes i had this issue since the latest Update from ALTV, after that i have downloaded the newest egg and updated it, but maybe too early? i will try it again
because version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26 is part of the libstdc++6 package what is installed in the image
Tryed it now, updated the egg again runned a reinstall from the Server and it still doesnt work
ON there website if you pres on the requirements for a dedicated server it sends you to dotnet 3.1 while dotnet 5 is installed
I just tried it with a freshly installed server, the data files were missing, but the module does not work there either.
I just tried it with a freshly installed server, the data files were missing, but the module does not work there either.
GLIBCXX_3.4.26 is installed
Nevermind I see wy, this egg uses a old image
changing to the new images fixes some problems but not all:
[18:38:47] Current version: 10.10
[18:38:47] Latest version: 10.10
[18:38:47] Server file server.cfg not found, creating one . . . done
[18:38:47] Server files are invalidated/corrupted, 3 in total
[18:38:47] Downloading file altv-server . . . done
[18:38:49] Downloading file modules/js-module/ . . . done
[18:38:49] Downloading file modules/js-module/ . . . done
[18:39:08] Server files are up-to-date, no action required
install complete
I am not able to fix this script so I just wget the required binary's and update the image ( This egg only support panel 1.8 +)
"meta": {
"version": "PTDL_v2",
"update_url": null
"exported_at": "2022-06-03T19:00:35+02:00",
"name": "alt:V",
"author": "",
"description": "alt:V Multiplayer a third-party multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: V",
"features": null,
"docker_images": {
"\/parkervcp\/games:altv": "\/parkervcp\/games:altv"
"file_denylist": [],
"startup": "chmod +x .\/altv-server && .\/altv-server",
"config": {
"files": "{\r\n \"server.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"host:\": \"host:\",\r\n \"port:\": \"port: {{}}\",\r\n \"password:\": \"password: {{}}\",\r\n \"description:\": \"description: {{}}\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"update.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"json\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"branch\": \"{{}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Server started\"\r\n}",
"logs": "{}",
"stop": "quit"
"scripts": {
"installation": {
"script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n#\r\n# Script Name:\r\n#\r\n# Author: Lhoerion\r\n#\r\n# Description: The following script compares SHA-1 hashes of remote and local alt:V files. If local file is missing or outdated, script automatically downloads it to script directory.\r\n# Old files are preserved as *.old. Script also keep track of current branch and build. Server start script gets created if missing.\r\n#\r\n# Run Information: This script is run manually.\r\n# Dependencies: coreutils, wget, >=jq_1.4, pcregrep\r\n#\r\n\r\napt update\r\napt install -y libatomic1 zip unzip jq curl wget libc-bin coreutils pcregrep\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n\r\nnoBackup=false\r\nnoLogFile=false\r\ndryRun=false\r\nsilent=false\r\nfor arg in \"$@\"\r\ndo\r\n if [ $arg = '--no-logfile' ]; then\r\n noLogFile=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--no-backup' ]; then\r\n noBackup=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--dry-run' ]; then\r\n dryRun=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--silent' ]; then\r\n silent=true\r\n fi\r\ndone\r\nfiles=()\r\nprintAndLog() {\r\n if [[ \"$silent\" == false ]]; then\r\n outFd=1\r\n else\r\n exec {outFd}>\/dev\/null\r\n fi\r\n if [ \"$2\" = 'ERR' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[91m[$(date +%T)][Error] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'WARN' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[93m[$(date +%T)][Warning] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'APP' ]; then\r\n printf \"$1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n else\r\n printf \"[$(date +%T)] $1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n fi\r\n}\r\nsemVerCmp() {\r\n declare -r \"semVerRegex=^(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*))?\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$\"\r\n local matchA=(${1##v})\r\n local matchB=(${2##v})\r\n for i in {1..5}\r\n do\r\n matchA+=$(`echo ${1##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n matchB+=$(`echo ${2##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n done\r\n if [ ${1##v} == ${2##v} ]; then\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n if [ \\( -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( ! -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [ \\( ! -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n local i=0\r\n for a in ${matchA[@]}\r\n do\r\n local b=\"${matchB[$i]}\"\r\n if [ \\( $i -eq 2 \\) -a \\( \\( -z $a \\) -o \\( -z $b \\) \\) ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $a > $b ]]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [[ $a < $b ]]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n done\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n}\r\ngetFileHash() {\r\n local file=(${1##v})\r\n sha1sum \"$file\" | awk '{print $1}'\r\n}\r\nfetchUpdateData() {\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/server\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for update, try again later\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n exit 1\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $(echo $updateData | jq -c '.hashList | has(\"data\/clothes.bin\")') == false ]]; then\r\n updateData=$(echo $updateData | jq '.hashList |= . + {\"data\/clothes.bin\":\"'$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})'\"}')\r\n fi\r\n str='. | to_entries | map(if .key==\"hashList\" then {\"key\":.key} + {\"value\":(.value | to_entries | map(. + {\"value\":[.value, \"%s\"]}) | from_entries)} else . end) | from_entries'\r\n local updateTmp=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" 'server')\" > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n if [[ \"${modules[$i]}\" == 'csharp-module' ]]; then\r\n modules[$i]='coreclr-module'\r\n fi\r\n local moduleName=${modules[$i]}\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/$moduleName\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for $moduleName update\\n\" 'WARN'\r\n else\r\n updateTmp+=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" \"$moduleName\")\" > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n updateData=$(jq -s '.[0].latestBuildNumber as $b | .[0].version as $c | reduce .[] as $x ({}; . * $x) | .latestBuildNumber=$b | .version=$c' ${updateTmp[@]})\r\n remoteBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.latestBuildNumber')\"\r\n [[ $remoteBuild -eq -1 ]] && remoteBuild=$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.version')\r\n}\r\nvalidateFiles() {\r\n files=()\r\n for file in $(echo $updateData | jq -r '.hashList | keys[]')\r\n do\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$file\" || (\"$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})\" != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\" && $(getFileHash \"$file\") != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\") ]]; then\r\n files+=(\"$file\")\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [ ! -e 'server.cfg' ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server file server.cfg not found, creating one . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n printf 'name: \"alt:V Server\"\\nhost:\\nport: 7788\\nplayers: 128\\n#password: ultra-password\\nannounce: false\\n#token: YOUR_TOKEN\\ngamemode: Freeroam\\nwebsite:\\nlanguage: en\\ndescription: \"alt:V Sample Server\"\\nmodules: [\\n \\n]\\nresources: [\\n \\n]\\n' > 'server.cfg' && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ || $localBuild -ge 1232 ]]; then\r\n local nodeExist=$([ -e '' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n local moduleExist=$([ -e 'modules\/' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true || \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Found old node-module files, removing . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n local result1=true\r\n local result2=true\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f ''\r\n result1=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f 'modules\/'\r\n result2=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$result1\" == true && \"$result2\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [ $localBuild != $remoteBuild ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files update is available\\n\"\r\n elif [ \"${#files[@]}\" -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are invalidated\/corrupted, ${#files[@]} in total\\n\"\r\n else\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are up-to-date, no action required\\n\"\r\n fi\r\n\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n modulesTemp=\"\"\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n modulesTemp+=\"\\\"${modules[$i]}\\\"\"\r\n if [ $(($i + 1)) -ne ${#modules[@]} ]; then\r\n modulesTemp+=','\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [[ $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":%d,\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n else\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":\"%s\",\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n }\r\n downloadFiles() {\r\n if [ \"${#files[@]}\" -eq 0 ]; then\r\n return\r\n fi\r\n for file in ${files[@]}\r\n do\r\n dlType=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[1]\")\"\r\n outDir=\"$(dirname $file)\"\r\n printAndLog \"Downloading file $file . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n if [[ \"$noBackup\" == false && -e \"$file\" ]]; then\r\n mv \"$file\" \"$file.old\"\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$outDir\/\" ]]; then\r\n mkdir -p \"$outDir\/\"\r\n fi\r\n wget \"https:\/\/\/$dlType\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/${file}?build=$localBuild\" -U 'AltPublicAgent' -O \"$file\" -N -q && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n if [ ! -e \"$file\" ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [ -e \"$file.old\" ]; then\r\n chmod --reference=\"$file.old\" \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to copy chmod to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n chmod -x \"$file.old\" || printAndLog \"Failed to remove execution permissions from file $file.old\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n else\r\n chmod +x \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to add execution permissions to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n validateFiles\r\n }\r\n\r\n if [ $noLogFile != true ]; then\r\n truncate -s 0 'update.log'\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ( \"$dryRun\" == false ) && ( ! -e 'update.cfg' ) ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n updateCfg=$([[ -e 'update.cfg' ]] && cat 'update.cfg' || printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.')\r\n localBranch=$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.branch')\r\n [[ ! -n \"$localBranch\" || \"$localBranch\" != 'release' && \"$localBranch\" != 'rc' && \"$localBranch\" != 'dev' ]] && localBranch='release'\r\n modules=($(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.modules \/\/ \"\"' | tr -d '[],\"'))\r\n [[ ! -n \"$modules\" ]] && modules=('js-module')\r\n fetchUpdateData\r\n localBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r 'if .build == null then empty else .build end')\"\r\n [[ -z $localBuild || $localBuild == \"-1\" ]] && localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n printAndLog \"Current version: $localBuild\\n\"\r\n printAndLog \"Latest version: $remoteBuild\\n\"\r\n validateFiles\r\n downloadFiles\r\nchmod +x .\/altv-server\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/data\r\nwget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmodels.bin\r\nwget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmods.bin\r\nwget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/clothes.bin\r\necho -e \"install complete\"",
"container": "debian:buster-slim",
"entrypoint": "bash"
"variables": [
"name": "ld lib path",
"description": "Needed to load modules correctly. Best left at default.",
"env_variable": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH",
"default_value": ".",
"user_viewable": false,
"user_editable": false,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Release Branch",
"description": "The supported versions are release, rc, dev (default: release).\r\nIf you don't know what you are doing leave it on release",
"env_variable": "BUILD",
"default_value": "release",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server Password",
"description": "The password to join the server",
"env_variable": "PASSWORD",
"default_value": "ChangeMe",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "nullable|string|min:6",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server Description",
"description": "Description for the server.",
"env_variable": "SERVER_DESC",
"default_value": "A Pterodactyl Hosted Server",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string",
"field_type": "text"
Thank you soooo much, i will update my Panel and then updating the egg.
@QuintenQVD0 ty it worked.
Can we get official fix in ?
@QuintenQVD0 ty it worked.
Can we get official fix in ?
This isues a script of github what currently now includes a fix for the data files not downloading but now it does not download the binary anymore. So I rewrote this one a litte bit to now manual download the data files if the do not exist. If the author update this script to fix the game download then I will make a pull request to fixt this. for now use:
"meta": {
"version": "PTDL_v2",
"update_url": null
"exported_at": "2022-07-17T12:24:35+02:00",
"name": "alt:V",
"author": "",
"description": "alt:V Multiplayer a third-party multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: V",
"features": null,
"docker_images": {
"\/parkervcp\/games:altv": "\/parkervcp\/games:altv"
"file_denylist": [],
"startup": "chmod +x .\/altv-server && .\/altv-server",
"config": {
"files": "{\r\n \"server.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"host:\": \"host:\",\r\n \"port:\": \"port: {{}}\",\r\n \"password:\": \"password: {{}}\",\r\n \"description:\": \"description: {{}}\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"update.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"json\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"branch\": \"{{}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Server started\"\r\n}",
"logs": "{}",
"stop": "quit"
"scripts": {
"installation": {
"script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n#\r\n# Script Name:\r\n#\r\n# Author: Lhoerion\r\n#\r\n# Description: The following script compares SHA-1 hashes of remote and local alt:V files. If local file is missing or outdated, script automatically downloads it to script directory.\r\n# Old files are preserved as *.old. Script also keep track of current branch and build. Server start script gets created if missing.\r\n#\r\n# Run Information: This script is run manually.\r\n# Dependencies: coreutils, wget, >=jq_1.4, pcregrep\r\n#\r\n\r\napt update\r\napt install -y libatomic1 zip unzip jq curl wget libc-bin coreutils pcregrep\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n\r\nnoBackup=false\r\nnoLogFile=false\r\ndryRun=false\r\nsilent=false\r\nfor arg in \"$@\"\r\ndo\r\n if [ $arg = '--no-logfile' ]; then\r\n noLogFile=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--no-backup' ]; then\r\n noBackup=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--dry-run' ]; then\r\n dryRun=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--silent' ]; then\r\n silent=true\r\n fi\r\ndone\r\nfiles=()\r\nprintAndLog() {\r\n if [[ \"$silent\" == false ]]; then\r\n outFd=1\r\n else\r\n exec {outFd}>\/dev\/null\r\n fi\r\n if [ \"$2\" = 'ERR' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[91m[$(date +%T)][Error] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'WARN' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[93m[$(date +%T)][Warning] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'APP' ]; then\r\n printf \"$1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n else\r\n printf \"[$(date +%T)] $1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n fi\r\n}\r\nsemVerCmp() {\r\n declare -r \"semVerRegex=^(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*))?\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$\"\r\n local matchA=(${1##v})\r\n local matchB=(${2##v})\r\n for i in {1..5}\r\n do\r\n matchA+=$(`echo ${1##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n matchB+=$(`echo ${2##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n done\r\n if [ ${1##v} == ${2##v} ]; then\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n if [ \\( -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( ! -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [ \\( ! -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n local i=0\r\n for a in ${matchA[@]}\r\n do\r\n local b=\"${matchB[$i]}\"\r\n if [ \\( $i -eq 2 \\) -a \\( \\( -z $a \\) -o \\( -z $b \\) \\) ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $a > $b ]]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [[ $a < $b ]]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n done\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n}\r\ngetFileHash() {\r\n local file=(${1##v})\r\n sha1sum \"$file\" | awk '{print $1}'\r\n}\r\nfetchUpdateData() {\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/server\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for update, try again later\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n exit 1\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $(echo $updateData | jq -c '.hashList | has(\"data\/clothes.bin\")') == false ]]; then\r\n updateData=$(echo $updateData | jq '.hashList |= . + {\"data\/clothes.bin\":\"'$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})'\"}')\r\n fi\r\n str='. | to_entries | map(if .key==\"hashList\" then {\"key\":.key} + {\"value\":(.value | to_entries | map(. + {\"value\":[.value, \"%s\"]}) | from_entries)} else . end) | from_entries'\r\n local updateTmp=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" 'server')\" > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n if [[ \"${modules[$i]}\" == 'csharp-module' ]]; then\r\n modules[$i]='coreclr-module'\r\n fi\r\n local moduleName=${modules[$i]}\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/$moduleName\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for $moduleName update\\n\" 'WARN'\r\n else\r\n updateTmp+=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" \"$moduleName\")\" > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n updateData=$(jq -s '.[0].latestBuildNumber as $b | .[0].version as $c | reduce .[] as $x ({}; . * $x) | .latestBuildNumber=$b | .version=$c' ${updateTmp[@]})\r\n remoteBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.latestBuildNumber')\"\r\n [[ $remoteBuild -eq -1 ]] && remoteBuild=$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.version')\r\n}\r\nvalidateFiles() {\r\n files=()\r\n for file in $(echo $updateData | jq -r '.hashList | keys[]')\r\n do\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$file\" || (\"$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})\" != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\" && $(getFileHash \"$file\") != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\") ]]; then\r\n files+=(\"$file\")\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [ ! -e 'server.cfg' ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server file server.cfg not found, creating one . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n printf 'name: \"alt:V Server\"\\nhost:\\nport: 7788\\nplayers: 128\\n#password: ultra-password\\nannounce: false\\n#token: YOUR_TOKEN\\ngamemode: Freeroam\\nwebsite:\\nlanguage: en\\ndescription: \"alt:V Sample Server\"\\nmodules: [\\n \\n]\\nresources: [\\n \\n]\\n' > 'server.cfg' && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ || $localBuild -ge 1232 ]]; then\r\n local nodeExist=$([ -e '' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n local moduleExist=$([ -e 'modules\/' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true || \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Found old node-module files, removing . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n local result1=true\r\n local result2=true\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f ''\r\n result1=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f 'modules\/'\r\n result2=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$result1\" == true && \"$result2\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [ $localBuild != $remoteBuild ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files update is available\\n\"\r\n elif [ \"${#files[@]}\" -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are invalidated\/corrupted, ${#files[@]} in total\\n\"\r\n else\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are up-to-date, no action required\\n\"\r\n fi\r\n\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n modulesTemp=\"\"\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n modulesTemp+=\"\\\"${modules[$i]}\\\"\"\r\n if [ $(($i + 1)) -ne ${#modules[@]} ]; then\r\n modulesTemp+=','\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [[ $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":%d,\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n else\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":\"%s\",\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n }\r\n downloadFiles() {\r\n if [ \"${#files[@]}\" -eq 0 ]; then\r\n return\r\n fi\r\n for file in ${files[@]}\r\n do\r\n dlType=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[1]\")\"\r\n outDir=\"$(dirname $file)\"\r\n printAndLog \"Downloading file $file . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n if [[ \"$noBackup\" == false && -e \"$file\" ]]; then\r\n mv \"$file\" \"$file.old\"\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$outDir\/\" ]]; then\r\n mkdir -p \"$outDir\/\"\r\n fi\r\n wget \"https:\/\/\/$dlType\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/${file}?build=$localBuild\" -U 'AltPublicAgent' -O \"$file\" -N -q && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n if [ ! -e \"$file\" ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [ -e \"$file.old\" ]; then\r\n chmod --reference=\"$file.old\" \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to copy chmod to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n chmod -x \"$file.old\" || printAndLog \"Failed to remove execution permissions from file $file.old\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n else\r\n chmod +x \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to add execution permissions to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n validateFiles\r\n }\r\n\r\n if [ $noLogFile != true ]; then\r\n truncate -s 0 'update.log'\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ( \"$dryRun\" == false ) && ( ! -e 'update.cfg' ) ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n updateCfg=$([[ -e 'update.cfg' ]] && cat 'update.cfg' || printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.')\r\n localBranch=$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.branch')\r\n [[ ! -n \"$localBranch\" || \"$localBranch\" != 'release' && \"$localBranch\" != 'rc' && \"$localBranch\" != 'dev' ]] && localBranch='release'\r\n modules=($(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.modules \/\/ \"\"' | tr -d '[],\"'))\r\n [[ ! -n \"$modules\" ]] && modules=('js-module')\r\n fetchUpdateData\r\n localBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r 'if .build == null then empty else .build end')\"\r\n [[ -z $localBuild || $localBuild == \"-1\" ]] && localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n printAndLog \"Current version: $localBuild\\n\"\r\n printAndLog \"Latest version: $remoteBuild\\n\"\r\n validateFiles\r\n downloadFiles\r\nchmod +x .\/altv-server\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/data\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmodels.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmodels.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmods.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmods.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"clothes.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"clothes.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"clothes.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/clothes.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\necho -e \"install complete\"",
"container": "debian:buster-slim",
"entrypoint": "bash"
"variables": [
"name": "ld lib path",
"description": "Needed to load modules correctly. Best left at default.",
"env_variable": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH",
"default_value": ".",
"user_viewable": false,
"user_editable": false,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Release Branch",
"description": "The supported versions are release, rc, dev (default: release).\r\nIf you don't know what you are doing leave it on release",
"env_variable": "BUILD",
"default_value": "release",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server Password",
"description": "The password to join the server",
"env_variable": "PASSWORD",
"default_value": "ChangeMe",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "nullable|string|min:6",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server Description",
"description": "Description for the server.",
"env_variable": "SERVER_DESC",
"default_value": "A Pterodactyl Hosted Server",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string",
"field_type": "text"
You are always free to PR fixes for eggs @QuintenQVD0 @BenasPaulikas ...
@QuintenQVD0 ty it worked. Can we get official fix in ?
This isues a script of github what currently now includes a fix for the data files not downloading but now it does not download the binary anymore. So I rewrote this one a litte bit to now manual download the data files if the do not exist. If the author update this script to fix the game download then I will make a pull request to fixt this. for now use:
{ "_comment": "DO NOT EDIT: FILE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY PTERODACTYL PANEL - PTERODACTYL.IO", "meta": { "version": "PTDL_v2", "update_url": null }, "exported_at": "2022-07-17T12:24:35+02:00", "name": "alt:V", "author": "", "description": "alt:V Multiplayer a third-party multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: V", "features": null, "docker_images": { "\/parkervcp\/games:altv": "\/parkervcp\/games:altv" }, "file_denylist": [], "startup": "chmod +x .\/altv-server && .\/altv-server", "config": { "files": "{\r\n \"server.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"host:\": \"host:\",\r\n \"port:\": \"port: {{}}\",\r\n \"password:\": \"password: {{}}\",\r\n \"description:\": \"description: {{}}\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"update.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"json\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"branch\": \"{{}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", "startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Server started\"\r\n}", "logs": "{}", "stop": "quit" }, "scripts": { "installation": { "script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n#\r\n# Script Name:\r\n#\r\n# Author: Lhoerion\r\n#\r\n# Description: The following script compares SHA-1 hashes of remote and local alt:V files. If local file is missing or outdated, script automatically downloads it to script directory.\r\n# Old files are preserved as *.old. Script also keep track of current branch and build. Server start script gets created if missing.\r\n#\r\n# Run Information: This script is run manually.\r\n# Dependencies: coreutils, wget, >=jq_1.4, pcregrep\r\n#\r\n\r\napt update\r\napt install -y libatomic1 zip unzip jq curl wget libc-bin coreutils pcregrep\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n\r\nnoBackup=false\r\nnoLogFile=false\r\ndryRun=false\r\nsilent=false\r\nfor arg in \"$@\"\r\ndo\r\n if [ $arg = '--no-logfile' ]; then\r\n noLogFile=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--no-backup' ]; then\r\n noBackup=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--dry-run' ]; then\r\n dryRun=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--silent' ]; then\r\n silent=true\r\n fi\r\ndone\r\nfiles=()\r\nprintAndLog() {\r\n if [[ \"$silent\" == false ]]; then\r\n outFd=1\r\n else\r\n exec {outFd}>\/dev\/null\r\n fi\r\n if [ \"$2\" = 'ERR' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[91m[$(date +%T)][Error] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'WARN' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[93m[$(date +%T)][Warning] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'APP' ]; then\r\n printf \"$1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n else\r\n printf \"[$(date +%T)] $1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n fi\r\n}\r\nsemVerCmp() {\r\n declare -r \"semVerRegex=^(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*))?\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$\"\r\n local matchA=(${1##v})\r\n local matchB=(${2##v})\r\n for i in {1..5}\r\n do\r\n matchA+=$(`echo ${1##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n matchB+=$(`echo ${2##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n done\r\n if [ ${1##v} == ${2##v} ]; then\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n if [ \\( -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( ! -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [ \\( ! -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n local i=0\r\n for a in ${matchA[@]}\r\n do\r\n local b=\"${matchB[$i]}\"\r\n if [ \\( $i -eq 2 \\) -a \\( \\( -z $a \\) -o \\( -z $b \\) \\) ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $a > $b ]]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [[ $a < $b ]]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n done\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n}\r\ngetFileHash() {\r\n local file=(${1##v})\r\n sha1sum \"$file\" | awk '{print $1}'\r\n}\r\nfetchUpdateData() {\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/server\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for update, try again later\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n exit 1\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $(echo $updateData | jq -c '.hashList | has(\"data\/clothes.bin\")') == false ]]; then\r\n updateData=$(echo $updateData | jq '.hashList |= . + {\"data\/clothes.bin\":\"'$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})'\"}')\r\n fi\r\n str='. | to_entries | map(if .key==\"hashList\" then {\"key\":.key} + {\"value\":(.value | to_entries | map(. + {\"value\":[.value, \"%s\"]}) | from_entries)} else . end) | from_entries'\r\n local updateTmp=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" 'server')\" > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n if [[ \"${modules[$i]}\" == 'csharp-module' ]]; then\r\n modules[$i]='coreclr-module'\r\n fi\r\n local moduleName=${modules[$i]}\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/$moduleName\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for $moduleName update\\n\" 'WARN'\r\n else\r\n updateTmp+=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" \"$moduleName\")\" > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n updateData=$(jq -s '.[0].latestBuildNumber as $b | .[0].version as $c | reduce .[] as $x ({}; . * $x) | .latestBuildNumber=$b | .version=$c' ${updateTmp[@]})\r\n remoteBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.latestBuildNumber')\"\r\n [[ $remoteBuild -eq -1 ]] && remoteBuild=$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.version')\r\n}\r\nvalidateFiles() {\r\n files=()\r\n for file in $(echo $updateData | jq -r '.hashList | keys[]')\r\n do\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$file\" || (\"$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})\" != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\" && $(getFileHash \"$file\") != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\") ]]; then\r\n files+=(\"$file\")\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [ ! -e 'server.cfg' ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server file server.cfg not found, creating one . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n printf 'name: \"alt:V Server\"\\nhost:\\nport: 7788\\nplayers: 128\\n#password: ultra-password\\nannounce: false\\n#token: YOUR_TOKEN\\ngamemode: Freeroam\\nwebsite:\\nlanguage: en\\ndescription: \"alt:V Sample Server\"\\nmodules: [\\n \\n]\\nresources: [\\n \\n]\\n' > 'server.cfg' && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ || $localBuild -ge 1232 ]]; then\r\n local nodeExist=$([ -e '' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n local moduleExist=$([ -e 'modules\/' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true || \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Found old node-module files, removing . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n local result1=true\r\n local result2=true\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f ''\r\n result1=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f 'modules\/'\r\n result2=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$result1\" == true && \"$result2\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [ $localBuild != $remoteBuild ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files update is available\\n\"\r\n elif [ \"${#files[@]}\" -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are invalidated\/corrupted, ${#files[@]} in total\\n\"\r\n else\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are up-to-date, no action required\\n\"\r\n fi\r\n\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n modulesTemp=\"\"\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n modulesTemp+=\"\\\"${modules[$i]}\\\"\"\r\n if [ $(($i + 1)) -ne ${#modules[@]} ]; then\r\n modulesTemp+=','\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [[ $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":%d,\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n else\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":\"%s\",\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n }\r\n downloadFiles() {\r\n if [ \"${#files[@]}\" -eq 0 ]; then\r\n return\r\n fi\r\n for file in ${files[@]}\r\n do\r\n dlType=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[1]\")\"\r\n outDir=\"$(dirname $file)\"\r\n printAndLog \"Downloading file $file . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n if [[ \"$noBackup\" == false && -e \"$file\" ]]; then\r\n mv \"$file\" \"$file.old\"\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$outDir\/\" ]]; then\r\n mkdir -p \"$outDir\/\"\r\n fi\r\n wget \"https:\/\/\/$dlType\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/${file}?build=$localBuild\" -U 'AltPublicAgent' -O \"$file\" -N -q && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n if [ ! -e \"$file\" ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [ -e \"$file.old\" ]; then\r\n chmod --reference=\"$file.old\" \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to copy chmod to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n chmod -x \"$file.old\" || printAndLog \"Failed to remove execution permissions from file $file.old\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n else\r\n chmod +x \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to add execution permissions to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n validateFiles\r\n }\r\n\r\n if [ $noLogFile != true ]; then\r\n truncate -s 0 'update.log'\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ( \"$dryRun\" == false ) && ( ! -e 'update.cfg' ) ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n updateCfg=$([[ -e 'update.cfg' ]] && cat 'update.cfg' || printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.')\r\n localBranch=$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.branch')\r\n [[ ! -n \"$localBranch\" || \"$localBranch\" != 'release' && \"$localBranch\" != 'rc' && \"$localBranch\" != 'dev' ]] && localBranch='release'\r\n modules=($(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.modules \/\/ \"\"' | tr -d '[],\"'))\r\n [[ ! -n \"$modules\" ]] && modules=('js-module')\r\n fetchUpdateData\r\n localBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r 'if .build == null then empty else .build end')\"\r\n [[ -z $localBuild || $localBuild == \"-1\" ]] && localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n printAndLog \"Current version: $localBuild\\n\"\r\n printAndLog \"Latest version: $remoteBuild\\n\"\r\n validateFiles\r\n downloadFiles\r\nchmod +x .\/altv-server\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/data\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmodels.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmodels.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmods.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmods.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"clothes.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"clothes.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"clothes.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/clothes.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\necho -e \"install complete\"", "container": "debian:buster-slim", "entrypoint": "bash" } }, "variables": [ { "name": "ld lib path", "description": "Needed to load modules correctly. Best left at default.", "env_variable": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "default_value": ".", "user_viewable": false, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|string|max:20", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Release Branch", "description": "The supported versions are release, rc, dev (default: release).\r\nIf you don't know what you are doing leave it on release", "env_variable": "BUILD", "default_value": "release", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string|max:20", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Server Password", "description": "The password to join the server", "env_variable": "PASSWORD", "default_value": "ChangeMe", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "nullable|string|min:6", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Server Description", "description": "Description for the server.", "env_variable": "SERVER_DESC", "default_value": "A Pterodactyl Hosted Server", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string", "field_type": "text" } ] }
I'm using this image, but somehow the web console doesn't forward the commands to the alt:V process and I'm not able to use any of my console commands. Few month ago this was working fine xD Is this worth writing a new Issue, or is that on my side and everyone else experience different behaviors with console commands?
@QuintenQVD0 ty it worked. Can we get official fix in ?
This isues a script of github what currently now includes a fix for the data files not downloading but now it does not download the binary anymore. So I rewrote this one a litte bit to now manual download the data files if the do not exist. If the author update this script to fix the game download then I will make a pull request to fixt this. for now use:
{ "_comment": "DO NOT EDIT: FILE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY PTERODACTYL PANEL - PTERODACTYL.IO", "meta": { "version": "PTDL_v2", "update_url": null }, "exported_at": "2022-07-17T12:24:35+02:00", "name": "alt:V", "author": "", "description": "alt:V Multiplayer a third-party multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: V", "features": null, "docker_images": { "\/parkervcp\/games:altv": "\/parkervcp\/games:altv" }, "file_denylist": [], "startup": "chmod +x .\/altv-server && .\/altv-server", "config": { "files": "{\r\n \"server.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"host:\": \"host:\",\r\n \"port:\": \"port: {{}}\",\r\n \"password:\": \"password: {{}}\",\r\n \"description:\": \"description: {{}}\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"update.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"json\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"branch\": \"{{}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", "startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Server started\"\r\n}", "logs": "{}", "stop": "quit" }, "scripts": { "installation": { "script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n#\r\n# Script Name:\r\n#\r\n# Author: Lhoerion\r\n#\r\n# Description: The following script compares SHA-1 hashes of remote and local alt:V files. If local file is missing or outdated, script automatically downloads it to script directory.\r\n# Old files are preserved as *.old. Script also keep track of current branch and build. Server start script gets created if missing.\r\n#\r\n# Run Information: This script is run manually.\r\n# Dependencies: coreutils, wget, >=jq_1.4, pcregrep\r\n#\r\n\r\napt update\r\napt install -y libatomic1 zip unzip jq curl wget libc-bin coreutils pcregrep\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n\r\nnoBackup=false\r\nnoLogFile=false\r\ndryRun=false\r\nsilent=false\r\nfor arg in \"$@\"\r\ndo\r\n if [ $arg = '--no-logfile' ]; then\r\n noLogFile=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--no-backup' ]; then\r\n noBackup=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--dry-run' ]; then\r\n dryRun=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--silent' ]; then\r\n silent=true\r\n fi\r\ndone\r\nfiles=()\r\nprintAndLog() {\r\n if [[ \"$silent\" == false ]]; then\r\n outFd=1\r\n else\r\n exec {outFd}>\/dev\/null\r\n fi\r\n if [ \"$2\" = 'ERR' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[91m[$(date +%T)][Error] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'WARN' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[93m[$(date +%T)][Warning] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'APP' ]; then\r\n printf \"$1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n else\r\n printf \"[$(date +%T)] $1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n fi\r\n}\r\nsemVerCmp() {\r\n declare -r \"semVerRegex=^(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*))?\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$\"\r\n local matchA=(${1##v})\r\n local matchB=(${2##v})\r\n for i in {1..5}\r\n do\r\n matchA+=$(`echo ${1##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n matchB+=$(`echo ${2##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n done\r\n if [ ${1##v} == ${2##v} ]; then\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n if [ \\( -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( ! -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [ \\( ! -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n local i=0\r\n for a in ${matchA[@]}\r\n do\r\n local b=\"${matchB[$i]}\"\r\n if [ \\( $i -eq 2 \\) -a \\( \\( -z $a \\) -o \\( -z $b \\) \\) ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $a > $b ]]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [[ $a < $b ]]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n done\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n}\r\ngetFileHash() {\r\n local file=(${1##v})\r\n sha1sum \"$file\" | awk '{print $1}'\r\n}\r\nfetchUpdateData() {\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/server\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for update, try again later\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n exit 1\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $(echo $updateData | jq -c '.hashList | has(\"data\/clothes.bin\")') == false ]]; then\r\n updateData=$(echo $updateData | jq '.hashList |= . + {\"data\/clothes.bin\":\"'$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})'\"}')\r\n fi\r\n str='. | to_entries | map(if .key==\"hashList\" then {\"key\":.key} + {\"value\":(.value | to_entries | map(. + {\"value\":[.value, \"%s\"]}) | from_entries)} else . end) | from_entries'\r\n local updateTmp=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" 'server')\" > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n if [[ \"${modules[$i]}\" == 'csharp-module' ]]; then\r\n modules[$i]='coreclr-module'\r\n fi\r\n local moduleName=${modules[$i]}\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/$moduleName\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for $moduleName update\\n\" 'WARN'\r\n else\r\n updateTmp+=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" \"$moduleName\")\" > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n updateData=$(jq -s '.[0].latestBuildNumber as $b | .[0].version as $c | reduce .[] as $x ({}; . * $x) | .latestBuildNumber=$b | .version=$c' ${updateTmp[@]})\r\n remoteBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.latestBuildNumber')\"\r\n [[ $remoteBuild -eq -1 ]] && remoteBuild=$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.version')\r\n}\r\nvalidateFiles() {\r\n files=()\r\n for file in $(echo $updateData | jq -r '.hashList | keys[]')\r\n do\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$file\" || (\"$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})\" != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\" && $(getFileHash \"$file\") != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\") ]]; then\r\n files+=(\"$file\")\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [ ! -e 'server.cfg' ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server file server.cfg not found, creating one . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n printf 'name: \"alt:V Server\"\\nhost:\\nport: 7788\\nplayers: 128\\n#password: ultra-password\\nannounce: false\\n#token: YOUR_TOKEN\\ngamemode: Freeroam\\nwebsite:\\nlanguage: en\\ndescription: \"alt:V Sample Server\"\\nmodules: [\\n \\n]\\nresources: [\\n \\n]\\n' > 'server.cfg' && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ || $localBuild -ge 1232 ]]; then\r\n local nodeExist=$([ -e '' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n local moduleExist=$([ -e 'modules\/' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true || \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Found old node-module files, removing . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n local result1=true\r\n local result2=true\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f ''\r\n result1=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f 'modules\/'\r\n result2=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$result1\" == true && \"$result2\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [ $localBuild != $remoteBuild ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files update is available\\n\"\r\n elif [ \"${#files[@]}\" -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are invalidated\/corrupted, ${#files[@]} in total\\n\"\r\n else\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are up-to-date, no action required\\n\"\r\n fi\r\n\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n modulesTemp=\"\"\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n modulesTemp+=\"\\\"${modules[$i]}\\\"\"\r\n if [ $(($i + 1)) -ne ${#modules[@]} ]; then\r\n modulesTemp+=','\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [[ $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":%d,\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n else\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":\"%s\",\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n }\r\n downloadFiles() {\r\n if [ \"${#files[@]}\" -eq 0 ]; then\r\n return\r\n fi\r\n for file in ${files[@]}\r\n do\r\n dlType=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[1]\")\"\r\n outDir=\"$(dirname $file)\"\r\n printAndLog \"Downloading file $file . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n if [[ \"$noBackup\" == false && -e \"$file\" ]]; then\r\n mv \"$file\" \"$file.old\"\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$outDir\/\" ]]; then\r\n mkdir -p \"$outDir\/\"\r\n fi\r\n wget \"https:\/\/\/$dlType\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/${file}?build=$localBuild\" -U 'AltPublicAgent' -O \"$file\" -N -q && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n if [ ! -e \"$file\" ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [ -e \"$file.old\" ]; then\r\n chmod --reference=\"$file.old\" \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to copy chmod to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n chmod -x \"$file.old\" || printAndLog \"Failed to remove execution permissions from file $file.old\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n else\r\n chmod +x \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to add execution permissions to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n validateFiles\r\n }\r\n\r\n if [ $noLogFile != true ]; then\r\n truncate -s 0 'update.log'\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ( \"$dryRun\" == false ) && ( ! -e 'update.cfg' ) ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n updateCfg=$([[ -e 'update.cfg' ]] && cat 'update.cfg' || printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.')\r\n localBranch=$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.branch')\r\n [[ ! -n \"$localBranch\" || \"$localBranch\" != 'release' && \"$localBranch\" != 'rc' && \"$localBranch\" != 'dev' ]] && localBranch='release'\r\n modules=($(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.modules \/\/ \"\"' | tr -d '[],\"'))\r\n [[ ! -n \"$modules\" ]] && modules=('js-module')\r\n fetchUpdateData\r\n localBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r 'if .build == null then empty else .build end')\"\r\n [[ -z $localBuild || $localBuild == \"-1\" ]] && localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n printAndLog \"Current version: $localBuild\\n\"\r\n printAndLog \"Latest version: $remoteBuild\\n\"\r\n validateFiles\r\n downloadFiles\r\nchmod +x .\/altv-server\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/data\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmodels.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmodels.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmods.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmods.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"clothes.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"clothes.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"clothes.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/clothes.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\necho -e \"install complete\"", "container": "debian:buster-slim", "entrypoint": "bash" } }, "variables": [ { "name": "ld lib path", "description": "Needed to load modules correctly. Best left at default.", "env_variable": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "default_value": ".", "user_viewable": false, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|string|max:20", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Release Branch", "description": "The supported versions are release, rc, dev (default: release).\r\nIf you don't know what you are doing leave it on release", "env_variable": "BUILD", "default_value": "release", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string|max:20", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Server Password", "description": "The password to join the server", "env_variable": "PASSWORD", "default_value": "ChangeMe", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "nullable|string|min:6", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Server Description", "description": "Description for the server.", "env_variable": "SERVER_DESC", "default_value": "A Pterodactyl Hosted Server", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string", "field_type": "text" } ] }
I'm using this image, but somehow the web console doesn't forward the commands to the alt:V process and I'm not able to use any of my console commands. Few month ago this was working fine xD Is this worth writing a new Issue, or is that on my side and everyone else experience different behaviors with console commands?
The author of the script just update everything to fix the downloads. I will update the egg, test it what includes the console input function and then make a PR
@djdascream Can you test the updated egg?
With the egg from pull request the console commands are still not working. However the server starts properly and all needed libraries are there.
With the egg from pull request the console commands are still not working. However the server starts properly and all needed libraries are there.
Yea, it is a issue with there server bin. Even running it on the host machine console commands are not working. Do it is not a egg issue but rather a game issue
Panel Version
Wings Version
No, I did not modify the egg
Expected Behavior
Load the JS Module
Actual Behavior
Server does not Load the JS Module
Steps To Reproduce
Step 1 install altv Step 2 load the js-module in server.cfg Step 3 see this error message: [Error] Failed to load "", Unix error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by /home/container/modules/
Install logs
[17:45:34][Error] Failed to load "", Unix error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by /home/container/modules/