pelican-eggs / eggs

Service eggs for the pterodactyl panel
MIT License
2.79k stars 2.31k forks source link

[Bug]: Squad mods are not installing correctly #2874

Open wojski opened 3 months ago

wojski commented 3 months ago

Panel Version

Jaxactyl canary

Wings Version





Yes, I modified the egg (will provide details below)

Expected Behavior

Set variable with mods: (3021507949,2504260929) Mods will be installed Game will have mods enabled

Actual Behavior

Mods are not installed. Error shown during instalation:

Success! App '403240' fully installed.
Downloading item 3021507949 ...
Success. Downloaded item 3021507949 to "/mnt/server/steamapps/workshop/content/393380/3021507949" (100958766 bytes) Downloading item 2504260929 ...
Success. Downloaded item 2504260929 to "/mnt/server/steamapps/workshop/content/393380/2504260929" (233253419 bytes) 'linux32/' -> '../.steam/sdk32/'
'linux64/' -> '../.steam/sdk64/'
mv: invalid option -- 'r'
Try 'mv --help' for more information.
Moving downloaded mods if avabile
Installation completed...

Steps To Reproduce

Add mods to egg. Reinstall server Check install logs for error

Eggs modification:

Added {SERVER_PORT1} to being able modify actual port.

Install logs

wojski commented 3 months ago

Also file explorer confirms that plugins are missing

QuintenQVD0 commented 3 months ago

Also file explorer confirms that plugins are missing

Since when does this repo support yex?

But it indeeed seems like an egg but. I will have a look.

wojski commented 3 months ago

It doesn't, but this problem is on wings level

Cartitarul commented 3 months ago

Hi @wojski, I am aware of this issue with a plan to fix it this week, from what I know the mods are downloaded but are not moved to the correct folder. A temporally fix is to manually move the folders from steamapps/workshop/content/393380/ to the SquadGame/Plugins/Mods