pelican-eggs / eggs

Service eggs for the pterodactyl panel
MIT License
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[Out of memory: false]: <Palworld> #2943

Closed AAvic closed 1 month ago

AAvic commented 1 month ago

Panel Version


Wings Version





No, I did not modify the egg

Expected Behavior

[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Finished pulling Docker container image steam user is not set. Using anonymous user. WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work. Redirecting stderr to '/home/container/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' Logging directory: '/home/container/Steam/logs' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... UpdateUI: skip show logoSteam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1714855729 -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Success! App '2394010' already up to date. :/home/container$ /home/container/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test Pal EpicApp=PalServer -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS -publicip= -port=25581 -publicport=25581 -servername="${SERVER_NAME}" -players=32 $(if [ -n "$SERVER_PASSWORD" ]; then echo "-serverpassword=\"${SERVER_PASSWORD}\""; fi) -adminpassword="${ADMIN_PASSWORD}" / line 89: /home/container/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test: No such file or directory container@pterodactyl~ Server marked as offline... [Pterodactyl Daemon]: ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ---------- [Pterodactyl Daemon]: Exit code: 127 [Pterodactyl Daemon]: Out of memory: false [Pterodactyl Daemon]: Aborting automatic restart, last crash occurred less than 60 seconds ago.

Actual Behavior

I have update the egg and i restart the server. I get the error Out of memory: false.

The memory on the server is more than 80gb so there is no out of memory problem.

Steps To Reproduce

I have install the server again still the same probleem.

Install logs


QuintenQVD0 commented 1 month ago

Your egg or / and startup is out of date. Also read this egg readme.

AAvic commented 1 month ago

Hi Quinten,

I have update the egg and the startup and i read the egg but still i get the out of memory: False.

I use this file. egg-palworld1.json

SCript for the egg

I have restart the server and the server was updating but still the same code.

reinstall the server and still not working.

This is the startup command:

./PalworldServerConfigParser; (while read cmd; do rcon -s -a "localhost:$RCON_PORT" -p "$ADMIN_PASSWORD" "$cmd";done) < /dev/stdin & /home/container/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Shipping Pal -publiclobby -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS -port={{SERVER_PORT}} -publicport={{SERVER_PORT}} -servername="{{SERVER_NAME}}" -players={{MAX_PLAYERS}} $(if [ -n "$SERVER_PASSWORD" ]; then echo "-serverpassword=\"${SERVER_PASSWORD}\""; fi) -adminpassword="{{ADMIN_PASSWORD}}" -rcon