pelican-eggs / games-steamcmd

Eggs for game servers that use SteamCMD to install.
MIT License
41 stars 20 forks source link

[New Egg] SourceCoop #17

Closed lilkingjr1 closed 1 month ago

lilkingjr1 commented 1 month ago


Adds a new Egg for SourceCoop: A cooperative server-side-only mod for multi-player Source Engine games (like Black Mesa), that enables players to play together on single-player campaigns or maps. This Egg currently only supports Black Mesa (the mod's primary game of focus) and it's official maps, but this may be expanded to more games in the future via additional Eggs. Please see the README for additional information.

Also, this PR adjusts the existing Black Mesa Egg's README to fix typos and make it more clear of the differences between that Egg and this one.

Sort-of fulfills @shodanx2's Egg request as a comment in this issue:

Checklist for all submissions

New egg Submissions

  1. [x] Does your submission pass tests (server is connectable)?
  2. [ ] Does your egg use a custom docker image?
  3. [x] Have you added the egg to the main and any other README files in subdirectories of the egg (e.g /game_eggs) according to the alphabetical order?
  4. [x] Have you added a unique for the egg you are adding according to the alphabetical order?
  5. [x] You verify that the start command applied does not use a shell script
  6. [x] The egg was exported from the panel