Open m70b1jr opened 5 months ago
Hi there, I gave it a try but it doesnt seems to work. egg-the-ship-multiplayer.json Here is my egg that I tried with but after installing it, it doesnt seem to run. I will try it with the windows server with wine, but I cant make a promise that it will work.
An attempt with Wine could be awesome and appreciated
I see what I can do but I will use the linux version
There seems to be a problem reading characters by srcds_run (linux version throws lot of errors or is missunderstanding cvars, maybe because source sdk 2006 multiplayer/dedicated server files are missing?). I dont get it running on debian with the linux files (you need to use - instead of + for the parameters on linux). I remember one thing, I couldnt get fortress forever running on linux because source sdk 2006 dedicated server/multiplayer is missing by valve.
I got it runing on debian with wine, wine mono and xvfb. But I can't replicate it with docker. Start Command: xvfb-run --auto-servernum wine srcds.exe -console -game ship -port 27016 -exec server.cfg +map huronian +maxplayers 20 +ship_enable_bots 1 +bot_quota 20 +bot_quota_mode fill +ship_num_participants 6.
Maybe with an older debian/ubuntu version it will work because the game is pretty old and abondend
Does this expand an already existing service
Link to a game or software
Links for the download
Links for the install docs
I couldn't find official documentation for The Ship, but it uses the same setup and configuration process of most Source dedicated servers, which I'm sure you guys have experience with.
NOTE: This is a copied request from the Pterodactyl egg request, which was issue #2277: