pelletier / go-toml

Go library for the TOML file format
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CI benchmark doesn't work anymore #902

Closed pelletier closed 8 months ago

pelletier commented 9 months ago
flag provided but not defined: -csv
Usage: benchstat [flags] inputs...

benchstat computes statistical summaries and A/B comparisons of Go
benchmarks. It shows benchmark medians in a table with a row for each
benchmark and a column for each input file. If there is more than one
input file, it also shows A/B comparisons between the files. If a
difference is likely to be noise, it shows "~".

For details, see
  -alpha α
        consider change significant if p < α (default 0.05)
  -col projection
        split results into columns by distinct values of projection (default ".file")
  -confidence level
        confidence level for ranges (default 0.95)
  -filter query
        use only benchmarks matching benchfilter query (default "*")
  -format format
        print results in format:
          text - plain text
          csv  - comma-separated values (warnings will be written to stderr)
         (default "text")
  -ignore keys
        ignore variations in keys
  -row projection
        split results into rows by distinct values of projection (default ".fullname")
  -table projection
        split results into tables by distinct values of projection (default ".config")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 23, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
pelletier commented 8 months ago

Fixed by