pellinor0 / TweakScale

Forked from Gaius Goodspeed's Goodspeed Aerospace Part & TweakScale plugin
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IVAs are unscaled #27

Closed pellinor0 closed 8 years ago

pellinor0 commented 8 years ago

This was always the case but becomes much more obvious with the new overlay.

The least breaking thing to do is probably to scale the IVAs - with the side effect of scaled kerbals.

There is the obvious solution of "then don't do it" but there are legitimate uses of scaled crew parts (like aircraft form factors that only offer a cockpit for the front). And generally the plugin needs to work if a TweakScale module ends up on a part with an IVA.

pellinor0 commented 8 years ago

"part.internalModel.transform.localScale *= ScalingFactor.absolute.linear;" seems to do the trick. Mostly.

pellinor0 commented 8 years ago

Writing the scale every frame works (but is probably not a good idea). Writing it at the OnCrewTransferred event does not work, so the reset probably happens afterwards.

pellinor0 commented 8 years ago

fixed by and the mk1 pod IVA being too large is actually a stock bug that does not need TweakScale to happen