pellinor0 / TweakScale

Forked from Gaius Goodspeed's Goodspeed Aerospace Part & TweakScale plugin
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investigate interactions with fuelSwitch mods #56

Open pellinor0 opened 7 years ago

pellinor0 commented 7 years ago

There seem to be problems with several fuel switch mods lately, probably something changed in the base game. MFT applies resource costs twice (even when on its own), interaction with CC (configurable containers) also seems broken.

If FSfuelSwitch is present, I now ignore resource costs when calculating GetModuleCost. It might make sense to also do that for other fuelSwitch modules.

I recently changed to look at prefab-cost and prefab-resources when calculating dryCost (before: part-resources). This fixes things with FSFuelSwitch but might break something else. Overall it seems the more consistent thing to do.

List of fuel switch mods with TweakScale interaction:

blowfishpro commented 7 years ago

There seem to be issues with RealFuels - TweakScale tells the tank module to rescale, so it modifies the mass, then the Tweakscale module also tries to modify the mass, which can result in negative mass for downscaled tanks. Would it be possible to disable TweakScale setting the mass on any part with a particular module?

Not sure if ModularFuelTanks has the same issue or not.

blowfishpro commented 7 years ago

B9PartSwitch was working the last time I checked