pellinor0 / TweakScale

Forked from Gaius Goodspeed's Goodspeed Aerospace Part & TweakScale plugin
29 stars 23 forks source link

Adjust Exponent of a resource #73

Open gomker opened 6 years ago

gomker commented 6 years ago

I have tried several variations and cannot seem to set the TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS of a resource on a part

Part config

        name = TweakScale
        type = armor


        name = Armor
        amount = 500
        maxAmount = 1000

TweakScale Config

        name = armor
        freeScale = true
        defaultScale = 100
        suffix = %
        scaleFactors   = 10, 50, 100,  200, 400
        incrementSlide =  1,  1,   2,    5
        TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { armor = -1 }

        name = BD4x1panelArmor //part name

            amount = -1
            maxAmount = -1      

Ultimately I would like to ignore the scaling of this resource as it translates to thickness in mm Realistically it should not go past 1000 as that would be 1 meter thick.