Closed ErinCall closed 4 years ago
I ran this with a fixture chart (the helm chart for helm's chartmuseum), and it looks good!
With a valid chart and debug: true
§ drone exec -include lint
[lint:0] calling *run.Lint.Prepare (step 0)
[lint:1] Generated command: '/usr/bin/helm --namespace erincall --debug lint ./'
[lint:2] calling *run.Lint.Execute (step 0)
[lint:3] ==> Linting ./
[lint:5] 1 chart(s) linted, 0 chart(s) failed
With an invalid chart and debug: true
§ drone exec -include lint
[lint:0] calling *run.Lint.Prepare (step 0)
[lint:1] Generated command: '/usr/bin/helm --namespace erincall --debug lint ./'
[lint:2] calling *run.Lint.Execute (step 0)
[lint:3] ==> Linting ./
[lint:4] [ERROR] templates/: template: chartmuseum/templates/pvc.yaml:24:55: executing "chartmuseum/templates/pvc.yaml" at <.Values.persistence.pv.enabled>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.enabled
[lint:6] Error: 1 chart(s) linted, 1 chart(s) failed
[lint:7] helm.go:76: [debug] 1 chart(s) linted, 1 chart(s) failed
[lint:8] main.newLintCmd.func1
[lint:9] /home/circleci/
[lint:11] /go/pkg/mod/
[lint:13] /go/pkg/mod/
[lint:15] /go/pkg/mod/
[lint:16] main.main
[lint:17] /home/circleci/
[lint:18] runtime.main
[lint:19] /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:203
[lint:20] runtime.goexit
[lint:21] /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1357
[lint:22] in execution step 0: exit status 12019/12/19 10:03:48 lint : exit code 1
With an invalid chart and debug: false
§ drone exec -include lint
[lint:0] ==> Linting ./
[lint:1] [ERROR] templates/: template: chartmuseum/templates/pvc.yaml:24:55: executing "chartmuseum/templates/pvc.yaml" at <.Values.persistence.pv.enabled>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.enabled
[lint:3] Error: 1 chart(s) linted, 1 chart(s) failed
2019/12/19 10:04:19 lint : exit code 1
Fixes #3.
I think this is code-complete, but I'm marking the PR a draft until I've had a chance to test it with a real drone job and helm chart.