pelya / commandergenius

Port of SDL library and several games to the Android OS.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Help on how to emulate windows using android activities #128

Open zhangfuwen opened 3 years ago

zhangfuwen commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am trying to emulate linux windows using android activities. I am not familiar with this code and don't know where to start. Can anyone give me a clue? Yet another question, I noticed there are a lot of applications like supertux, are they necessary for building an xserver? I am thinking of remove them since building to really slow.

1000283 commented 1 year ago

Have you read readme.txt? What about tutorials?

Those apps will only be compiled if you point the src link to them in project/jni/application.

Dependencies in project/jni/application will only be included if you mention them in CompiledLibraries= of AndroidAppSettings.cfg.

foryoung2018 commented 6 months ago

@zhangfuwen 兄弟,我发现我今年做的不少事情都看到你身影:),你还在做同样的事情吗?我有参考你的一些实现,真是挺有意思的。

foryoung2018 commented 6 months ago

@zhangfuwen 我现在也在做这个需求, 我说的同样的事情是指: vnc app:我在上面实现了剪切板协议能复制中文 输入法:我参考你的输入法,实现了一个ibus输入法,能通过app转发到vncserver再到ibus实现输入中文 而这个项目实现了randr,qt程序输入达到基本可用的状态
