pelya / commandergenius

Port of SDL library and several games to the Android OS.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
540 stars 250 forks source link

black screen after resume #131

Closed 1000283 closed 3 years ago

1000283 commented 3 years ago


Thank you for your work!

This is a somewhat known issue with SDL on Android and the title sums it up: I open the app, then click away from it (home screen, change to another app, whatever), then change back to my app and now all it shows is a black screen. I must kill and restart it.

Is this related to #24 ? From what I've been searching, it seems to be related with older versions of GLES.

The previous incarnation of this app does not display this behavior (and I don't have access to it). I intend to migrate to SDL2 but need this app to be stable first and supporting devices as far as KitKat.

This is my current configuration:

AppCmdline='SDL_app 1 234'
AppName="App Name"
CompiledLibraries="all the dependencies for my app listed here"
MultiABI='armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a'
RedefinedKeysGamepad="SPACE RETURN LALT LCTRL"
RedefinedKeysScreenKbNames="SPACE RETURN LALT LCTRL"

And this is my log:

// { start app

08-04 15:56:43.914 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Handling launch of ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:56:44.033 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}:,,, comp={}, dir=/data/app/
08-04 15:56:44.056 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:56:44.056 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:56:44.058 3316-3316/ I/HwCust: Constructor found for class
08-04 15:56:44.058 3316-3316/ D/HwCust: Create obj success use class
08-04 15:56:44.073 3316-3316/ V/HwPolicyFactory: : success to get AllImpl object and return....
08-04 15:56:44.080 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:56:44.080 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:56:44.081 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:56:44.081 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:56:44.089 3316-3316/ V/HwWidgetFactory: : successes to get AllImpl object and return....
08-04 15:56:44.102 3316-3316/ W/ZipFileCache: init failed when open zip file. mPath=/data/skin,,mFileNotExist=true
08-04 15:56:44.102 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: ActivityThread,callActivityOnCreate
08-04 15:56:44.115 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: Creating startup screen
08-04 15:56:44.126 3316-3316/ D/AccessibilityManager: setStateLocked: wasEnabled = false, mIsEnabled = false, wasTouchExplorationEnabled = false, mIsTouchExplorationEnabled = false, wasHighTextContrastEnabled = false, mIsHighTextContrastEnabled = false
    java.lang.Throwable: setStateLocked
        at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.setStateLocked(
        at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.tryConnectToServiceLocked(
        at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.<init>(
        at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.getInstance(
        at android.view.View.setFlags(
        at android.view.ViewGroup.initViewGroup(
        at android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(
        at android.widget.LinearLayout.<init>(
        at android.widget.LinearLayout.<init>(
        at android.widget.LinearLayout.<init>(
        at android.widget.LinearLayout.<init>(
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
08-04 15:56:44.128 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:56:44.128 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:56:44.129 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:56:44.129 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:56:44.137 3316-3316/ D/HwSensorManager: HwSensorManager version: 1.0.0
08-04 15:56:44.171 3316-3316/ I/HwCust: Constructor found for class android.widget.HwCustTextViewImpl
08-04 15:56:44.171 3316-3316/ D/HwCust: Create obj success use class android.widget.HwCustTextViewImpl
08-04 15:56:44.242 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Starting dummy service - displaying notification
08-04 15:56:44.246 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Performing resume of ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:56:44.249 3316-3316/ D/ActivityThread: ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:56:44.249 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Resume ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}} started activity: false, hideForNow: false, finished: false
08-04 15:56:44.250 3316-3316/ V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4 ,Parent =null, this$DecorView{381a9453 I.E..... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
08-04 15:56:44.256 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: initialize DisplayEventReceiver 0xb46abbb8
08-04 15:56:44.256 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: false
08-04 15:56:44.301 3316-3316/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xb474b480) (w:1280 h:1600 s:1280 f:0x1 u:0x000100)
08-04 15:56:44.304 3316-3316/ D/Atlas: Validating map...
08-04 15:56:44.309 3316-3316/ D/ViewRootImpl: hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{d7312a8,ident = 0}
08-04 15:56:44.313 3316-3316/ I/View: ssignParent(ViewParent parent) parent is: ViewRoot{d7312a8,ident = 0}
08-04 15:56:44.317 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Resuming ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}} with isForward=false
08-04 15:56:44.318 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:56:44.318 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:56:44.318 3316-3316/ V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0 ,Parent =ViewRoot{d7312a8,ident = 0}, this$DecorView{381a9453 V.E..... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
08-04 15:56:44.318 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Scheduling idle handler for ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:56:44.350 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring
08-04 15:56:44.386 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext() 0xb4494d40 initialize 0xb4586708
08-04 15:56:44.387 3316-3316/ D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand:, flags=0, startId=3
08-04 15:56:44.387 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Starting dummy service - displaying notification
08-04 15:56:44.395 3316-4350/ E/GED: Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0)
08-04 15:56:44.396 3316-4350/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
08-04 15:56:44.396 3316-4350/ D/MALI: eglCreateContext:206: [MALI] eglCreateContext display 0xb45ff180, share context 0x0 here.
08-04 15:56:44.403 3316-3316/ D/HwCust: Create obj success use class
08-04 15:56:44.415 3316-4350/ D/MALI: gles_context_new:248: Create GLES ctx 0xab01d008 successfully
08-04 15:56:44.416 3316-4350/ D/MALI: eglCreateContext:543: [MALI] eglCreateContext end. Created context 0xab00d908 here.
08-04 15:56:44.418 3316-4350/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Get enable program binary service property (1)
08-04 15:56:44.418 3316-4350/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Initializing program atlas...
08-04 15:56:44.420 3316-4350/ D/ProgramBinary/Service: BpProgramBinaryService.getFileDescriptor
08-04 15:56:44.421 3316-4350/ D/ProgramBinary/Service: BpProgramBinaryService.getProgramMapLen
08-04 15:56:44.421 3316-4350/ D/ProgramBinary/Service: BpProgramBinaryService.getProgramMapArray
08-04 15:56:44.421 3316-4350/ D/ProgramBinary/Service: BpProgramBinaryService.getProgramBinaryLen
08-04 15:56:44.421 3316-4350/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Program binary detail: Binary length is 120912, program map length is 112.
08-04 15:56:44.421 3316-4350/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Succeeded to mmap program binaries. File descriptor is 39, and path is /dev/ashmem����dz���ܶ�o׶�}��   �׶.
08-04 15:56:44.421 3316-4350/ I/OpenGLRenderer: No need to use file discriptor anymore, close fd(39).
08-04 15:56:44.422 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: TaskManager() 0xb457fde0, cpu = 4, thread = 2
08-04 15:56:44.423 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
08-04 15:56:44.426 3316-4350/ D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000
08-04 15:56:44.426 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0xb4586700)
08-04 15:56:44.443 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: Loading libraries
08-04 15:56:44.449 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: onWindowFocusChanged: true - sending onPause/onResume
08-04 15:56:44.452 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus: android.widget.FrameLayout{1f175c42 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1196,720} softInputMode=32 first=true flags=#1810500
08-04 15:56:44.452 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: START INPUT: android.widget.FrameLayout{1f175c42 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1196,720} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@71bb8a7 controlFlags=#105
08-04 15:56:44.485 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: [TaskMgr] Running thread hwuiTask1 (4383)
08-04 15:56:44.506 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4586700,w=720,h=1196)
08-04 15:56:44.514 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x2d8
08-04 15:56:44.514 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x2b8
08-04 15:56:44.514 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x1
08-04 15:56:44.514 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xb474c7e0) (w:720 h:1196 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:44.515 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.519 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x38a8
08-04 15:56:44.521 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x3848
08-04 15:56:44.521 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
08-04 15:56:44.524 3316-4350/ W/MALI: glDrawArrays:714: [MALI] glDrawArrays takes more than 5ms here. Total elapse time(us): 17819
08-04 15:56:44.525 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.529 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0xb4a0
08-04 15:56:44.532 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0xb460
08-04 15:56:44.532 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2
08-04 15:56:44.541 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.543 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4586700,w=720,h=1196)
08-04 15:56:44.554 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x29d0
08-04 15:56:44.554 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x2970
08-04 15:56:44.554 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
08-04 15:56:44.556 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.556 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xb4756380) (w:720 h:1196 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:44.556 3316-4350/ W/MALI: glDrawArrays:714: [MALI] glDrawArrays takes more than 5ms here. Total elapse time(us): 13381
08-04 15:56:44.558 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x1134
08-04 15:56:44.559 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x10d4
08-04 15:56:44.559 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
08-04 15:56:44.559 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.562 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x2ff0
08-04 15:56:44.562 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x2f90
08-04 15:56:44.562 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
08-04 15:56:44.565 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.568 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x172c
08-04 15:56:44.568 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x16cc
08-04 15:56:44.568 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
08-04 15:56:44.569 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.572 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x8da8
08-04 15:56:44.573 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x8d48
08-04 15:56:44.573 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
08-04 15:56:44.577 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.584 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x3448
08-04 15:56:44.585 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x33c8
08-04 15:56:44.585 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x4
08-04 15:56:44.586 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.590 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0xbf0
08-04 15:56:44.590 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0xbb0
08-04 15:56:44.590 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2
08-04 15:56:44.590 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.593 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x5c5d0
08-04 15:56:44.594 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x5c570
08-04 15:56:44.594 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
08-04 15:56:44.874 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.876 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x9880
08-04 15:56:44.877 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x9840
08-04 15:56:44.877 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2
08-04 15:56:44.901 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.902 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x28a0
08-04 15:56:44.902 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x2860
08-04 15:56:44.903 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2
08-04 15:56:44.906 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded lib /data/data/
08-04 15:56:44.924 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: Loading settings
08-04 15:56:44.925 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: Settings.Load(): enter
08-04 15:56:45.259 3316-3316/ I/SDL: android.os.Build.MODEL: HUAWEI CUN-L01
08-04 15:56:45.268 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: Settings.Load(): loaded settings successfully
08-04 15:56:45.269 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: old cfg version 20210205, our version 20210205
08-04 15:56:45.272 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loading library application
08-04 15:56:45.276 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x108b0c
08-04 15:56:45.278 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x13de9c
08-04 15:56:45.278 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x4
08-04 15:56:45.287 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: START INPUT: android.widget.Button{33b14ac7 VFED..C. .F...... 0,0-1196,96} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@36a9233e controlFlags=#100
08-04 15:56:45.288 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4586700,w=720,h=1196)
08-04 15:56:45.384 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded library /data/data/
08-04 15:56:45.384 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xb4756e20) (w:720 h:1196 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:45.384 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loading library sdl_main
08-04 15:56:45.385 3316-4350/ W/MALI: glDrawArrays:714: [MALI] glDrawArrays takes more than 5ms here. Total elapse time(us): 96958
08-04 15:56:45.385 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x460
08-04 15:56:45.385 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x440
08-04 15:56:45.385 3316-4349/ W/linker: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x1
08-04 15:56:45.386 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: loaded library /data/data/
08-04 15:56:45.386 3316-4349/ V/SDL: libSDL: loaded all libraries
08-04 15:56:45.386 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: 3000-msec timeout in startup screen
08-04 15:56:45.389 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4586700,w=720,h=1196)
08-04 15:56:45.453 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4586700,w=720,h=1196)
08-04 15:56:48.387 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: Timeout reached in startup screen, process with downloader
08-04 15:56:48.390 3316-4349/ I/SDL: libSDL: Starting data downloader
08-04 15:56:48.398 3316-3316/ D/HwCust: Create obj success use class android.widget.HwCustTextViewImpl
08-04 15:56:48.405 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: Starting downloader
08-04 15:56:48.445 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: START INPUT: android.widget.FrameLayout{1f175c42 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1196,720} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@37c19ab5 controlFlags=#100
08-04 15:56:48.446 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4586700,w=720,h=1196)
08-04 15:56:48.492 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::disconnect(this=0xb4586700,api=1)
08-04 15:56:48.492 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xb474c7e0) (w:720 h:1196 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.493 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xb4756380) (w:720 h:1196 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.493 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xb4756e20) (w:720 h:1196 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.496 3316-4350/ D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000
08-04 15:56:48.499 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4586700,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:48.500 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xb4756e20) (w:720 h:1280 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.799 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: Initializing video and SDL application
08-04 15:56:48.822 3316-3316/ D/SurfaceView: checkSurfaceViewlLogProperty get invalid command
08-04 15:56:48.836 3316-3316/ I/SDL: Device: HWCUN-L6735
08-04 15:56:48.836 3316-3316/ I/SDL: Device name: CUN-L01C704B145
08-04 15:56:48.836 3316-3316/ I/SDL: Device model: HUAWEI CUN-L01
08-04 15:56:48.836 3316-3316/ I/SDL: Device board: CUN-L01
08-04 15:56:48.844 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- onWindowVisibilityChanged, visibility = 0, this ={c0223a2 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}
08-04 15:56:48.857 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::disconnect(this=0xb4586700,api=1)
08-04 15:56:48.857 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xb4756e20) (w:720 h:1280 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.859 3316-4350/ D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000
08-04 15:56:48.859 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- setFrame, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.861 3316-3331/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 17948(453KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 17% free, 9MB/11MB, paused 5.984ms total 32.310ms
08-04 15:56:48.862 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Main window visible region changed: 0:0:1280:720
08-04 15:56:48.863 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.863 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=true format=true size=true visible=true left=true top=true mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=false redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=true mVisible=false mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.872 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.881 3316-4501/ V/SurfaceView: this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720} got resized: w=1280 h=720, cur w=-1 h=-1
08-04 15:56:48.883 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.883 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Callback --> surfaceCreated, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.883 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceCreated callback +, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.883 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceCreated callback -, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.884 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=1280 h=720, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.884 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback +, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.885 3316-3316/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::onWindowResize(): 1280x720
08-04 15:56:48.886 3316-3316/ D/SDL: libSDL: DemoRenderer.onWindowResize(): 1280x720
08-04 15:56:48.886 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback -, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.886 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.886 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.886 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::EglHelper::start(): creating GL context
08-04 15:56:48.889 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.890 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Punch a hole(dispatchDraw), w = 1280, h = 720, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.891 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb4585900,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:48.892 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xb4756e20) (w:720 h:1280 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.896 3316-4547/ V/SDL: Desired GL config: R5G6B5A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type GLES
08-04 15:56:48.896 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 0: R5G6B5A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 0 (0,0,0,0,0)
08-04 15:56:48.897 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 1: R5G6B5A0 depth 24 stencil 0 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 1 (0,0,1,1,1)
08-04 15:56:48.897 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 2: R5G6B5A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 2 (0,0,1,2,2)
08-04 15:56:48.897 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 3: R5G6B5A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 2 (0,0,1,2,2)
08-04 15:56:48.897 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 4: R8G8B8A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 8 (8,8,8,8,8)
08-04 15:56:48.897 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 5: R8G8B8A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 10 (8,8,9,10,10)
08-04 15:56:48.897 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 6: R8G8B8A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 10 (8,8,9,10,10)
08-04 15:56:48.897 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 7: R8G8B8A8 depth 0 stencil 0 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 9 (8,9,9,9,9)
08-04 15:56:48.898 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 8: R8G8B8A8 depth 24 stencil 0 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 10 (8,9,10,10,10)
08-04 15:56:48.898 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 9: R8G8B8A8 depth 24 stencil 8 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 11 (8,9,10,11,11)
08-04 15:56:48.899 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GL config 10: R8G8B8A8 depth 24 stencil 8 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 11 (8,9,10,11,11)
08-04 15:56:48.899 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::EGLConfigChooser::chooseConfig(): selected 0: R5G6B5A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 69 (GLES GLES2) caveat none nr 0 pos 0 (0,0,0,0,0)
08-04 15:56:48.901 3316-4547/ D/MALI: eglCreateContext:206: [MALI] eglCreateContext display 0xb45ff180, share context 0x0 here.
08-04 15:56:48.926 3316-4547/ W/MALI: gles_context_new:222: [MALI]ctx init(phase:0) takes more than 20ms here. Elapse time(us): 24284
08-04 15:56:48.927 3316-4547/ D/MALI: gles_context_new:248: Create GLES ctx 0x92c03008 successfully
08-04 15:56:48.927 3316-4547/ D/MALI: eglCreateContext:543: [MALI] eglCreateContext end. Created context 0xab1bd5e0 here.
08-04 15:56:48.927 3316-4547/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::EglHelper::createSurface(): creating GL context
08-04 15:56:48.928 3316-4547/ D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000
08-04 15:56:48.928 3316-4547/ I/SDL: libSDL: DemoRenderer.onSurfaceCreated(): paused false mFirstTimeStart true
08-04 15:56:48.928 3316-4547/ I/SDL: libSDL: DemoRenderer.onSurfaceChanged(): paused false mFirstTimeStart false w 1280 h 720
08-04 15:56:48.930 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: START INPUT:{c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@1ccc5169 controlFlags=#100
08-04 15:56:48.939 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- UPDATE_WINDOW_MSG, this = Handler (android.view.SurfaceView$1) {2402d7ee}
08-04 15:56:48.939 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=true mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.939 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.943 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.943 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.943 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.943 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: Physical screen resolution is 1280x720 43Ratio 0
08-04 15:56:48.944 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:48.945 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:56:48.945 3316-4547/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xab139660) (w:720 h:1280 s:736 f:0x4 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.948 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:48.949 3316-4547/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xab139700) (w:720 h:1280 s:736 f:0x4 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:48.952 3316-4547/ I/SDL: libSDL: setting envvar LANGUAGE to 'en_US'
08-04 15:56:48.966 3316-4547/ D/SDL: libSDL: Is running on OUYA: false
08-04 15:56:48.982 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: Changing curdir to "/storage/sdcard1/Android/data/"
08-04 15:56:48.983 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: Calling SDL_main("SDL_app 1 234")
08-04 15:56:48.983 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: param 0 = "SDL_app"
08-04 15:56:48.983 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: param 1 = "1"
08-04 15:56:48.983 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: param 2 = "234"
08-04 15:56:48.995 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: APP_PATH ("SDL_app")
08-04 15:56:49.152 3316-4547/ I/libMyApp: ------------ App start -------------

    a lot of app logging interwined with the following

08-04 15:56:49.927 3316-4547/ I/Device:: PORT CLEAN_CHARS, 0
08-04 15:56:49.927 3316-4547/ I/Device:: PORT UPSIDE_DOWN, 0
08-04 15:56:50.633 3316-4547/ V/libSDL: calling SDL_SetVideoMode(1280, 800, 16, 16)
08-04 15:56:50.633 3316-4547/ I/libSDL: SDL_SetVideoMode(): application requested mode 1280x800 OpenGL 0 HW 0 BPP 16
08-04 15:56:50.634 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Setting the swap interval is not supported
08-04 15:56:50.634 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Getting the swap interval is not supported
08-04 15:56:50.634 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: GL_GetAttribute not supported
08-04 15:56:50.639 3316-4547/ V/libSDL: SDL_SetVideoMode(): Requested mode: 1280x800x16, obtained mode 1280x800x16
08-04 15:56:50.639 3316-4547/ V/libSDL: SDL_SetVideoMode(): returning surface 0x92ec78c0
08-04 15:56:50.640 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_RWFromFile(): No file or no mode specified
08-04 15:56:50.640 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_RWFromFile(): No file or no mode specified
08-04 15:56:53.002 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1107.png
08-04 15:56:53.207 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.209 3316-4547/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0x92eee100) (w:720 h:1280 s:736 f:0x4 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:56:53.318 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.399 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file1.png
08-04 15:56:53.401 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file2.png
08-04 15:56:53.404 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file3.png
08-04 15:56:53.406 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file4.png
08-04 15:56:53.419 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.510 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:53.511 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:53.511 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:53.514 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Error reading from datastream
08-04 15:56:53.515 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Error reading the PNG file.
08-04 15:56:53.517 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1020.png
08-04 15:56:53.520 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1055.png
08-04 15:56:53.524 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.550 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.628 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1020.png
08-04 15:56:53.689 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.707 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.809 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:53.809 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:53.809 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:53.951 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1020.png
08-04 15:56:53.961 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Error reading from datastream
08-04 15:56:53.961 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Error reading the PNG file.
08-04 15:56:53.970 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:53.988 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.033 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file1.png
08-04 15:56:54.039 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file2.png
08-04 15:56:54.041 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file3.png
08-04 15:56:54.047 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.063 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.129 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.129 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.130 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.312 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.312 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.312 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.324 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1093.png
08-04 15:56:54.336 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.354 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.428 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.428 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.428 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.428 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.509 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.510 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.510 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.547 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file1.png
08-04 15:56:54.549 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file2.png
08-04 15:56:54.556 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/file3.png
08-04 15:56:54.601 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Error reading from datastream
08-04 15:56:54.601 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Error reading the PNG file.
08-04 15:56:54.611 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1078.png
08-04 15:56:54.613 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1077.png
08-04 15:56:54.622 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: Couldn't open ./sdl_assets/1152.png
08-04 15:56:54.645 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.662 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.716 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.716 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.716 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.723 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:54.725 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.836 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.853 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.869 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.885 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:54.915 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.024 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.058 3316-4547/ E/libSDL: ERROR: SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface
08-04 15:56:55.060 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.222 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.237 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.245 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.253 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.268 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.285 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.329 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.345 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.352 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.367 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.375 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.382 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.400 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.415 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:56:55.437 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)

// } start app

// { slide top bar and tap home screen

08-04 15:57:15.799 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:57:15.799 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:57:15.826 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 15:57:15.826 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 15:57:15.829 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 15:57:15.829 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 15:57:16.813 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: DemoGLSurfaceView.onPause(): mRenderer.mGlSurfaceCreated true mRenderer.mPaused false
08-04 15:57:16.813 3316-3316/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::onPause()
08-04 15:57:16.815 3316-3316/ I/libSDL: OpenGL context lost - sending SDL_ACTIVEEVENT
08-04 15:57:16.816 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: stopping accelerometer/gyroscope/orientation
08-04 15:57:16.821 3316-3316/ D/ActivityThread: ACT-AM_ON_PAUSE_CALLED ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:57:16.996 3316-3333/ V/SurfaceView: this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720} got resized: w=1280 h=720, cur w=-1 h=-1
08-04 15:57:17.013 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: onWindowFocusChanged: false - sending onPause/onResume
08-04 15:57:17.013 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: DemoGLSurfaceView.onPause(): mRenderer.mGlSurfaceCreated true mRenderer.mPaused true - not doing anything
08-04 15:57:17.014 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- UPDATE_WINDOW_MSG, this = Handler (android.view.SurfaceView$1) {2402d7ee}
08-04 15:57:17.014 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=true mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.014 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.017 3316-3332/ V/SurfaceView: this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720} got resized: w=1280 h=720, cur w=-1 h=-1
08-04 15:57:17.040 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.040 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Callback --> surfaceDestroyed, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.043 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceDestroyed callback +, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.043 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceDestroyed callback -, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.043 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.044 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.044 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- onWindowVisibilityChanged, visibility = 8, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....I. 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.045 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=true left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=true mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=false, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....I. 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.045 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....I. 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.050 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=false, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....I. 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.050 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....I. 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.051 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....I. 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:17.112 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 0)
08-04 15:57:17.113 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::disconnect(this=0xb4585900,api=1)
08-04 15:57:17.113 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: unregister, handle(0xb4756e20) (w:720 h:1280 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
08-04 15:57:17.114 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 0)
08-04 15:57:17.129 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- setFrame, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.129 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=true visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=false redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=true mVisible=false mRequestedVisible=false, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.129 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.133 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=false, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.134 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1280, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.141 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Main window visible region changed: 0:0:720:1280
08-04 15:57:17.142 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.142 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- UPDATE_WINDOW_MSG, this = Handler (android.view.SurfaceView$1) {2402d7ee}
08-04 15:57:17.150 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- setFrame, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.150 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Main window visible region changed: 0:0:720:1280
08-04 15:57:17.150 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1280}
08-04 15:57:17.464 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- setFrame, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.464 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=true visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=false redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=true mVisible=false mRequestedVisible=false, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.465 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.469 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=false, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1184), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.469 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1184, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1184), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.470 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Main window visible region changed: 0:50:720:1134
08-04 15:57:17.470 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.481 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.518 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Finishing stop of ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}: show=false
08-04 15:57:17.522 3316-3316/ V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4 ,Parent =ViewRoot{d7312a8,ident = 0}, this$DecorView{381a9453 I.E..... R.....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:17.523 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 1)
08-04 15:57:17.523 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: [TaskMgr] 0xb457fde0 stop
08-04 15:57:17.524 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: [TaskMgr] Exit thread hwuiTask1 (4383)
08-04 15:57:17.526 3316-4350/ W/libutils.threads: Thread (this=0xb46af0a0): getTid() is undefined before run()
08-04 15:57:17.526 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: [TaskMgr] Exit thread hwuiTask2 (-1)
08-04 15:57:17.526 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: PathCache::clear count = 0
08-04 15:57:17.529 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}

// } slide top bar and tap home screen

// { navigate to app drawer and tap on my app

08-04 15:57:35.945 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.297 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- onWindowVisibilityChanged, visibility = 4, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.297 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 0)
08-04 15:57:37.297 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 0)
08-04 15:57:37.341 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.375 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Performing resume of ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:57:37.386 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: DemoGLSurfaceView.onResume(): mRenderer.mGlSurfaceCreated true mRenderer.mPaused true
08-04 15:57:37.386 3316-3316/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::onResume()
08-04 15:57:37.389 3316-3332/ V/SurfaceView: this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184} got resized: w=720 h=1184, cur w=-1 h=-1
08-04 15:57:37.424 3316-3316/ I/libSDL: OpenGL context recreated, sending SDL_ACTIVEEVENT
08-04 15:57:37.428 3316-3316/ D/ActivityThread: ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:57:37.428 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 15:57:37.428 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Resume ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}} started activity: false, hideForNow: false, finished: false
08-04 15:57:37.428 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 15:57:37.428 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Resuming ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}} with isForward=false
08-04 15:57:37.429 3316-3316/ V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0 ,Parent =ViewRoot{d7312a8,ident = 0}, this$DecorView{381a9453 V.E..... R.....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.429 3316-3316/ V/ActivityThread: Scheduling idle handler for ActivityRecord{3323cb30 token=android.os.BinderProxy@54653a9 {}}
08-04 15:57:37.429 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- onWindowVisibilityChanged, visibility = 0, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.430 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=true left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=false redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=false mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.430 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.437 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1184), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.437 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Callback --> surfaceCreated, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.437 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceCreated callback +, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.437 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceCreated callback -, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.437 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=720 h=1184, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.437 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback +, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.437 3316-3316/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::onWindowResize(): 720x1184
08-04 15:57:37.442 3316-3316/ D/SDL: libSDL: DemoRenderer.onWindowResize(): 720x1184
08-04 15:57:37.442 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback -, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.443 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1184, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1184), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-720,1184}
08-04 15:57:37.461 3316-4350/ D/OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext() 0xb4494d40 initialize 0xb458bb08
08-04 15:57:37.462 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- setFrame, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.462 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=true visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=true mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.462 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.464 3316-4350/ D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000
08-04 15:57:37.464 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::allocateBuffers(this=0xb458bb00)
08-04 15:57:37.470 3316-3332/ V/SurfaceView: this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720} got resized: w=1280 h=720, cur w=-1 h=-1
08-04 15:57:37.477 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.478 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=1280 h=720, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.478 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback +, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.478 3316-3316/ V/SDL: GLSurfaceView_SDL::onWindowResize(): 1280x720
08-04 15:57:37.479 3316-3316/ D/SDL: libSDL: DemoRenderer.onWindowResize(): 1280x720
08-04 15:57:37.479 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback -, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.479 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.479 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.485 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.490 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Main window visible region changed: 0:0:1280:720
08-04 15:57:37.490 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.490 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=true mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.490 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.496 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.496 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.496 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.497 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.497 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: onWindowFocusChanged: true - sending onPause/onResume
08-04 15:57:37.497 3316-3316/ I/SDL: libSDL: DemoGLSurfaceView.onResume(): mRenderer.mGlSurfaceCreated true mRenderer.mPaused false - not doing anything
08-04 15:57:37.499 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus:{c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720} softInputMode=32 first=true flags=#1810500
08-04 15:57:37.499 3316-3316/ V/InputMethodManager: START INPUT:{c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@609f6c6 controlFlags=#105
08-04 15:57:37.500 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- UPDATE_WINDOW_MSG, this = Handler (android.view.SurfaceView$1) {2402d7ee}
08-04 15:57:37.501 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.501 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.507 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.507 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.507 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.508 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.508 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- setFrame, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.509 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.509 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.514 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.514 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.514 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.514 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.515 3316-3316/ V/SDL: Main window visible region changed: 0:0:1280:720
08-04 15:57:37.515 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.515 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.515 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x3510b833, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.520 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ab027f0, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.520 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.520 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.522 3316-3316/ V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=1280 h=720, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720), this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F....ID 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.522 3316-3316/ I/SurfaceView: Punch a hole(dispatchDraw), w = 1280, h = 720, this ={c0223a2 VFE..... .F...... 0,0-1280,720}
08-04 15:57:37.523 3316-4350/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458bb00,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 15:57:37.527 3316-4350/ D/GraphicBuffer: register, handle(0xb4756e20) (w:720 h:1280 s:720 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)

// } navigate to app drawer and tap on my app

// { tap the black screen

08-04 16:06:50.107 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 16:06:50.107 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 16:06:50.113 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: FeatureProxyBase class constructor
08-04 16:06:50.113 3316-3316/ D/FeatureProxyBase: getService(), serviceName = multiwindow_service_v1
08-04 16:06:50.128 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 16:06:50.128 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 16:06:50.139 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 16:06:50.139 3316-3316/ V/SettingsInterface:  from settings cache , name = ***** , value = null
08-04 16:06:50.144 3316-3316/ I/SDL: AutoDetectTouchInput: hoverTouchDistance 0.0 threshold 360 hover false fingerHover false
08-04 16:06:50.171 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 16:06:50.171 3316-4547/ E/MALI: get_target_buffer:967: winsysp_window_buffer_get failed 12299
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #00 pc 0000d125  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android9CallStackC2EPKci+36)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #01 pc 00ee4a41  /system/lib/egl/ (MtkMali_DumpCallStack+16)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #02 pc 00231aa4  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #03 pc 00470ae8  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #04 pc 0047110c  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #05 pc 0048e9fc  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #06 pc 0048eab4  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #07 pc 0048ec44  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #08 pc 0048565c  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #09 pc 0047b770  /system/lib/egl/ (glDrawTexiOES+80)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #10 pc 0004b1b1  /data/app/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #11 pc 00052389  /data/app/ (SDL_RenderCopy+548)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #12 pc 00045ad5  /data/app/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #13 pc 00046293  /data/app/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #14 pc 0003808b  /data/app/ (SDL_UpdateRects+646)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #15 pc 0047c71d  /data/app/ (8)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #16 pc 00473a23  /data/app/ (7)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #17 pc 00484a5d  /data/app/ (6)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #18 pc 00495691  /data/app/ (5)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #19 pc 0049ba15  /data/app/ (4)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #20 pc 0049e4b7  /data/app/ (3)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #21 pc 004ae52b  /data/app/ (2)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #22 pc 002cdd3f  /data/app/ (SDL_main+14602)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #23 pc 00000dc5  /data/app/ (Java_com_my_app_DemoRenderer_nativeInit+932)
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #24 pc 001aa8fb  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: eglp_window_next_render_target:389: get_window_target_buffer failed 12299
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: eglp_first_operation_cb:350: eglp_window_next_render_target err=2
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ D/MALI: eglp_first_operation_cb:359: err = 2
    , surf=0xab29f4a0
08-04 16:06:50.424 3316-4547/ E/MALI: gles_state_set_error_internal:56: GLES ctx: 0x92c03008, error code:0x505
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #00 pc 0000d125  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android9CallStackC2EPKci+36)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #01 pc 00ee4a41  /system/lib/egl/ (MtkMali_DumpCallStack+16)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #02 pc 004b7ba0  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #03 pc 0048ea38  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #04 pc 0048eab4  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #05 pc 0048ec44  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #06 pc 0048565c  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #07 pc 0047b770  /system/lib/egl/ (glDrawTexiOES+80)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #08 pc 0004b1b1  /data/app/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #09 pc 00052389  /data/app/ (SDL_RenderCopy+548)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #10 pc 00045ad5  /data/app/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #11 pc 00046293  /data/app/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #12 pc 0003808b  /data/app/ (SDL_UpdateRects+646)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #13 pc 0047c71d  /data/app/ (8)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #14 pc 00473a23  /data/app/ (7)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #15 pc 00484a5d  /data/app/ (6)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #16 pc 00495691  /data/app/ (5)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #17 pc 0049ba15  /data/app/ (4)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #18 pc 0049e4b7  /data/app/ (3)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #19 pc 004ae52b  /data/app/ (2)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #20 pc 002cdd3f  /data/app/ (SDL_main+14602)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #21 pc 00000dc5  /data/app/ (Java_com_my_app_DemoRenderer_nativeInit+932)
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #22 pc 001aa8fb  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
08-04 16:06:50.499 3316-4547/ D/MALI: gles_state_set_error_internal:57: GLES error info:failed to allocate CPU memory
08-04 16:06:50.501 3316-4547/ D/Surface: Surface::setBuffersDimensions(this=0xb458b400,w=720,h=1280)
08-04 16:06:50.501 3316-4547/ E/MALI: get_target_buffer:967: winsysp_window_buffer_get failed 12299
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #00 pc 0000d125  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android9CallStackC2EPKci+36)
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #01 pc 00ee4a41  /system/lib/egl/ (MtkMali_DumpCallStack+16)
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #02 pc 00231aa4  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #03 pc 00470ae8  /system/lib/egl/
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #04 pc 00471c00  /system/lib/egl/ (eglSwapBuffers+1460)
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #05 pc 0001233b  /system/lib/ (eglSwapBuffers+290)
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #06 pc 00065d6b  /system/lib/
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: #07 pc 0089b877  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat
08-04 16:06:50.531 3316-4547/ D/MALI: eglp_window_next_render_target:389: get_window_target_buffer failed 12299

// } tap the black screen
1000283 commented 3 years ago

I see there's a whole section about this in the readme, the reason for me asking is that the previous version of this app works without black screen problems (and this repo's code changes remained in someone else's computer who is now gone).

This is a C+ program that uses this repo as a SDL 1.2 wrapper for Android 4.0 (or later as of now).

While looking into missing SDL events in the code I added SDL_APPACTIVE but won't compile because its value is 4, just like SDL_MOUSEMOTION. It's SDL_ACTIVEEVENT, but the result is still a black screen.

I no longer know which version of the sdl_android branch I am using at the moment (at one point I tried modules and merging and forking and whatever it all became the same repo) Branch SDL-1.2 from a few months ago is working, minus the black screen issue. I tried using the latest version commit c470f34 from june 10th of sdl_android branch, but it causes a crash on startup.

2021-08-06 14:45:16.778 27247-27302/ W/ 0xebadde09 skipped times: 0

    --------- beginning of crash
2021-08-06 14:45:16.778 27247-27302/ A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x48 in tid 27302 (SDLVideoThread), pid 27247 (
2021-08-06 14:45:16.852 27309-27309/? E/crash_dump64: unknown process state: t
2021-08-06 14:45:16.885 27309-27309/? I/crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
2021-08-06 14:45:16.887 3884-3884/? I//system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 27302
2021-08-06 14:45:16.888 27309-27309/? I/crash_dump64: performing dump of process 27247 (target tid = 27302)
2021-08-06 14:45:16.914 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
2021-08-06 14:45:16.915 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a20eeea/a20e:10/QP1A.190711.020/A202FXXS3BUC1:user/release-keys'
2021-08-06 14:45:16.915 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: Revision: '3'
2021-08-06 14:45:16.915 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: ABI: 'arm64'
2021-08-06 14:45:16.917 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: Timestamp: 2021-08-06 14:45:16+0100
2021-08-06 14:45:16.917 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: pid: 27247, tid: 27302, name: SDLVideoThread  >>> <<<
2021-08-06 14:45:16.917 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: uid: 10226
2021-08-06 14:45:16.917 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x48
2021-08-06 14:45:16.917 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: Cause: null pointer dereference
2021-08-06 14:45:16.917 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x0  0000000000000000  x1  00000076a761e1e0  x2  0000000000000001  x3  000000000000006d
2021-08-06 14:45:16.917 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x4  0000000000000021  x5  4c4f505362696cff  x6  0000000000000080  x7  8000000000000000
2021-08-06 14:45:16.918 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x8  0000000000000000  x9  0000000000000001  x10 00000076a785f670  x11 0101010101010101
2021-08-06 14:45:16.918 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x12 0101010101010101  x13 0000000000000003  x14 0000000000000000  x15 00000e16853ae86a
2021-08-06 14:45:16.918 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x16 00000076a782f978  x17 00000076a70aa7c0  x18 00000076b99f2000  x19 0000000000000000
2021-08-06 14:45:16.918 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x20 00000076a78664d8  x21 00000076a786666c  x22 00000076a7860f78  x23 00000076a7862b58
2021-08-06 14:45:16.918 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x24 00000076a7863cb8  x25 00000076a784c9e0  x26 00000076a785f670  x27 00000076a7860d7b
2021-08-06 14:45:16.918 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     x28 00000076a7860d69  x29 00000076cfdf9da0
2021-08-06 14:45:16.918 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:     sp  00000076cfdf6d30  lr  00000076a6f9dee8  pc  00000076a70aa7cc
2021-08-06 14:45:17.016 3730-3730/? E/audit: type=1400 audit(1628257517.013:12733): avc:  denied  { search } for  pid=27309 comm="crash_dump64" name="files" dev="sdcardfs" ino=590544 scontext=u:r:crash_dump:s0:c226,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-A202F_10_0025 audit_filtered
2021-08-06 14:45:17.016 3730-3730/? E/audit: type=1300 audit(1628257517.013:12733): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7a2a00bee0 a2=80000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=1 pid=27309 auid=4294967295 uid=10226 gid=10226 euid=10226 suid=10226 fsuid=10226 egid=10226 sgid=10226 fsgid=10226 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="crash_dump64" exe="/system/bin/crash_dump64" subj=u:r:crash_dump:s0:c226,c256,c512,c768 key=(null)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.016 3730-3730/? E/audit: type=1327 audit(1628257517.013:12733): proctitle=63726173685F64756D7036340032373330320032373330360031
2021-08-06 14:45:17.029 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:
2021-08-06 14:45:17.029 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #00 pc 00000000005187cc  /data/app/ (SalesTerminal::GetCashDroID()+12) (BuildId: a71f87a81cfb9f0950c85f2d56ba0f93c9fd35eb)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.029 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #01 pc 000000000040bee4  /data/app/ (SDL_main+13088) (BuildId: a71f87a81cfb9f0950c85f2d56ba0f93c9fd35eb)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.029 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #02 pc 000000000000139c  /data/app/ (Java_com_my_app_DemoRenderer_nativeInit+1476) (BuildId: 09b44de05b9bbc672bd171ec5af144b428dd75cd)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.029 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #03 pc 0000000000140350  /apex/ (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+144) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.029 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #04 pc 0000000000137334  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_stub+548) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #05 pc 000000000014606c  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+244) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #06 pc 00000000002e0b00  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+384) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #07 pc 00000000002dbde0  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+912) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #08 pc 000000000059caf8  /apex/ (MterpInvokeDirect+400) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #09 pc 0000000000131914  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_direct+20) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #10 pc 000000000013eeaa  [anon:dalvik-classes.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/] (
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #11 pc 000000000059aa68  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1432) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #12 pc 0000000000131814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #13 pc 0000000000141dc0  [anon:dalvik-classes.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/] ($
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 3730-3730/? E/audit: type=1400 audit(1628257517.029:12734): avc:  denied  { search } for  pid=27309 comm="crash_dump64" name="files" dev="sdcardfs" ino=590544 scontext=u:r:crash_dump:s0:c226,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-A202F_10_0025 audit_filtered
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #14 pc 00000000002b174c  /apex/ (_ZN3art11interpreterL7ExecuteEPNS_6ThreadERKNS_20CodeItemDataAccessorERNS_11ShadowFrameENS_6JValueEbb.llvm.7142318256121416140+240) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #15 pc 000000000058bd60  /apex/ (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1012) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #16 pc 0000000000140468  /apex/ (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+88) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #17 pc 0000000000137334  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_stub+548) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #18 pc 000000000014606c  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+244) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #19 pc 00000000004abd50  /apex/ (art::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::(anonymous namespace)::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+104) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #20 pc 00000000004acde4  /apex/ (art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue const*)+416) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.030 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #21 pc 00000000004ed178  /apex/ (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+1176) (BuildId: 7b0658dc01b87bd6827d9d45c9d1cea4)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.031 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #22 pc 00000000000e28c0  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36) (BuildId: ecce0f8f6d05a6808531d834fd5e2b07)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.031 27309-27309/? A/DEBUG:       #23 pc 000000000008503c  /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: ecce0f8f6d05a6808531d834fd5e2b07)
2021-08-06 14:45:17.591 3884-3884/? E//system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_09

I can't even see the stack trace all the way to my app and have no permissions to snatch toombstones.

1000283 commented 3 years ago

Solved it with CompatibilityHacksForceScreenUpdate=y.