pelya / commandergenius

Port of SDL library and several games to the Android OS.
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Display problem - web browser page content is invisible in iceweasel/firefox-esr #81

Open compute-e opened 6 years ago

compute-e commented 6 years ago

Your Android / Fire OS app GIMP Inkscape is very useful and works well with the two GNU/Linux
image editors installed by default - and I liked it enough to write about it in a small blog post.
However, I couldn't get the recommended iceweasel (firefox-esr) web browser to work on it,
after following the instructions from your Google Play Store page for Debian noroot:

If you want to use web browser, open Terminal and run command
sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install iceweasel

The application starts normally, connecting to the internet but after loading any website, the content
of this page is invisible (a blank page is shown but some things work like clicking a hyperlink).
This could be is a problem with WebKit or the XServer XSDL display part of your app.

I have version of the app, on Amazon Fire OS (not rooted) so my Android version
is 4.4 (KitKat) running on Linux 3.4 kernel. There's a similar problem with another GNU/Linux
package that I installed, lxterminal - most of the window content can't be seen.

Screenshot image 1 Screenshot image 2
screenshot_2017-10-31-16-23-08 screenshot_2017-10-31-16-29-32

Note: this problem report issue was originally created in your "debian-noroot" project
repository but I closed that one to move it here, where the "GIMP Inkscape" app code is.

stephanweiss commented 6 years ago

Bump I have exactly the same problem. (Sony experia z5 compact with Android 7.1.1

NeroYuki commented 6 years ago

any alternative to iceweasel, look like the developer wont do anything

rikka0w0 commented 6 years ago

Same problem here