pelya / debian-noroot

Debian running on Android, without rooting your phone
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Debian no root for visually impaireds #53

Open JanuszChmiel opened 4 years ago

JanuszChmiel commented 4 years ago

Because Proot and Xserver XSDL and its build in PUlseaudio sound server have reached The need maturity. it is possible to create single click app which would allow visually impaired users to run Orca screen reader with Debian. Based on this source code it would be even possible to run ArchLinux. Sure, with The permission of MR Rausty, The author of this comple script. I have tested yours latest XSERVER XSDL and I have been extremely pleasant thanks to its reliability, stability and thanks to refactored Pulseaudio sound server code so it work perfectly. Much more faster then while using VNC protocol. This is The reason, why I have given you 5 stars recense on GOogle Play. So I have A kind plea to you. Lets create one click app together. Visually impaired users would have The equal opportunity to run full functioning Linux distro on A top of Android OS. The opportunities are neverendless. Thanks to yours really universal library, which is capable to emulate shared memory support even on A top of Android which is not rooted, it is even possible to run much more apps then before. Many user with Basic knowledge do not have a intention to install packages themselves. They simply want to try some fully functioning and preconfigured Linux distribution. The most important are apps for working with sound, simple text editing app, Seamonkey Internet suite. I will try to understand yours source code to incorporate script to automatically install mate, Orca and other apps automatically.