Open yoshy3904 opened 2 years ago
I have the exact same issue, even when the code is just
**#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> int main()
sf::RenderWindow window;
, i get this error:
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow) Serial number of failed request: 14 Current serial number in output stream: 16
If i comment out the "sf::RenderWindow window;" it works fine, so the problem is that it cant create a window.
I have compiled a sfml application with the sfml package in the x11-repo. It should open a 200x200 px window displaying a green circle.
I have problems running the application. I set up an VNC-Server, set DISPLAY=:0, but when trying to run the application
I get the error: Error of failed request: BadMatch(invalid parameter attributes) Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow) Serial number of failed request: 14 Current serial number in output stream: 16