pelzvieh / IPv6Droid

IPv6 tunnel client for use on Android
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Use Subnet / Privacy extension #19

Closed pelzvieh closed 3 years ago

pelzvieh commented 10 years ago

Sixxs usually provides at least one subnet (/64 prefix) in addition to the tunnel endpoint address. It might be a good idea to cofigure this additionally for browsing and application use to avoid user tracking by ip. It would be nice to have this set up at tunnel connect.

Original comment by: hans-christian7

pelzvieh commented 9 years ago

Original comment by: pelzi

pelzvieh commented 9 years ago

Original comment by: pelzi

pelzvieh commented 9 years ago

This requires support by the VpnService API.

Original comment by: pelzi

pelzvieh commented 3 years ago

No longer relevant, SiXxs being closed